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Everything posted by Beats

  1. Wow, that's insane. I've never found one myself.
  2. Great post! One of those things that I always immediately notice but never mention. Made me laugh.
  3. Yeah, I've seen the mixed pack as well. I think it was different styles of bait with a variety of colours, if I remember correctly.
  4. Was just wondering... how many OFC members have OFC set as their web browser's homepage? Meaning, when you open your web browser (ie. firefox) it automatically loads OFC? Mine has been set to OFC for at least 5 years, I say. Just curious.
  5. Great catch, that's huge.
  6. Sounds like a killer day. Lots of action to keep it interesting.
  7. LOL, I've had 2 calls, and many more unanswered attempts on my cell phone in the last 3 weeks from a recorded message telling me the warranty on my vehicle is about to expire and that I should do something about it before it's too late. My car is 10 years old.. Obviously ppl are calling them back and giving them enough business to keep at it. I don't understand how totally generic pre-taped calls convince someone it's the real deal.
  8. PM sent.
  9. I'm aiming to make it there late this afternoon. Good review.
  10. I did it and it took me forever. I think the biggest setback was the java programming (or whatever it is) Even after reading the tip about tying the 2 sticks together, it took me a minute or so of different attempts to get the things to connect. After that it was pretty straightforward.
  11. WTG. Some real monsters through the ice. Looks like you had some decent weather too. Nice and sunny, no falling snow. Looks like you had a great day.
  12. Thanks.
  13. The look on your face as you hold that shad is priceless. Actually it looks a lot like your avatar.
  14. IS that describing your hut? If so that's too funny. I mean, it sucks about the hut but I guess it wasn't quite as secured and strong as previously thought. Guess you need to check up on the hut a bit more often. Lucky it didn't slam into someone or their hut.
  15. She's askin' for it... a day of fishing that is.
  16. Anyone who has been suckered into thinking Starbucks' drinks are actually worth the price they charge needs to give their head a shake. Hard. I can only remember ever having Starbucks' one time. A guy at a job site did a coffee run and came back with some sort of pumpkin something latte/coffee. See, I don't even know what it was other than if you throw enough words into the name and confuse ppl you can charge more! I don't even remember if it was decent, just that I was like, "what the heck is this?" when it was handed to me.
  17. That doesn't look like much fun
  18. WOW, that's a great report with some real nice pics!
  19. That's an option. The moss on the driftwood was a nice touch that was unexpected.
  20. You can find (or someone can link) to my original post. One thing to note (which I was told) is that crappie, both white and black, lose their coloration much faster than most other species of fish because their skin is paper thin. If you look at my original fish pictures, especially the ones on the cutting board, you can see that the colours of the fish are almost completely drained out. I took a few pics after the catch that I didn't post on OFC. I handed Advanced a CD of pics and .txt files of specs and later even emailed them a lengthy email describing the coloration of the fish when caught (not as shown in MOST of my pics). Got there today and was shown my printed off email with parts highlighted. I remember being very concerned initially that the coloration would be drastically different because I knew how the fish looked when caught but how my pics showed the colours (for the most part) were a tad different do to "drainage". I can't tell you enough how bang on they got the fish. Say what you want (to naysayers in general) but they got the coloration spot on. When I was saying the pics didn't do it justice, I was actually referring to the flash on the camera. I had to take many, many pics with the flash on and off to get them to appear as the naked eye sees it. Camera issue not the fish. I'm looking at it right now, and it is absolutely fantastic IMO. The flash of my camera makes it look really bright and no flash makes it look dark I know some ppl have a hard time with the "it's not actually the fish" thing. And I do understand that. But having a replica means you can A) Release the fish or (in my case) Eat the fish! I also know that it won't crack like some (not all) mounts do 15+ years later. No doubt about it, I've seen some killer taxidermy work but the reality is that there are a lot of "iffy" looking pieces out there as well. To each their own. But again, I highly recommend Advanced. Stop in and check them out.
  21. I'm sure many of you remember my thread many months ago regarding a very large white crappie I had caught. It was a few inches longer than the current record holder but was quite a bit lighter. This fish was 2.15 lbs and over 17" long. Went and picked up my replica today from Advanced Wildlife Design ( http://www.advancetaxidermy.com/ ) and it was even better than I imagined. Here's a few pics of the finished product. the pictures don't do it justice. I highly recommend Advanced. Great customer service and their products speak for themselves.
  22. That's an awesome catch. Huge whitefish. I also thought this was a crappie report
  23. Lots of nice lookin' fish there.
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