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Everything posted by Beats

  1. Beats Beaton is my last name and almost everyone I have ever met ends up referring to me as Beats. No matter where I move to.
  2. I don't mind fish crisp. I always somehow manage to sneak beer into almost any of the varieties. If it calls for liquid I find a beer is always handy. IT all depends on the species of fish you are using. Fish like perch I just cook in nothing but butter, but something like pike, to me, is always better battered. To each his own. I do say that I really liked the pike I had in the spring with the cajun version of fish crisp.
  3. YOu seem to have more than enough fish imitating lures in your box. Fishing from shore I would try and stay with as many floating or shallow diving lures as possible. As someone who has fished from shore my whole life, I heavily recommend buying some Mepps Spinners. Get a whole bunch of Mepps Comets. I think it's #4's that I like, the ones with the fly-like material on the hook. Catch every species of fish you can cast to. Pike, pickerel, sm bass, lm bass, white bass, gar, crappie just to name a few that I have all caught either in London or within 30 mins of London this year with that bait. My favorite bait by far.
  4. I've been trying to load that site for 10 minutes now. It's being overloaded at the moment.
  5. I just bought my dad a Scoutguard for Christmas. I spent a lot of time researching and reading reviews and it seems to get teh highest all around reviews. It's also so small that you can use it in almost any application and it won't be seen. Some ppl use them as security cams or to catch trespassers on their property because they are just so small that ppl don't see them. Check out http://www.chasingame.com and check out their reviews and forums to help you decide what's best for you.
  6. I'm expecting my replica from Advanced to be done sometime around the first of the month. I'll be sure to post pics when it arrives.
  7. That's a great fish to have pulled through the ice. What else did you guys catch?
  8. Sounds like there is one hell of a story behind these tips
  9. That's what you get.. anyone who has ever augered out post holes in a back yard knows that you gotta lift the auger out every 6-12" or so to dump out what the auger has already cleared before continuing. I watched that video and knew right away what that guy had coming. Granted that's some seriously thick ice, but come on.. think about what you are doing.
  10. nice pics there. I have had many successful fishing trips in canoes and love them for their ease of use and stealth appeal. It's true that they can be taken many spots other boats either can't go or don't want to risk. The pic of the culvert is cool.
  11. Perch is my favorite by far. Pike, pickerel, whitefish are also great. Trout and salmon as well but not nearly as much as the ones mentioned.
  12. If you go straight to the last pic with the lights on and just glance at it, it's hard to tell the difference.
  13. quality automobile.
  14. If you understood the whole idea of the torrent system you would know that doesn't work too well. The idea is to create a system where ppl share files instead of just taking them. Users who share back at a good rate have exceptionally better download speeds than those who try and limit their uploads. If all you want is to download and not have to share back then perhaps you should get into newsgroups.
  15. The thing with torrents, especially private trackers is that in order to be a member you must seed (share) back whatever you download. So a 4 gig DVDR becomes closer to 8 gigs once seeded back. So internet providers have caught on and are trying to throttle torrent traffic to try and turn ppl away from torrents. I have no idea why you would have thought it was legal to share copyrighted material. While nothing pops up to prevent you from downloading anything, it doesn't mean its legal. Like anything in life, when laws are in place but not enforced it doesn't take long for ppl to assume its ok and believe they won't get dealt with. I use private trackers myself and get incredibly high speeds and don't have to worry (as much) about security as with public trackers or low level private sites like Demonoid. ISP's like Rogers have, in recent months, installed bandwidth caps (60 gigs) to try and fight torrents and their high use of bandwidth. Adding a $/gig charge for additional use is how it works now.
  16. OOD is my favourite, followed by Outdoor Canada. I would recommend both.
  17. Just try and head out more often and be persistent. Try and head out when the ice is safe and drill a bunch of holes all around. If it was me, I'd just use (as mentioned) pickerel rigs with minnows and play the waiting game. Perch seem to come in schools and its often fish after fish followed by long periods of nothing. Depends on the size of the lake, I guess. Are you finding pike instead of perch by chance?
  18. Well, whether it works or not, it looks wrong.
  19. Nice fish. A giant for sure. You could have said that better..
  20. I don't think I'd be going out either in a boat or on the ice at this point.
  21. LX-5 is what I have. Again, do a forum search and you will see these comparisons/debates come up fairly regularly.
  22. I bought an Islander Steelheader a few years back at Angling Outfitters in Woodstock and had rosewood handles put on right then. Definitely nice lookin handles. Perhaps if you called them they may have some they could ship to you. No idea what the cost was.
  23. Nice catch. Fairly dark fish with great colours. I wouldn't worry too much about its weight, it's a great catch.
  24. I took a disc of pics of my 17+" white crappie to Advanced Wildlife Design and they didn't need my fish to make the mold. My fish was quite a bit longer than the record fish and I was told they had never seen one with a length that long. They definitely need an actual fish to make original molds of a species, but they can just "stretch"/alter molds to make them smaller or bigger. I know this, because I was there and had it explained to me. In my case, I was told that I may as well just eat my fish and bring in the pics with dimensions since crappies lose their colour fast due to thin skin. I was told a skin mount of my fish just wouldn't be as nice as a replica. Having been there first hand and having seen their products, I know mine will be fantastic. Having said that... its been a while, I should call them and find out how its comin'.
  25. Nice big laker there. WTG.
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