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Everything posted by mercman

  1. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME !!! cripes when i was a kid, we had recorders and xylophones !!!No wonder i'm an electronic putz !!! Merry Christmas to all!!
  2. congrats !!!! You are one lucky dude. Enjoy the good life my friend and Merry Christmas to you and your lovely familly Paul
  3. ahhh Wayne, thats great news. You guys have an excellent Christmas.Nothing stronger than love from a great familly.
  4. I think head office is in Pebble Beach....
  5. nice vid.!!! hard to unhook a fish with one hand eh...
  6. dagnabit its gettin cold out here !!!!!!!!!!
  7. http://www.rense.com/general89/duct.htm Duct tape.How did we live without it
  8. no worries They all live in the SOO with Cram and his Phd
  9. i bet yer the first in yer familly to gradiate 3rd grade before the age of 21
  10. http://www.nickscipio.com/pod/2009/05/13/they-go-to-eleven/
  11. Way to go my friend.Keeping busy keeps us young !!!Thanks for sharing that. Paul
  12. ya and Cap Rouge, where they make nicnic all day long.
  13. i treid making them when i was younger, but was too stoned.
  14. Thats because you dont know how to drive Skeets !!!
  15. Hey Skeets what about Come by Chance and Dildo in newfoundland.Talk about weird names.
  16. My brother has the same problem.His is caused by a condition i cant pronounce let alone spell. What he does is put insoles that reflect the heat back to his feet, and 2 pairs of browning hunting socks.These socks help keep moisture away from the feet, he says.
  17. just remember Bobby (-----------this is not 8 inches---------)
  18. Could be i didnt install them properly i guess. Did them myself with a kit. a reall pain in the to instal, but they came out like a breeze
  19. studs give you forward traction, but very little hard braking advantage as most of the studs on the contact surface tear out during a hard braking situation.AND, when they fly out at high speeds, they can bust a windshield really quickly.
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