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Everything posted by mercman

  1. she IS going to beat this Wayne.You just wait and see.
  2. Come on people.Lets show some support here.
  3. Mike, start by registering your domain name.handlebarzlures.com is not taken.It'll cost about 20 bucks a year to register.then you can have it hosted usually by your web provider.
  4. POLTERGEISTS maybe an old fishing buddy.
  5. excellent report!!! The liitle man seems to be enjoying himself just fine
  6. Nice report Nice to see you passing along the legacy to your son.That smile on his face says it all.
  7. so Dutchy.....Who eats the fish Dutchy Ron kinda makes me belive that YOU don't eat those fish Dutchy.....Hummm
  8. Yup....ole man winter is here.I'm at that point in the year that i want snow just to make it a bit brighter outside at nite.Fall is nice, but once the leaves are gone, then lets get it over with. SNOW dagnabit. I put up the christmas lites outside today. And, true to form, turned them all on just to spook the neighbours, who BTW, think i'm just another crazy english guy i'm always the first on the street. Snow means i can get the lawn chairs out and go sit in the yard in my winter coat and boots and giggle at the neigbours peeking through the window at me Life is grand!!!
  9. This will be the key to your success.Offer a service,to your customers that no other guide can or has ever offered. Prepare a Bussiness plan and then make an appointment with the BDC Bussiness Development Bank of Canada. http://www.bdc.ca/en/Pages/home.aspx They were very helpfull to me. Paul
  10. Manitoubass,I say GO FOR IT. It sounds like a dream of yours.I worked for 20 years in the bussiness i'm in before i had the guts to go for it myself. I knew the bussiness and the competition(Appliance parts) and i took the chance on my instinct. People(familly) said i was foolish but i did it.When i bought the company it was doing 400k per year.Six years later and i closed my last fiscal year the company did 1.1m,and i'm shipping all over Canada. So research it,sometimes you can buy an existing company or the phone number from some else who is retiring, do something unique that no one else does, and be successful.Good luck and keep us posted
  11. Ya Baby !!! Breakfast of Champs.Beats the heck outa cold pizza and beer.
  12. SWEEEETTTTT RIDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love the color Jacques. Love the Auto/Stick shifter.I have that on my Dodge Caliber R/T.Great on slippery roads. has come along way since thier brush with finacial disaster.They make a solid car.Congrats my friend. Paul
  13. This is just about the nicest thing i've ever heard I'm sure hope someone is trying to make this wish come true for you.
  14. Nice Never caught a sauger.Are they considered a Walleye just the same
  15. Nice fish your gonna get next weekend.Looks like your gonna take 5th and 7th place !!! Go the day before to prefish.You will get a really big one.Thanks in advance for posting. Sheesh....i thought i lost a week!
  16. Your a bad man....a very very bad man I'm getting lifejackets for my Lab and my Pom, and if they make them for newborns, i'll be in heaven !!!Now the dilema. What size of boat do i wish for
  17. Brian, thats a wonderful gesture.Warm soup works wonders to put a smile on a hungry face.I'm proud of you
  18. I like this one The wife is knitting scarves and mittens for the local clothing drive, and we always donate at least 5-700$ worth of food to the local food bank.
  19. Thanks Pikeslayer...Then i want a 20# baby !!!
  20. i'd like a new muskie rod and reel.I'm gonna get me a muskie next season I'm also hoping to trade my 14"er for a 16 with side console next year.The wife and i just went through IVF so looks like a bigger boat will be needed next season
  21. Freeze the beans first, then grind them in a blender.After that,grind them again in a coffer grinder set to fine esspresso.I live for good coffee, and start every day with 2 fresh homemade cappucinos. forgot to mention you will need a GOOD flat burr coffe grinder to get it fine afterit comes out of the blender.
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