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Everything posted by bassmastermike

  1. Have a great trip and be safe Garry Im sure we will all be envyous of you soaking up the heat and dont forget about that Bass on Plastic lesson next year when you return!! LOL I will be looking forward to it. Take care and good luck with the fishing down south. Mike
  2. Beautiful Photo!! Well Done Terry....
  3. I was also in Grant Mccallisters Room and im also his boat ride not really sure where ill be staying eather??
  4. Damn Sugarpacket How did Rich get so lucky anyways find a Gal who loves fishing as much as you do Im in heaven!! LOL Ps Got any sisters
  5. My heart is with you Gerritt!! Cant Imagine what it must be like to loose a child. Our thoughts are with you and your family in this time of reflection. God Bless!!
  6. Thats some great fishing there ! Nice to see you had a great time the fish fry looks amazing !!!
  7. Sounds like you had a great day out i tried a little on the weekend too but i got skunked. Thanks for the report and great looking Muskie !!!
  8. WTG DAWG!!!! Looking forward to BOQ Glad to see your doing more fishin then me LOL.
  9. Up in the Kawarthas Balsam or Gull for some Largies & Walleye
  10. Hey there Maureen i would say pick one up . I am in the same boat as u !!! Ive been on stright afternoons for about 4 years and i could not live with out a PVR ,you can program it to record all your favorite shows and it will do it every week at the same time for you and then you can watch whenever your ready. The best part of all is you can fast forward through the comercials. Hope this helps and good luck .
  11. Looking to do some home renovations this fall do it alot cheaper call me for a price and Pictures I will be glad to come by and give you an estimate also Decks and interlock Done by CMH Contracting [email protected]
  12. Sorry for your loss . Your dad souds like a great person and im sure he will be missed by many. My Deepest condolences to you and you family.
  13. Nice ARGO i want one
  14. You should be a wildlife photographer Wane !!! Nice Pics.
  15. Thanks for the report and congrats on you PB!!!!
  16. Must be Automotive I can relate its slow eveywhere right now You can thank the at par dollar!!!
  17. Great day out!!!!
  18. Looks like you had a gret day all and all some good eatin too!!
  19. WOW them some biggins WTG!!!!!!
  20. Great looking fish !!!! WTG
  21. Quality time with loved ones is what matters the most WTG !!!
  22. Sweet Pike WTG What a great day of fishing!!!!
  23. Looks Like someone in a halloween Ape costume!!!
  24. Great Video I cant wait till next year. Thanks to everyone that made it the best part of my summer!!!
  25. Lakair is the place to go! Great food and lodging Fishings Good too I cant tell you as to when the best time is but im sure somone else will be able to tell you that Ive only been once .
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