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Everything posted by a.cortellessa

  1. I never knew that age had to do with the classification of the lake. I thought it just depending on depth, clarity and weed growth. Ya learn something every day!
  2. thanks for the vote!
  3. Italy crap the bed
  4. CAn't get out... not too happy
  5. Fished cooks bay on friday for pike. Caught this big bass on a husky jerk with a 12 inch steel leader while going for pike! Seemed pretty tired out. The spawn must have done it. I have other pics but the files are too big to upload apparently. Anyone have any tips to help me upload them? Thanks
  6. nice job!
  7. Awesome report! What lake were ya fishing?
  8. Welcome to the site! Keep the pics coming!
  9. Thats an awesome story! Congrats on the catch!
  10. Thanks for the encouragment guys! I'm definitely gunna take a good look at it! It sounds great! And if you got to meet other guys there and go out with them that would be awesome as well!
  11. Hey everyone, I was just looking to see everyone's opinion on what they thought was the best Kawartha lake for fishing bass and muskie? PS. How does head lake compare? Thanks
  12. Wow.. unreal muskies! So much for fish of ten thousand casts! haha
  13. Called it from the very start. It was definitely gunna be Hall.. he has way more experience. Hes won everything.
  14. Thanks for the tips Gary, thats awesome advice.
  15. welcome! I except some wicked muskie pics from you kawartha guy!
  16. im not too sure about the legality behind it. Why don't you just talk to your bank and see what they have to say?
  17. doesn't everyone??
  18. awesome pike.. sweeett wakeboarder!
  19. Rapala taildancer number 9 for walleye and husky jerks for pike, a bit bigger id say. Big bass will hit them as well.
  20. I've fished georgian bay but not for lake trout. sorry im unable to help
  21. If you're stuck on it you could always go for crappie
  22. I third the vanilla coke idea.. and the 55 pack haha
  23. Ive never seen a bighead carp before.. they sure look odd!
  24. Sounds like you should get a new mechanic... I agree with the above post, stick with a north american brand. It will be easier to get it fixed and to get parts. You can't go wrong with a Yamaha or Merc. To be honest i've never even heard of Nissan making boat motors.
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