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Everything posted by mercman

  1. In an effort to save money, Roy, Billy Bob refuses to pay for satelite or cable TV, instead he gets his son to tape the programing and send it to him.He should be caught up to the rest of us in a couple of years.
  2. what the heck is that My reels dont have it, neither do my rods.
  3. Cant say i have had much problem with fraying braid.Mostly fading.So far,with my limited experience, i find PowerPro suits me best.I have only tried Spidewire, Powerpro and Suffix832, mind you, but Power pro seems to keep its color and appearance longer. I've been researching a purchase of a new reel for next season, and alot of the descriptions say 'Braid Ready' Does that mean that if it doesnt say 'Braid Ready', they are not suitable for use with braid? Maybe that is the problem wit the fraying, the reel is not setup for briaded line
  4. Hey you should patent that Roy Quick Release Fish Pockets. No more impromtu shedding of clothing on the water.Now, Fish can leave in the same direction they entered. Available in assorted colors and strengths, from the common Gobie Sleeve, to the more robust Big Game Gusset. Easy Retrofits to any clothing item. Order yours today P/N QRFP* 13.95 each insert fish letter in place of *
  5. I would carefully cut it with a band saw, down the length of the hook, using the hook as a guide.Remove the broken hook, and epoxi both halves back together.
  6. beautiful workmanship Chris. Must be a great feeling to step back and admire what your hands have crafted. I'd love to be on the list of lucky people who own one of your artworks someday. Thanks for sharing. Paul
  7. All i know is this. Its pretty bad if i, being the owner of a small bussiness, has to lay myself off so I can pay my employees salaries. Do you think any of the big corp heads and bank Execs will do that to save the economy???
  8. GLOVES????? just a brutal reminder of things to come Those are some clean healthy looking Eyes Simon! Great report. Paul
  9. If Heaven on earth exists, you have found it Amazing beauty.
  10. 100% in agreement here.Problem is our way of life is affected greatly by the giants, who are all around us. There is no such thing as a national economy, only a global economy.If the global economy is failing, so will ours.No way around it We have been seeing the results for the last 3 years.We are not in a recession anymore, but the economy still falters. The fear of a global economic failure cause people to spend far less than normal, and what they do spend on is calculated to the cent.Strick necessity. The only thing people are spending on, is big ticket items like cars and homes. Clothing, electronics, household appliances etc, are all suffering.Your grocery bill has increased 15% in the last 6 months, and look at gas prices. The pump price should be far less than it is. Like second hand smoke, the affects of others economies will bring our economy down with it.Its inevitable.
  11. As always, as soon as i see your name as contributor, i rush in to read your words of wisdom. Thanks Garry
  12. We all know what needs to be done, but who is willing to start the ball rolling.Protesting results in nothing but publicity, action results in change. so who jumps first? M2C
  13. I agree with you.Safety and comfort has ben vastly improved upon, but performance and economy has taken a step backwards.
  14. INSANE !!! I wonder how you discover you can do that Bungled suicide attempt
  15. It was my pleasure Bud Just happy they got there on time.Sounds like a great time was had by all Paul
  16. Ya Man !!!!! My adrenaline is pumped just reading this. Congrats, and i dont need a pic to believe ya i could tell just by your words, it was the truth.Hopefully i will be next !! Paul
  17. Thanks Bill, they are on 16in rims. They were the winter tires from my Dodge Caliber R/T,which also had 18in summer tires. 16in are so much cheaper than 18. Paul
  18. That 115HP tiller on the Ranger, makes it a bit easier to control in the wind i bet
  19. Excellent !!!! Where do i sign up ? Just keep me away from the border patrol , cause i''m living with the Brigadier General of that branch
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