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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Last year, I froze them whole and just cleaned them as I used them. I learned not to wait till they are completely thawed.... gross hahaha.
  2. Whatever he's doing, he should keep doing... except getting hurt...he should do that less.
  3. Pens will destroy the Islanders in 5 or less!.The Islanders have little to no playoff experience on their team. Crosby a "hothead" haha.
  4. I received a few emails back from Ontario MPP's. Here is one response that includes meeting locations/times/dates Thank you for your recent email about the Algonquin`s of Ontario land claim. Mr. Brown appreciates hearing from constituents. Negotiations dealing with the Algonquin’s of Ontario land claim are an ongoing process and will take many years to resolve. The public’s consultation on this document is being requested. You can attend one of the following three forums to receive more information and express your opinions on the matter: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presentation at 3:00 p.m. Eganville Arena 178 Jane Street, Eganville, ON Friday, May 31, 2013 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Presentation at 3:00 p.m. The Davedi Club 313 Airport Road, North Bay, ON Monday, June 3, 2013 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Presentation at 3:00 p.m. Perth Civitan Hall 6787 County Road 43, Perth, ON For further information and to express your concerns on this issue please contact Sydne Taggart at Natural Resources, Ontario. She can be found by calling 705-755-1371 or e-mailing [email protected].
  5. No possession limit... But after cleaning a couple hundred you may have a personal limit hahah
  6. I checked the river about 4 times this year, 2 of those times the fish were running pretty good. It was a later start this year, but not off by that much. These photos were from last week. Nipfisher focusing hard on the shiny fish Part of the catch!! I only kept about 100 fish this year.... 25 for bait, 25 already eaten and the rest will get shared with family. I've learned that I don't like frozen smelt all that much and there is no point in wasting. For all the effort I put into smelting, it's more about the experience than the numbers.
  7. My probably-inaccurate predications: Toronto very unlikely will overthrow Boston. Recent history says not chance. However, they'll play well. Price will carry the Habs easily past the Sens. Gallagher and Galchenyuk will show the Ottawa youngsters how to play. Alfie will have an adult diaper incident on the ice and set a very weird precedence. Rangers will send Torterella to the E.R. with 'exploded head sydrome' with their non-ability to score even past a shaky Washington goalie. We will see Lundvist get very frustrated. Pittsburgh will destroy the islanders... but we'll see Vokoun replace Fleury for at least one game. Fleury will be under the spotlight bit time. ----------------- Chicago will destroy the wild. All bets will remain on Chicago for the cup. Kane, Toews and Saad will blow everyone's mind with amazing goals/plays. Detroit will upset Anaheim rather easily. Their playoff experience will show. Lots of respect will be shown for Selanne! Luongo will play well, Vancouver will move on in no less than 7 games. This series will tap them out and they'll have a difficult time in round 2. Kings will easily get past St-Louis, although the Blues will represent themselves very well.
  8. Cute kid. Good work Nick! I bet there has never been a better fishing buddy, eh?
  9. Good stuff Dan. That was very well explained.
  10. Nice booger on that rainbow photo hahaha. Great report!
  11. Yes! Great report. Looks like I just sealed my fishing plans for the day...thanks for the inspiration
  12. Don't feel stupid, I can't count how many spools of mono/fluoro I've wasted due to horrible twisting. I still have a hard time re-spooling with mono.... another reason I love braid.
  13. Great post Mike, Man those are nice looking troots.
  14. Dalton was a dork no doubt and should be the one answering questions for his actions (unpaid too!), but take the win for the ELA! (no pun intended there). Hopefully this gets finalized and they get the wrecking crews off the property asap.
  15. Ha! Indeed. Now I gotta see what I can get out of CT... Wasted line, several lost lures... I hope their customer service doesn't pflueger me as well.
  16. Good job province of ontario and all those who spoke up! The feds were no how no way interested in this world-respected place; algae, acid rain, phosporus, fresh water... Nawwww that stuff isn't important to canadians.. Bunch of morons
  17. What a change a year brings. Last year we were on Manitoulin April 14th. The ice had LONG disappeared, the rivers were trickling and we were convinced we were just a bit late for the shore bite; however we still caught 10 or so fish. This year, the ice covered more than 80% of the north shore, the rivers were fast (not as fast as I expected though) and we were clearly a bit early. A couple of our chosen spots were unfishable due to ice and/or low water. I couldn't believe that the water was LOWER this year! It was a fun trip! Lots of laughs, horrible smells, a couple "coined terms" which I will keep in rotation, and a few fish to take home. The day started at 3AM, as 4 guys packed into a Corolla with lunch, fishing gear and that's it! Sometimes I stop at Tim Horton's for breakfast, but given that a 4AM, questionable quality breakfast sandwich would probably ruin the drive and my seats, I told everyone to bring their own breakfast to save time. Some of the crew still wanted Tim's, so I explained what the "Timmy Splats" were, to no avail. It's not good when you can't tell whether that smell is Domtar-Espanola or not, or if the air quality inside my poor wife's car may be thousands of times worse than that of the ambient air. Either way, we got good use out of the term which I will use to slowly take Tim Horton's down, the "Timmy Splats". Feel free to use. I posted a thread earlier this month about buying a steelhead, pier rod. I ended up buying a 10'6 Shimano Convergence at CT. I tested it out at the Ottawa River and quickly realized that I needed a matching reel. At CT, I purchased a Pflueger Presdent that could easily handle the line, the fish and the rod. I was stoked to have the ability to cover way more water and better fight big fish then I ever could with a 6'6" rod. Well, that things casts a country mile...absolute insanity! It wasn't all positive though.... At one point I see my Mepps Heavy fly for like 500 meters as my line goes limp. Damn bailed closed on me! I re-tie, lean into the rod and snap, there goes my other Mepps! At this point, I'm basically a laughing stock with my way-too-big rod as I try to figure out what's going on. I inspect the reel and see that the bail no longer stays open easily...I have to push a bit harder to get it to connect and even then, it releases with just a touch. I try again...lose a lure AGAIN and at this point, we coined the term "pfluegered"...which we pretty much applied to every situation where someone either snapped a line, fell on a rock, lost a fish etc etc... for example, one of the guys casted and caught someones elses' rod laying nearby.... it was said that he "pfluegered that cast big time". I tried several times thereafter with the big rod, and kept getting pfluegered, so I just went back to my 6'6" lightening rod/Abu Soron combo (great walleye combo!!!) We fished for several hours and changed spots before Joey T landed the first fish. Spirits changed, just as the weather turned increasingly miserable. An hour later Joey had two, another hour later I had one. Then, I got lucky and hooked into a nice sized fish! As it gets close to us, it's a big post-spawn buck, probably 26-27" long. It dogged and ran several times, testing my knots. As it tired out, I dragged it to the rocky shoreline, and my barbless hooks slip out!! He swam away and I just signed (read: cursed) at my loss...oh well, I Pfluegered that landing, but at least the other guys witnessed the fight. No more than 20 minutes later I hook into another nice fish! This time it's a nice hen and I don't Pflueger the landing. Well, that was it for the fish. The rain and wind kicked our butts and I drove home about as beat as I've ever been. The windows pretty much stayed down the whole time and I warned my wife before I gave her the keys back. I've got some gravlax curing in the fridge as we speak. Can't wait till next year.
  18. Very large shift from last year... Makes it difficult to schedule any spring fishing trips!
  19. The clackin raps are great for walleye casting! Cover tons of water and can go as deep as you like. I just use a fast tip 6'6" med-light rod. Nothing special
  20. Good work to whoever first caught onto this!... and all others who helped
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