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Everything posted by Beats

  1. http://www.lfpress.com/news/london/2010/04/27/13739446.html
  2. Wow, great pics ya got there. They do all the talkin' for you on this one! What a weekend.
  3. They seem to be surprisingly hard to find whole. Years ago I used to buy them at Food Basics in Stratford for about $3 and change for a bag of dozens of whole smelt. Since living in London I still haven't found any but can't say I've really looked too hard, just 5 or 6 stores which have the headless, gutted variety. If you are just using them for bait, I'd be interested in knowing if the pike tend to prefer them gutted and without heads I've always figured it was more the thawing oily scent off them that attracted the pike opposed to their looks. But who knows, only ever used whole ones.
  4. im getting pre-sale tickets too.. just waiting on a buddy to get the other 3 ppl together so I know what to order.. 4th time for me.
  5. Cool. It's a good magazine. I get that and OOD and I'm good. I got a free pocket knife when I subscribed... and it isn't even sharp. Right on.
  6. It's definitely an interesting fish. I would also lean towards the splake direction.. but I'm no expert. Made me find this old pic on my computer.
  7. When I read your post initially I had no idea what you were talking about. While the idea of it kinda seems interesting, I highly doubt fisherman are gonna give directions to places where you could do this. Just seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  8. Perfect. Thanks, thats where we were the other day. Will pick one up in the AM. THanks again.
  9. Hey guys, got a quick Q for you. I have my 3 year license still but my friend needs one for fishing tomorrow. We tried ot get one at a CDn Tire the other day but for some reason they said they didn't have any and wouldn't get any for a few days for some reason. I've always gotten mine online and I'm hoping someone can tell me where the best/quickest spot in or around London would be to get one tomorrow morning? I know of all the bait and tackle shops but I can't say I've heard of ppl getting licenses at them. Cdn Tire, walmart?? Im essentially hoping to just find a spot to pick one up on the way to fishing. Thanks.
  10. I'm by no means a huge Kiss fan. In fact I know more about their merchandising of action figures and comic books and Gene Simmons' show than I do about most of their songs/albums. Having said that, I went and saw them in London a few months back at the JLC with a friend who has been a fan for over 20 years.. and it was a great show. I had a lot of fun and my buddy was all smiles the whole time. So they still know how to put on a show. It's a real spectacle. So, I'm not saying good or bad things about how they schedule their tours, but rather I'm just saying that its still a great show if you do get the chance to see it. Too bad about rescheduling, that's for sure.
  11. Flatfish or Canadian Wigglers seem to be popular as well. I know some ppl kinda hold them in the current and let the movement in the lure come from current.
  12. I started using waxworms for ice fishing last season. Did really well with them on dropper hooks about 8-12" below a spoon. Just jig the spoon for flash to bring the fish in and they go for the wax worms. I was buying them at Petsmart but I remember them being quite expensive. Not sure where else to get them. Probably not cheaper at a bait shop.
  13. Yeah, it's kinda questionable. I always remember the one episode where there is a raised road with a culvert under it.. Man Tracker is on his horse on top of the culvert and the prey are under him in the culvert hoping he passes by. The contestants are trying to be really quiet since he's right on top of them. THen you realize that the camera man (and any other crew) is just standing like 50' away in plain view of both groups capturing the situation.. Seems like there's just too much equipment and crew to make hiding a real strategy. It's a decent show to watch, but I always question how authentic it could be when both sides are being taped by the same camera at the same time. Seems like the best strategy is just look for camera men.
  14. There are both white bass and sheepshead as far as Fanshawe dam. The ponds you are referring to are "The Coves". Can't say I've ever fished them, but if you are looking for carp, I'd just stick with the river. Try the Greenway Park area to start. The park is off Springbank.
  15. Nice report. Good on ya for keeping that pike. No point releasing a fish with a wound like that. It would certainly have been a goner, IMO. Probably a great dinner.
  16. I think some ppl just think if it's that big it's automatically a muskie. Great fish, no doubt, but it's clearly a pike!
  17. I fish the Thames after work and any evening I am available because that's when the pickerel bite best. Simple as that.
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