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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Hahah MIGHT be able to catch more. Marked fish aren't always hungry fish. It'll add to your confidence in picking spots and better spots should, in theory, catch you more fish. Still that's a cool unit and I'm sure it'll be a great educational tool!!
  2. Environment Canada is, not sure about MOE yet...they are awaiting the call. The layoff of Gov workers pushes things into the private sector, basically our conservatives are like the USA's republicans..small governement, bigger business... I digress. This is private sector. As long as people keep spilling, this job will be around.
  3. Hey all, I'm not sure if I should post this here or not... Our company is looking for two Project Managers to do environmental remediations. Basic requirements are: some college or university (or lots) in the environmental/civil/soils/water field (etc), experience in the field, can work independently, willing to drive/travel and be on-call 24/7, good communication skills. This is a really good job with lots of independance and will give you a lot of new skills. ... the money gets good usually a year into the job. One position in Ottawa and on in Hamilton. Send me a PM if interested. Move or delete as you see fit mods...
  4. Glad to hear the fishing was good and you guys are happy with the overall experience.
  5. Nice size bass man! Is Jiggy part of the OFC Community?
  6. Darn mini-porcupines! Hopefully its a minor rash.
  7. Those are some nice size smallies! Way to Jitter-done. Great report Mr. Leechman.
  8. Wow! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. They are all over my borax/cat food mix right now so I'll try it for a few days and if they come back I'll change to a more diluted bait mixture as you have suggested. I've also noticed them looking for water... Would a diluted mix of borax or boric acid with water potentially work? Thx again
  9. Good job guiding her onto some fish. she'll be looking to you for fishing advice now. Thx for sharing
  10. I bought some Raid liquid ant killer 7.7percent borax content and put it on some high quality cat food. The ants are all over it! Hope this works. Don't worry, the cat can't get at it... Or can't it?haha No, it can't.
  11. Elusive Aurora. Maybe the MNR is messing with us by opening the season knowing that there's actually nothing in there. That's the same feeling I get about some of the inland rainbow stocked lakes. Keep at'er man. If you post an aurora trout topic, you will be a hero to many here. A HERO!! Aurora_Dana would be my suggestion as a moniker.
  12. If I squint just right I think I can see a pig flying.
  13. Haha, its a 2010 with ten years worth of scratches on it. The first time I scratched it was difficult but it got easier after that.
  14. Caught three decent pike a few weeks ago. Its a neat lake to canoe around with some unique scenery, its worth exploring... But the fishing isn't fantastic by any means.
  15. Surviving indeed... at one point the canoe came untied as we were eating lunch. Cell phone, camera, hat, glasses quickly on dry ground and splash in I went to chase the canoe in a strong wind. 20 more seconds and I'd have been swimming for a hundred meters or more. I hope you use better fishing knots Joey
  16. Ok, your fishing partner looks happy! haha 100 walleye is ok, but can you catch 200?
  17. What a fantastic place and dinner looks inviting!
  18. Hey Mike, haven't heard from you in awhile, hope all's well! This canoe is my dad's toy, I have to plug some holes in the 'pal, so he let me use the Kevlar... Its a Cadillac compared to the ol' tin box.
  19. JoeyTier and I tried another new lake that apparently holds walleye, bass and pike. This was a completly quiet and under fished lake with only one run down cottage on the entire shoreline. We forced our way through some very thin, hardly used trails and launched the canoe at the end of this long and thin lake. Both of us were hoping to land some walleye but the bass were the only ones that wanted to cooperate. We trolled deep with jigs and harnesses and also did some casting towards shore. At one point we stopped on shore for a quick, no dishes snack and took a little break before heading out for the evening bite. Here are the photos and results from our day. Joey with the machete, clearing away large sticks. The truck barely made it! haha A fair size SMB... I landed a couple this size and several smaller. Shore lunch with cheddar sausages. Big bass of the day! 17", probably 3 pounds. I was very happy to get this guy!! Scenery
  20. Blair: Sorry to hear about your loss. He sounds like a great man and his legacy WILL live on!
  21. Thanks TUTs, I've heard about the splitting.. Its so hard a to resist killing those buggers on-site! I'm gonna buy some products this weekend and bait them all around the condo. HTHM: they do! But I think they do it just to taunt me.
  22. Took this from a job site.... the hwy 69 fire on wednesday night. To get all artsy... I think this photo holds a dreary and hopeless beauty.
  23. If I let my apple ferment a in the sun for a couple hours it'll have more C2H5OH than the beer bought in a grocery store. It's completely legal, Cent pourcent point final, baton!
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