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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. Wheres the tasty cheeks, did not see any in the skillet, unless you ate them as sushie which is ok too
  2. The Dr is right on that one as there are different species of lampreys and your no where close to any of the great lakes, only way possible would be for some fool to bring from one of the great lakes and dump into rainy
  3. There is so many variables and unknowns with that muskie, if its caught from deep water that likely contributed if not caused its demise(with the bloted belly) not been able to expell air as its brought from the depths, if that alone didnt kill the fish dragging around on a stringer most certainly did. With so much information on forums especially this one, organizations such as muskies canada, muskies inc, and books and tv shows its ashamed that this sort of disrespect to a great fish still takes place, congradulations on your reviving efforts, the clethrium bone from that fish could have gave biologist some valuable information on that particlar fish, but since its was technically still remotly breathing would be illegal to remove. There is a small lake I fish in Peterborough which is close to home, a has a population of muskies in it, the problem is it gets fished daily by guys who dont have the proper tackle to handle muskies, in one day I counted 3 dead muskies of 48 44 and a mid 30 inch fish. I have gave out 3 pairs of the canadian tire bolt cutters to people fishing on this paricular lake to try and stop this from occuring, but as they say you dont hunt grizzlys with a .22 and you souldnt be fishing for muskies with bass and walleye class tackle with a suick hanging off the end.
  4. Ill take yer rigger bows and silver chinny over a 20 pound mud shark any day well done
  5. No but it sure sounds comfortable
  6. I would go with the 2500 series dor these reasons A. larger spool means longer casts to spooky fish, also less line twisting if using mono or floro. also bigger gears and drag washers than the 1500 and will likely balance your 6.6ft rod better than the 1500 although the best way is to take your rod in and put both reels on it, and see what feels right for you
  7. Im going against the grain and would use a 10 inch Jake, which will cover more of the water column then some of the other mentioned lures, they are great twitch baits casted and can be trolled at high speeds to at least 7mph or less depth range from surface to 18ft with wire or 10 to 15 with braid and floro or hard mono, cant go wrong with perch or walleye colors.
  8. Hooks on many lures are much better than they used to be so rusting might be a thing of the past, hopefulyy the fish can still feed, and the hooks are not embeeded in both the upper and lower jaw, the bright side is ive personally had a mid 40in muskie break off and 5 minutes later jump and throw the lure back at me, ive seen salmon jump and throw lampreys 15 to 20 feet when they become attached, so hopefully the big pike will do the same
  9. Little Lake muskies have a tendancy to be on the thin side, they should bulk up by feeding on the greenwing specks and rainbows that get released through the canal below the liftlocks each year
  10. Congrads on your first musky, and your expert hold and quick release, that fish will still be around and you can catch her when shes a 50,
  11. Put it on your TV you might pick up more channels
  12. Craig hit the nail on the head, as an exterminator myself you have to eliminate food and harbourage areas first and foremost, look for burrows on your property or close by, if you are going to be using bait avoid the pellet baits as they can be stored and carried by rats and deposited in areas where kids, or non-target animals may come into contact, I would avoid warfarin myself as it is a first generation rodenticide developed in the 50s and used extensively since that time so there is resistance with that product, if using snap traps prebait the trap first until you have acceptance, as rats can be shy when something new is put in there path, once they have accepted the bait on the snap trap set the trap and remove the body as soon as possible as the remaining rats will once again be shy when they see a family member dead on the trap hope this helps pm me if you need further assistance
  13. I was wondering the same thing, pristine to me would be undiscovered or very limited pressured waters with big fish possibilities, I would assume those waters receive substantial pressures from both Ont and Quebec, although they certainly have big fish, the closest thing to pristine might be GB big fish and big water where you might not see another muskie angler because of its size
  14. Shimano Tecota LC I use both 500s and 600s, great drags nice and smoooooth and very dependable
  15. Fantastic essay Mackenzie Good Luck my votes in as well
  16. Steelhead bring out the float rods and pins boys an girls
  17. If you want it and cant find it Ben will go out of his way to find you what your lookin for when other stores not naming any names wouldnt give you the time of day top notch store with friendly knowlegable staff
  18. The silver one looks like a fall fish and are very common in the Indian river and are fantastic on the fly and can go up to 2 to 3 lbs
  19. West Arm lodge is also in the area, Subury chapter of muskies Canada had last years outing their and accomidations were great
  20. There is a launch in Keene at the bridge, which is a good one, and is sheltered by the Indian river, just head south to the lake or fish the river down to the lake, lots of Largies and panfish, the flats as you enter the river hold Bass and Walleye as well as does the flats both east and west of the river, you do not need 4 wheel drive to launch their. Launch is public no fee, farther east their is a launch at the end of Birdsall beach road, a little tighter and 4 wheel drive would help their. Their is also a launch at Hiawatha, which will put you in about the middle of the lake, and also a launch as lew said at Bewdely as well, I live on the north shore and launch at either of these 4 locations depending on which end I want to fish
  21. Bats are protected right now as they are mammels and the young feed off the mother, wait till the first week of september to do any control measures, what you can do is go out just before dusk with at least 4 to 6 people to cover the house and estimate the amount that come out of the house, and determine which exit hole has the most activity, you can do this before sept (lets call it prefishin) when sept comes around determine the amount of exterior caulk or flashing or sealing materials you will need to seal all the holes except one(which was the most active one determined from prefishin) once that is complete, you take a tube sock and cut the toe out of the end and place and secure the tube sock over the last hole, all this work can be done during the day when the bats are inside, with the tube sock secure to the last hole and hangin down, you are complete and waiting for dusk for the bats to come through the sock, once all the bats have come out, they will not be able to come back as the tube sock will hang down again and bats do not have the ability to fly back up a limp or hanging sock, you can leave the sock up for a few days to make sure they are all out, then remove the sock and fill the last hole where the sock was, bats can get through a gap the size of a pencil, you will likely see them around for a few days after try to get back in, but if you have sealed everything up they will have no way back in, for larger gaps foam backer rod which looks like the foam you use for wrapping water pipes without the hole in the middle works great, hope this helps, and yes im an exterminator for the past 28 years so you dont have to wait for the call from the exterminator and the price which will be expensive, if you encounter them in the LIVING QUARTERS of your home you can get rid of them at any time as some bats can carry rabies, but atticks flashing or exterior work must wait till the young have weaned off the females, doing it yourself will likely save you at least 800 to 1000 without even seeing your home hope this helps would have pm you but if any other people are having issues this should help
  22. Shimano Compres are the best bang for the buck, at about 120 to 135 bucks, for reels the Calcutta TE is bullet proof but been a round profile can be combersome with long hours of casting, the REVO TORO solves this by been a slim bass style reel with a wide spool, it comes with 2 handles both a power handle and a double paddle handle, offers 3 or 4 gear ratios with a 4.6:1 called the winch for casting double cowgirls or big blades to the high speed 6.4:1 for burning bucktails or takin up slack reel quick when fishing jerkbaits. Revo Toros run just about 275.00
  23. Sorry to hear of your loss, she truly was an angel always looking out for the ones she loved, and your posting shows she was truly loved as well God Bless you all John Peg and CB
  24. Keep the chinooks be nice to the bows and hos.
  25. Heard the ol heat bug the last 3 days in a row, and he or she has likely been heard daily since the heat wave started, a welcome noise in the summer, unlike Joe the Crow who sits on the lite pole outside a 6 oclock every morning and caws and caws until we wake up, must be the city version of the farmers rooster
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