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Everything posted by bassmastermike

  1. WOW thats a beaut WTG to the hunter!!
  2. Try West Marine if you have one near by!
  3. Nice looking Fish WTG on that. What would you do in this case throw him back or eat him???
  4. WHat a Riot!!! Looks like you guys had a great day count me in next time too Cliff !!!
  5. Only if you open it!!! WHo would actually click on it Geesh!!
  6. Spam in my Inbox I just wanted to let the mods know abot the Spam in my OFCN inbox i recieved today!!
  7. I was hoping someone could help me out i just bought a new Muskie Rod and Reel and im not sure what to spool it with Mono Braid floro can somone please give me some suggestions Thanks
  8. Ya i saw thet last week on Youtube i was trying to show my kids what a pike looked like LOL I had one of those attached to my walleye once LOL
  9. Looks Like a great day out wish i was there too Oh and i keep saying this (Mabey next time Wayne) !! LOL
  10. Ya im gettin all pumped about it too i just hope i have somthing thats warm enough and i guess im gonna have to get a lesson on how to use plainer boards LOL
  11. Nice Chromes thanks for sharing !!!!
  12. It depends what vechile not my truck that pulls it but the van sure is...
  13. I guess this was the wrong place to post this type of post thought forsure i would get a better responce/feedback I guess thats what i get for it not being fishing related LOL
  14. Hey Im i in Anytime Anyplace Anywhere!!!
  15. OMG that truley amazing!! I bet that cost a bundle!
  16. Sweet find forsure!!
  17. Im glad i was able to help out cliff and. Brian i will be getting in touch with you i guess i never recieved your pm
  18. WTG Great looking fish !!! Come on BOQ!!!!!
  19. Im used to that !! Born and raised in Calgary Burrrrrrrrrrrrr Im gettin the chills already LOL !!
  20. Man that sheephead's huge WTG Nice report!!
  21. Kawarthas Sound good to me !!
  22. I would just like to send out a little thanks to a fellow board member for thinking of me and sending a little work my way !! Thanks Cliff & Carol !. Last weak i recieved a PM from Cliff about a few of his friends were in dire need of somone to install some Laminate flooring in there house. They needed this done ASAP due to the fact they have three small childern and living on a plywood subfloor. The original contractor blew out his knee and needed surgery in the next few weeks and could not do it so a few phone calls later i had the job and it was set for the weekend. When i got there on Saturday i had a look at the area the needed the flooring installed after a few sugestions off i went. We first had to rip up a little Lino before i could begin so that set me back a few hours. I was hoping i could finish it all on Saturday but it ended up being a little more then they expected 570 Square feet to be exact!! I went back up Sunday to finish up and do a little trim and the end result turned out beautiful. Cliffs friends were estatic and very greatfull that i came out so fast and hey they even gave me a bonus for the extra work i did!! Cliff you got yourslf a couple great friends there Adrian and Hazel are two great people and it was a pleasure to work for them. To show my gratitude i would like to take you and Carol out fishing on a weekend of your choice on me! Thanks Again . PS Sorry Wayne (Irishfield) I wish i could have made it Next time i hope keep me in mind!! Anyways here are a few pics!!
  23. Shes A Beaut and i'll be takin her home with me LOL
  24. Hey Wayne I would love to get out with you somtime in the future before you put that trusty Lund in storage for the winter. I wish i would have seen this post a little sooner. If you get out in the next few weeks drop me a PM i would be happy to join you. Mike
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