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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Yessir! I really don't understand how you manage to get half those photos...but I don't really want to know, I like the intrigue and mystery.
  2. sharp drop in gold, but otherwise no sell off on the markets. Guess it's not a big deal yet??? Until the next big item in a couple weeks: the massively tall debt ceiling!! The republicans are loving a government shutdown: "see, we don't need museums and parks" haha
  3. I know the ruffed grouse are around, but the bush is so thick that we can't get any clear shots or we keep spooking them. Oh well, lots of time left and the leaves are really starting to drop now.
  4. easy start is just a simple decompression button, can't see a problem with that. My 83 big red and 92 fourtrax have a decompression option and I've never heard anyone mention it as a source of any problems. (Completely different engine types, but same idea)
  5. Cool, I see them everywhere here...the birds, not so much! They are edible too. Taste just like a fig/date mixture. Make sure they are blue and plump, if they are overrippened, the inside is a gross brown mash! They make for a good trail nibble.
  6. I heard the same thing chris...I was told only to buy the Husky's make in Sweden.
  7. J-red is what my chainsaw mechanic recommends.. and he owns husky's and Stihls! However, for $400, and the light duty you plan an doing, I'd get a cheaper Echo and use the extra $$ to buy accessories. I got a Husky 70cc...runs good, built in Sweden, but I think I f'd up the bar or chain doing things I shouldn't do with a chainsaw..namely, getting them wedged as a tree is falling
  8. Great trip! I get the feeling I know that river but I'm not sure whether 7hrs puts you quite a bit further north than me or not. The flies certainly have had a second coming with this nice weather. I can't figure out what that blue thing is below your seat.... and it looks like a double-upped seat??
  9. Training them usually takes a bit a time. Start baiting at least a couple weeks (every few days) before you want to sit in your blind. They'll get used to your scent and your activity...at least to some degree. I put out dog food, donuts, cheap syrop and any grease leftovers from cooking. I've had something hit the bait 4 out of the past 5 days now...that's after about a month of fairly regular baiting. I've also made it a point to visit the baiting area late at night sometimes; apparently too much activitiy during the day can push them nocturnal. Good luck!
  10. My Dad does a lot of paintings (actually painted with Robert Bateman years ago) and I can see that this is a great painting! I'd put that on my wall in a heartbeat! Congrats, and great decision to commission Lew for a photo! haha.
  11. Based on everything I've heard & experienced with ATV's, I'd have a hard time NOT buying a Honda. I just wish the 'smaller' machines still used fan cooled engines. My Dad's 2012 Foreman was one of the last.
  12. I still can't view OFC mobile properly on my Blackberry. Same issues I had months ago, if I switch the mobile page on my phone, then it defaults to the mobile page next time I go on my laptop, then I change it on my laptop and some weird pseudo-OFC shows back up on my phone...round and round I go. It really sucks navigating OFC on the phone, even a Z10 model.
  13. He does! I've seen it. A quick pour of Glenfidich fixes him right up. Do you wake up sweating with the cold fear that one day this forum might have sub-categories? Jesus, don't fear the unknown so much. The future isnt that terrifying.
  14. All companies are different. They essentially dictate their own rules. If they don't work for you, go to another company. Mine (the personal) never asked for any paperwork on my woodstove (I plan on 8-10 chords/year) even after I prompted them. Belair direct wouldn't touch me because they don't like my municipality. Insurance companies litterally make up their own rules.
  15. The thumbs up photo says it all man! Very cool
  16. Its a good weekend to be taking my hunting and gun safety course
  17. I have a pacific energy stove with stainless steel chimeny and its very tall, over 30'. Just cleaned it out yesterday and had about a cup of creosote. I'll be burning all hardwoods including poplar in the transition seasons.from fathers advice, poplar and black ash burn pretty good but don't leave sufficient hot coals like maple does to stoke your fire quickly in the middle of the night. Anyway, I'm not much help here because this will be my first real burning season. Good luck Chris, like you, I'm taking the frugal route and cutting, bucking and splitting my own heat!
  18. I'm thinking a small spring '14 gtg might be in order. Hope you like blackflies.
  19. nice clean looking fish. Looks like dinner to me
  20. Lots of snakes up here! Frog levels seem about normal but it's only my first year on my property.
  21. hahaha, the perpetual trout murder. It's called a holz hosen (round house), my cousin who lives off the grid piles 'em this way for a couple reasons 1) aestetics and space efficiency 2) Reportedly it dries the wood faster... I decided to give it a shot. SInce I only started cutting/stacking wood in July I needed to speed-dry my firewood. The round house apparently dries quicker due higher transpiration rates and the chimeney effect caused by its shape. It's a European thing from what I understand. After a couple of months, I'm very happy with the progress of the drying. The pile is slumping and the ends are cracking nicely. I'm ahead of you on that one! Already launched a couple dozen balls down the 'fairway' haha. Once I get a riding mower I might actually make some sort of par 3 hole. Yah!!
  22. haha redneck 'smore maker. I have one other 'round house' out of the picture and about 3 cords in my wood shed (not pictured). Even with the cold nights, my house is holding the heat quite well and haven't had to use any energy at all. I'm thinking I'll get away with less than 10 cords this year...my piles add up to about 8 or 9 (guessing).
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