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Everything posted by Beats

  1. Nice fat fish there.
  2. Nice report. Lots of good size fish there.
  3. My thoughts exactly.
  4. WTG. All nice sized trout there. Keep your reports coming.
  5. That is beyond ridiculous. "Will arrange for local pickup only (no shipping)."
  6. Never fished it. I believe it's the Ausable river and I do believe that area (below the dam) gets some trout during the runs. Always associated crappies with that spot but can't say I have ever heard how the fishing is firsthand.
  7. That's wild. COuldn't figure out what they were doing for the first min or two. Actually, I'm still not sure.
  8. I"ve heard of egg noodles/pasta dropped down the hole to chum for whitefish, but never egg shells. Can't imagine they taste too good.
  9. Wow, have you been sharpening that on a skate sharpener or something?? That looks like some sort of prison weapon. You must have cleaned a few fish in your day to wear a knife down like that.
  10. Someone had to ask... Anyway, wtg. The third pic looks really cool.
  11. Angling Outfitters is by far the best fishing store I've ever purchased from. Best customer service I've seen and they will explain and walk you through anything you don't understand. I was there a few weeks ago and they have dozens of float reels on display but I wasn't looking at the float rods. I bought a float setup there a few years back and am happy with it.
  12. Too bad. It's fairly dark by 6:00 and I'm sure speed was a factor. Should be interesting to see if the hut owner has anything to say.
  13. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27739 You are a tad late:)
  14. Beer is probably a popular answer.
  15. That's quite a deal if you happen to want to fish right where he is standing. How much to get him to follow you around for the day?
  16. Nice report. I like how you decided to stop and fish at the first sign of something flying off your sled. It appears to have worked out. Any hints as to tackle used?
  17. Up until recently I did not have my own auger and always had to fish with someone who did have one. I did have a spud bar but you certainly don't want to be beating your way through the ice if you aren't certain it's fairly thick. You may be asking for trouble if you are standing on thin ice as you bash a hole through it. It's true, that if you go to Cook's bay or anywhere really popular, you should be able to scavenge some hold from ppl as they abandon them. At worst you will need to break the thin layer of ice that forms on top. You really do need to just get an auger or borrow one from someone who isn't using theirs. Or better yet, find someone to go along with you.. as long as they bring their auger.
  18. Nice fish. A real fatty. Must have taken up a good chunk of that hole.
  19. I heard the Holmes On Homes site is up again..
  20. Options--->Display Mode--->Standard Try that.
  21. I ended up fishing for about 4 hrs and in brutal weather. I fished the wax worms on a tiny micro jig suspended about 6-8" below a spoon with the hook removed (Dropper Rig). Used 1 or 2 wax worms and if I saw fish on the flasher I just took the bait to the fish and if I didn't see anything right away I ripped the spoon up 2' or so over and over til some fish showed up and then I just let it hang there or tapped it slightly. I have only fised this particular spot 1 other time in the winter so I spent a lot of time exploring and drilling holes at spots that had been recommended. Caught 2 black crappies right away and then spent a few hrs searching for more nearby to no avail. Went back to a different area I had fished on the Weekend and caught 1 bluegill and 2 pumpkinseeds from the same hole one after the other. I must say my luck certainly increased with the wax worms. I was 50/50 on whether the crappie would hit them, I figured they would prefer small minnows. But it worked. Thanks
  22. I tried powerbait maggots the other day. Tried them as single and doubles on plain tiny hooks and as well on jigs with no luck. Certainly not the same as the real thing but I really thought I'd get a few fish on them. I didn't catch anything on Saturday and a person I know used live wax worms today and caught a whole bunch of sunfish and bluegills on them. Worth a shot.
  23. Without going down to my fridge, I think they were $7.50 roughly before tax for 50. They are prepackaged and apparently counted. They are stored cold and are recommended to be kept cold. When I open the package they are in a fine layer of wood shavings. I've got them in a fridge til morning and I think I'll just throw the container in an old toque to try and prevent them from freezing solid.
  24. I got a few hits but landed no fish at a local reservoir/pond this weekend. I talked to a few ppl who know the spot better than I do and I was told that wax worms were the best way to get the bluegills, pumpkinseeds, and crappie to bite when they won't hit anything else. I bought 50 (live) wax worms from Petsmart tonight and having never used wax worms before I am looking for advice on how to effectively use them for panfish. I am headed out tomorrow morning and was just figuring on trying the wax worms on a small bare trout hook, on a micro jig and also probably on a dropper rig with a small williams spoon for flash and the wax worm suspended 6-8" below. I assume that once you get a fish's attention by jigging that it would be best to just deadstick the wax worm and let it's movement and smell entice the fish to strike. Any better ideas? I'm open for suggestions.
  25. No, we had 2 scoops of minnows out there and only used like 1/3 or 1/2 of them since the fish weren't taking them off the hooks for us. I talked to a few more ppl who were out there on Sunday and they also experienced a very slow day.
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