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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Well, we got up early, and headed out to Lancaster Ont., about an hour and a half door to door. Put in at Mac's Marina around 8AM, and headed out on Lake St Francis for Perch. As soon as we made it out onto the lake, we could see the boats on the Perch grounds. We hung back and watched, but no one was reeling up anything keepable.We decided to try about a mile up the lake and keep an eye open for other Perch 'Fleets'. We were about 1/2 a Km off shore, in 10 FOW, when BANG !!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked to my right and all i can see are rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12 to 18 inches under water Now i'm no rocket scientist, but a shoal like that, in a high trafic waterway, one would think that it would be marked with a buoy or something I never stood a chance. It went from 10 ft to 1 ft in the blink of an eye Thank god i was only going 10mph, as i was looking for structure and cover on my sonar. Now i need a new one of these. Took about an inch off the skeg too.It broke in a straight line from front to back, so i will file it and paint it until the end of the season. We were a bit shaken up, but we were able to get around, so we went back to where we saw all the boats earlier, and fished for a couple of hours.We caught lots of small ones, and the ones we did keep were real hogs. Never seen bass sized Perch before All i can say is, when you fish a new lake, or river by boat, be careful.Ask around at the marina, or local baitshop, for any dangers you may encounter on the water. I was lucky, a prop is all i lost, but it could have been worse if i had been in a bigger boat. I could reach down into the water, and touch the rocks, and there was no marker at all to warn me. Fish safe
  2. I went and its great. I saw Santa and his wee liitle elves and Rudolph Dont know how much it cost though. Mom and Dad never discussed money matters in front of us kids Just GO!! The kids will remember it for days. You will remember for years Paul
  3. Good Gawd Bob !!! You're Colonel Sanders!! Great repoert my little Yankee Buddy !!! Glad you like the survival kit.Especially those POLAR-ized sunglasses. They can really help spot those fish Barb and i look forward to meeting you and Cindy. I"d love to meet Cliff and Sue also. A G2G would be cool Tite lines Bud
  4. I just hope they will be singing for me tomorrow. I got skunked this morning, even though huge sturgeon were jumping all around the boat. What an awesome sight that was !!!
  5. I know some of you guys are in the Cornwall area, so thought maybe you could give me a heads up on what the Bass are eating, and where the LM's are hiding in the Lancaster area.I will be entering the Lake in South Lancaster at Macs Marina. Thanks
  6. Thank God you didnt get hurt worse than that. The car is material, the fish pics are pricless, and the stories you will tell, will last a lifetime
  7. The brand name is stamped on the end of the real, the 40 is stamped under the reel seat
  8. Skeets !!! Congrats to you and Kelly, and the parents of that good looking baby.You must be proud. Enjoy her, and teach her to fish.
  9. I will get a picture up later on.I have an old, very small, reel that i discovered in one of Dads old tackle boxes. It was in a hidden compartment in the bottom of the box.The box belonged to his father, my grandfather. Its a nickel plated reel with an ivory handle. It has Empire City on one side, and the number 40, stamped in the reel mount. Any idea of age, or country of origin?
  10. Congrats, and good on you for fishing for charity. Makes it even better.
  11. Cliff, i cant wait for the day we meet. I'm sure you could keep me entertained for a long time. Thanks for the chuckle
  12. Nice, but its not a hovercraft. Do that often enough, and you wouldnt have a bottom left on that boat.
  13. Great report Ryan. Your Dad looks real comfortable in that boat.
  14. Your Honor, I refuse to answer that question. I do not want to incriminate myself.
  15. Told her i had no clue, and that you guys would be able to tell me.
  16. A real eye opener Albert. Thanks
  17. Dan, a wild Racoon, will tear your boys off, faster than you can say "I just saw them a minute ago"!!! Vicious, bad temperd fur balls.
  18. Cliff !!! Sounds like BB is turning you into a Redneck !!!
  19. Geoff, did you read this before posting?
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