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Everything posted by bassmastermike

  1. Hey Pete alll the best better invite me to the party Cheers!!!! Let me know about that bass tourney!! Send me a PM
  2. Great Pics Joey looks like the weather held out for you cant say the same for me and Brian!! Rained most of our week Glad you cought some fish too WTG Cheers Mike
  3. Hey Brian sure ill bring the beer and dont forget i got shotgun so that means Chris is sittin in the back since hes just hitchhiking or is the gas going three ways ?? LOL
  4. Looks Great !!! Hope to see you on the water.
  5. Thanks for the responce im pretty sure Brian has us booked but i best be getting in touch with him to finalize the arrangments looking forward to the first big meet of the season see you all there.
  6. Well folks the time is getting closer and i dont see much talk about Lakair as i did last year. Not sure what the plans are for this year if any. Last year was great and hope to repeat the memories great times and hopefully meet a few new friends. This is just a feel for what people are planning if anything. Cheers BMM.
  7. Good Luck Wayne Be Safe!!!!
  8. WTG Some really nice fish there forsure !!!
  9. Wow Great report Mike looks like you had a great time out there Wished i could have been there too next time forsure. Fishing for tyler was a huge sucess but i was unable to land a fish but it was a great day out anyway!!
  10. That was a great day out forsure thanks to all the hard work and prep that goes into it WTG Maureen and to all the others that were involved. I would also like to thank you for the introducton to the Extreme Angler team the shirt made me real happy Cheers Mike
  11. Well i guess i missed that thread as well bet it is good to hear that your daughter is back on track. All the best to her for a speedy recovery and to you to Wayne & Leah for holding out well times were rough. Hope to see you at the Fishing for Tyler event tomorrow Cheers Mike
  12. Glass For me!!! Must be the Bassfisherman in me.....Woulden't have it any other way
  13. WTG Nice looking Perch hope i get an invite to the fish fry!!!LOL Thanks for sharing
  14. Sorry for your loss Rich , I had to doe the same thing last year and i still miss her every day somtimes its the best thing to do to stop the suffering Hang in there buddy !!!
  15. Sweet report Bill wish i could have been there thanks for sharing !!!
  16. Yeah thats it you hit it right on the head...
  17. Hey Doug dont forget the fire starter (Bacardi) LOL
  18. Ill be there!! First time out on the Ice... No hut but ill be there anyways I hope somone will let me warm up once and awhile or im gonna feel like a popsicle by 10:00 Am LOL Anyways See you all there.....BMM Yahoo Thanks Bill Parker now i got a place to warm up and some company too !!
  19. Great day out and some nice fish too!! I guess the bogs not so bad after all but be careful on the ice Cheers BMM
  20. I Have a 125 Gallon and a was hoping i could put a pike yearling and watch it grow not sure where i could find on tho
  21. Great Choice!!!
  22. Great Report Wayne!!! Looks like you guys had a blast Im Jealous Cheers on that Laker shes a beaut.....BMM
  23. Looks like you and the family had a great time !!
  24. Thanks for all the Nice Comments Guys and Gals! It was great to meet another person from the board, looking forward to that steelhead lesson Mike Cheers....BMM
  25. Great Looking fish welcome to the board!!!
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