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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Good job bud...And yes ,with what has been going on in your life you are doing well!!!Great job! Joe
  2. Will be great to meet some new OFNers and see some of the old one again.Last year lots of people brought stuff for the prize table for the tourney and there were some great prizes.If you have stuff that would make a good prize,bring it along. Joe
  3. After jesus(pronounced hey zoos)the rooster passed a month ago we have been contemplating getting a new rooster for our hens.jesus was a gentle rooster with a knack for coming back from the dead.He got the beatdown from a rival rooster so bad one time that he couldn't lft his head up for a couple of weeks and he nearly died.He was snatched one morning by a fox because someone forgot to lock up the coop.I found his tailfeathers spread all over the back yard and gave him up for dead.Two days later the neighbors 1/2 mile away called and asked if we were missing a rooster.Sure enough there was jesus he had no tailfeathers and was missing both spurs.He had lost his voice for a few days but he pulled thru just fine.He was dive bombed by a Red tailed hawk and carried up into the air but he managed to struggle free and fall to earth.I heard the racket and the hawk took off.jesus was fine afetr that.He finally died after 6 years on this green earth,found him under his perch.Replacing him was gonna be tough but yesterday a friend that frequents the animal shelter said that they had a rooster there for adoption."Elvis" as we call him was found on the side of the road in a small doggie crate.He must have been someones pet rooster that fell off of a pickup truck.Anyway Elvis has some big shoes to fill but he seems to get along with the ladies and the guinnie hen so here he is!! Joe
  4. Check the hull for cracks before ya buy it!!Best of luck with it bud. Joe
  5. Thanx to google I now know what a fiddlehead is....I thought us cajuns would eat anything but you Canucks are just as bad! Joe
  6. I was looking for this video a couple of weeks ago.Good clean redneck fun Joe
  7. Good stuff Chris..Beautiful pics of them overgrown minnows. Joe
  8. Tuesday night and chat is empty???what the heck,eh?
  9. Art and I will be there from sometime the week before until the Sunday.I think GCD and TJSA will be in the same cabin.If y'all want to meet some OFC legends,Roy ,TJQ,Rick O,TJSA,Lew,Spiel ,Maureen,Joey, GCD and all the rest plan on at least stopping by for a day.Saturday would be the best.You may run across some of the other OFC ers that dont post much but are always there.Crappiesteve,Big Chevy,Raf,Robin,Beans,Nanook,Deg, etc...Its a must attend event!! Joe
  10. Keep thinking that... Joe
  11. Catch a 30+ pound anything and you will have a fight on your hands.I would say that a 30+ lb Muskie would outfight a Carp of the same size.
  12. Catfish are NOT coarse fish! Joe
  13. Thanx,this was a charter trip,we had this set up since last year.We already are familiar with where the stripers run in the spring and may get our own boat again before summer.The fishery is very closely regulated after they were all but wiped out in the 70's from pollution and overfishing.The season opened up again 20 yrs ago and is in great shape!We had fresh baked striper for dinner last night and it was great!The meat is firm and the flavor is not real fishy. Joe
  14. Headed out to the bay for stripers fishing.Werent trolling 10 minutes when "fish on". After quite a long fight landed ths 37 incher..so he went back in.35 to 41 inch slot. Before anyone asks about the girl,she was the mate in the trip,she also teaches high school english.Did an amazing job keeping up to 17 lines trolling,lucky we only had one douple hook up. Next up was Pops,another solid hook up. resulting in this Arts turn,the action was pretty hot for a while.He hooked this one while his buddy landed this beauty. Here is Arts fish. . All totaled up we got 9 to the boat,3 were in the slot and 6 were kept.They ranged from 28" to 41".Evryone in on the boat got at least one to take home.Here is the party. One last shot of a watermans boat.I love the lines of these unique watercraft. What a great morning on the water.Off the water by noon. Joe
  15. Did pretty well today 9 caught 3 were in the slot but took six home.smallest was 28 inches..Largest was 41 inches..Report with pics will be up tomorrow morning or evening . Joe
  16. I have Arts phone number but I still have this pain in my @ss,funny but the PITA has the same phone number.douG,Great to bring light to an issue that bothers more people than you know. Joe
  17. At least there had better be strippers involved!Its too early to be up for anything else.Full report to follow. Joe
  18. What do you mean by that Jed??? Joe
  19. Thats great news Jack..I was looking forward to chatting with at lakair and not in the chat room... Joe
  20. Good luck and let us know how it went. Joe
  21. Bill you are correct about the blaze orange being the difference.If you are stalking an animal on public land and are not wearing orange and you get shot you are partially at fault.Spring gobbler season is prolly the most dangerous hunting season there is abut if everyone uses common sense it is very safe. Joe
  22. Wednesday chin wag in progress
  23. Those are bullheads or yellow bellies or mud cats...they dont count and a completley different animal than a channel or blue or flathead.Sorta like the differance between a rock bass and a smallmouth...just so y'all know.Great pics though. Joe
  24. Thems some kinda nice cats there.I cant believe y'all waste your time with those perch when you have cats!. Joe
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