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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. nice fish. 18 k gold walter.
  2. loop the sensor and walk away..
  3. thats pretty awesome. great read.
  4. that would be a northern pike
  5. lol thats messed up. i just looked that thing up, they look exactly like a huge piranha.
  6. GL2 and islander float reel in the humber. armani sunglasses, altho i didnt catch them really, they floated past me and i said "HEEEYYYYYYYYYY " lol
  7. last time i was there, there was people fishing, a buncha people on the beaches, cottagers launching to get to their cottages.. maybe certain area's?
  8. mike have you tried doing a complete power cycle? by this i mean turning off all things connected to the modem/router (computer(s) , then the router it self, and leaving them off for a few mins? this could also be a problem and can slow you down. looks like you are on the performance package or fibe 6. any of that sound familiar? im just going by your dl speeds. give them a call, alot of things got screwed up when they went fiber. i give them crap every week cause this is my speed unfortunately as fast as it is, it crashes on me more than a few times a day, real piss off. call them, tell them your pissed, get a discount..
  9. the last time i wandered into the bush near barrie i came across some teenagers doing some.... things.. werent fishing... lol try that in the city and your screwed, cop around every corner. lol
  10. ive camped on the river right off the highway.. lol FREEEEE! caught some really good sized pike, the walters come in at night a little bit aswell. we did a little bit of cliff diving there aswell, rather awesome little piece of heaven. btw if you catch a nokia cell its mine LOL!
  11. i think the router modem may need to get a firmware update. either that or they accidentally switched you over to a lower speed. this has happened in the past. call them up.
  12. even worse!! especially those x raps and countdowns, and those pesky jointed ones.. anyone wishing to rid them selves of these aswell im sure i and cudz will be able to remove them for you.
  13. put on a lure, reel it up to the tip. adjust the tensioner (smaller screw beside the drag) until the lure falls, then commence casting with less birds nests.
  14. great work. soffit turned out awesome!
  15. hahahaha poor guy..
  16. she's adorable. im sure she'll be netting fish for you in no time jer
  17. lol if i could sleep i would.
  18. deer fly bite, pike.
  19. holy crap your right ankles messed up! hope your takin care of that bro. get some benadryl. hope it doesnt turn into a bacterial infection.
  20. i've read somewhere before that predatory fish like pike, musky, and bass control about 10% of the duck population every year. i've personally seen pike slam into ducks but not a bass yet. when it comes to bass in general lol just play the song "hungry eyes" in your head cause if it looks interesting and their hungry it wont be alive long no matter how big.. ask fisherpete about his over achieving walleyes on musky baits lol.
  21. ROFL! can i help you dispose of the horrid things?
  22. LOL! nice! hopefully more calm days ahead and she gets out with you more often. great walter!
  23. lol tj that rock bass vids great. woulda been awesome if a pike swam by for supper. tyler great article on walters
  24. lol i'll pay for half your gas lets go! we'll wait till your thumb grows back tho
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