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Everything posted by a.cortellessa

  1. nice fishh!!
  2. maybe i should fish for salmon? haha
  3. gotta hate when that happens. at least you caught fish though!
  4. wow, whata fish!
  5. awesome fishing trip!
  6. nothing wrong with a pike haha
  7. looks like an awesome weekend, im jeallous! congrats
  8. awesome walleye!
  9. awesome trip! nice fish!
  10. nice trout!!
  11. atta boy
  12. haha, yeah its stupid.. theres not point. just awful for you. good choice to stay away from it!
  13. looks like fun!
  14. that suckss, almost happened to me!
  15. awesome fish.. sounds like an unreal day.
  16. no smoking! haha
  17. not sure how breaking store windows proves a point...
  18. thats insane.
  19. Due to the HST?
  20. the fish finder functions without that cord? Just the temperature doesn't work?
  21. nice picnic! looks like a good time
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