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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Hey !! Happy thanksgiving y'all !!!
  2. I also remember the whole familly sitting aroung the Old philco tV my dad paid 15 bucks for,watchin the Ed Sullivan show, or Red Skeltons Christmas special.Mom would bake for months before Christmas and my Bro and i would hide in the basement and eat the frozen cookies. Gram and Gramps would drive from Ottawa to NB in his 56 Ford and bring us kids all kinds a stuff.They would stay for a month and we would go toboganing on an old sled made from shipping crates Dad brought home from the Base Exchange. Gump Worsley,Eddy Shack,Rocket Richard, CBC Hoskey Nite in Canada.The Avengers, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. , Lassie, Walt Disney. TV shows were well done and always entertaining. Anyone remember Wayne and Schuster or the Smothers Brothers or Don Messers Jubilee !!! I watched them all with Pops sipping hot chocolate made the the afore mentioned powdered milk. What a life eh
  3. All i know is, I,m glad the board is back.i almost had to learn to have a conversation with the wife again.........That woulda been scarey.
  4. Oh Man !!!! Thems some real nice fishys. Love the color of the fish this time of year. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  5. Ask your neighbors to turn up the heat a bit
  6. I think you mentioned the same thing this past summer. Thats a scarey thought man.
  7. I stand corrected. Then it should be RAOID. NO?
  8. I just remembered something !!!!! POWDERED MILK !!!!!!!!!!!! Pop couldnt aford the real stuff.Still makes me gag thinking about it Made by Best-O-Milk
  9. mercman


    NOT YOU !!! i did it while sending a PM. I didnt know that SEND meant Small Explosion Now Detonates
  10. holy crap 5056 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. HEY GBW Nudge nudge wink wink. You goin next year too.
  12. Very cool !!! Congrats.She really nailed it perfectly
  13. WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY back when i was a few years younger, i remember we ate alot of macaroni and tomatoes.On pay days my mom and dad did the groceries and we would have enough money to buy bologna, and they would put some in the mac and we would all get dressed in our sunday best for sunday diner.We never missed much, but i remember hearing them trying to make ends meet with the bills after the kids were in bed.My grandfather used to send money and food for us and that embaressed my folks.Mom and dad went without alot, but we kids had everything we needed or wanted. I also remember the fear in everyones eyes during the Cuba crisis.We were in Gagetown NB at the military base, and we had to learn how to protect ourselves from possible nuclear attack.We all had gas masks and my brother and eye would scare the crap outta my sister.There was way too much fear back then.We would all line up in school for the polio shots, the small pox vaccine, the TB vacine and films showing nuclear distruction and how to hide under our desks for protection from fallout. And the cold war and communist invasion, agent orange(which took my dads life BTW) DDT, Thalidimide.I sound like Billy Joel but i lived it and its a wonder that anyone in my age bracket are as stable as we are.
  14. Hey Wayne.Not sure if you have heard of Craig Morgan.He is a country singer.He has a song out that reminds me of your daughters fight.Its called Tough.Here are the lyrics.I hope i dont offend. Lyrics to Tough : She’s in the kitchen at the crack of dawn Bacon’s on, coffee’s strong Kids running wild, taking off their clothes If she’s a nervous wreck, well it never shows Takes one to football and one to dance Hits the Y for aerobics class Drops by the bank, stops at the store Has on a smile when I walk through the door The last to go to bed, she’ll be the first one up And I thought I was tough Chorus She’s strong, pushes on, can’t slow her down She can take anything life dishes out There was a time Back before she was mine When I thought I was tough We sat there five years ago The doctors let us know, the test showed She’d have to fight to live, I broke down and cried She held me and said it’s gonna be alright She wore that wig to church Pink ribbon pinned there on her shirt No room for fear, full of faith Hands held high singing Amazing Grace Never once complained, refusing to give up And I thought I was tough Chorus She’s strong, pushes on, can’t slow her down She can take anything life dishes out There was a time Back before she was mine When I thought I was tough She’s a gentle word, the sweetest kiss A velvet touch against my skin I’ve seen her cry, I’ve seen her break But in my eyes, she’ll always be strong There was a time Back before she was mine When I thought I was tough [ Tough Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ]
  15. its my fault i PMed MikeP and when i pressed send and the whole world stopped !!! Sorry everyone
  16. I was just PMing Mike P.....pressed send and POOF sorry guys.
  17. Here we go again !!! If they produced more, then there would be a surpluss, then they would have to reduce rates. Can you see that happening anytime soon ????(wonder how long before they lock this one )
  18. Someone said the same thing when i first posted it, but i cant see that here in montreal. too far from salt water.
  19. 4124 and rising fast !!! I have 2 emails now
  20. you really are a SMARTY PANTZ aren't ya.!!!
  21. you're just gonna have to trust me on this one skeet.
  22. Good one. Never thought od that, but no, its the taste
  23. I'm not sure, but i bet its true.The great lakes and the seaway are prime sturgeon waters.I know one thing that happened to me this past summer on the St Lawerence where i fish. Drift fishing in 30 feet of water, i got a shallow depth alarm that lasted for about 5 seconds.Thought i saw a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye, but I'm not positive. So Yes, there must be some HUGE sturgeon out there.
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