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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Ya !!! I knew you would find her a home. Ofners to the rescue !!!
  2. Now thats some NICE fish. Thanks for posting them.
  3. Nice haul.They make tasty little morcels.
  4. They have a new, still experimental oral vacine on the market.Generic Infection Neutralizer(GIN) Works well straight or for older patients dilutes with Versatile Oral Disease Killer Absorber(VODKA)
  5. Wayne,no one asked yet, sooooo, How long did it take to come up with that idea.I can just imagine the thought process involved. Sorry.....I'm being silly.Great idea though.
  6. Lucky bugger Best advice...don't forget your sun screen, and have a great vacation.
  7. is that one of them new fangled beers they make now that i quit ???
  9. Love Canal Bhopal India Minamata disease(in Ontario) Sydbet Tar Ponds in N.S. Chenobyl Sellafield in th UK (Windscale) Chelyabinsk Russia Mayak Nuclear plant Bikini Atolls Casle Bravo Sandoz Chemical spill Summitville mine cyanide spill kills all marine life for 17 miles Gulf Oil spill Deepwater Horizon oil spill 3 Mile Island Chalk River 1952 Goiania Brazil 1987 Idaho Falls 1961 Darlington Nuclear pland tritium released into Lake O 2009 etc etc etc etc And its only gonna keep on happening.
  10. What a handsom young man.I feel your pride in this post. thanks
  11. They gave thier lives so we could live The greatest gift that one can give. To set us free. Through mud like glue and blood like rain they pushed themselves above the pain to keep us free. On battlefields, throughout the world To this very day our flags unfurled. Yes !!!WE ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul White Nov,11,2010
  12. Be positive bud.Speedy recovery and i pray those docs are wrong.Keep us updated and i will ask my higher power to see if he can pull some strings for ya Paul
  13. did anyone in here see my remote. i put it down somewhere in here and now its gone.
  14. excellent !! I can't wait to get my 1st one.Awesome
  15. Hey BB hes got a good point there.They are becoming the most powerful country in the world finacially.At least they will never be the most feared, eh BB.
  16. popeils pocket fisherman Great gift for dad from the kids. I made my dad use his... as an adult i know what that look means now.
  17. i'm in. They will get a card from me this year for sure. I'll even out a return address on it so they can send me one next year.
  18. Great story Ryan. we oft forget the everyday civillian people who risked thier lives for our soldiers.They are just as much heroes as the soldiers themselves.
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