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Everything posted by PatrickGG

  1. Well if thats the case THAT JUST REALLY SUCKS! I would have been out there today fishing also, now i gotta wait till next weekend
  2. Just curious! I thought Pike doesn't open till the second Saturday in May Toronto harbor is considered Zone 16? http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001335.pdf
  3. I wouldn't even bother, just watching them dragging lures around at a slow pace showing no action goes to show it's a lure to catch fisherman i seen my lures do more action just by twitching my rod tip.
  4. Got some here, Enjoy.
  5. Matzuo has some nice spinnerbaits thats if you like to spend 10 bucks for one.
  6. I am Jealous! just a little over two weeks till opener up here, would be nice if you can post up some pics.
  7. Sounds like you had a good day, Where did you guys fish at if you don't mind me asking?
  8. I would Trade off a Secret spot for another NOT! Bad start for a intro, we all know the fisherman codes and ethics here no need for stomping somebody for your personal reasons P.M the person or persons and deal with it.
  9. Exactly what smallie said, I heard its healthy to keep them in the box the packaging absorbs the moisture and keeps the hooks from rusting.
  10. BPS Has one on sale until May 15, The model is a Eagle Cuda 168 "No color" and i it's going for $69.88 Original Price 130 i am going to pick one up myself soon.
  11. I play COD4 P.C version online it's my second time around Commander status, the game is fast paced unless you snipe with the 50 cal. other than that have fun its one exciting online game. P.S Once you unlock that P90 theres no turning back and make sure you pick your perks wisely.
  12. Thats pretty funny, i guess somebody out there had tired thumbs and thought of a alternative.
  13. Go back and ask for the store manager and tell him it was they guy that tried to sell you the catalog tell the manager he tried to give it to you for free and forced you to take it "jus Joking"" i would go back and pay, errr! actually i dunno what i would do??!!
  14. Also try keeping your thumb on the spool just like Slow Poke said"' and also cast at your side until you get comfortable and slowly move your rod up cast till you get it right, couple of other guys a while back suggested using a peice of electrical tape on your spool, just unspool a few yards of line and place tape on the spool, Good luck and have fun cause once you get the hang of it you will not want to use a open face again.
  15. Le Baron: Canadian BPS and Cabelas: American I go to Le Baron alot and i found they have two workers whom i look for when shopping there and they give me lots of advice and are very helpful i guess thats a perk since i am a Reg there but on the other hand if you wanna spend time shopping on-line and waiting a few days just cause you dont want to get off your butt and find a good deal thats your prerogative, I gear myself towards a Canadian established business BUT don't get me wrong If i see a sale or a bargain i will get up and snatch it... Thats just my opinion.
  16. OMG! ROFLCOPTER!, I will hit all those good spots before you guys i just hope none of you SNAG"" any bikes, i did my routine drive and found a couple of open spots i am just gonna wait and sneak up on them toothy critters. P.S Lets not forget the 3k walk.
  17. Cold morning and got really nice as the day went on, was nice to finally meet people from the board and chat about Fishing and being part of a good cause and one thing for sure is i am gonna be there next year. Nice work to all the people who put it together :clapping: :thumbsup_anim:
  18. That was fast!
  19. 6 Large hotels
  20. I got a kick watching this: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/899368/funny_cats_collection/
  21. LOL! all that happened to me not to long ago.
  22. Awesome catch Joey, must have been on good fight for 4 pound test on a ice rod, Congrats thats a line record for sure.
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