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Everything posted by PatrickGG

  1. Did a quick google search and came up with this: http://www.upnorthoutdoors.com/stamina/hoo...s_weedless.html They would work nice for spoons when working the top of weed lines for pike but they would be useless for crank baits they naturally grab anything in there way when retrieving.
  2. Tubes on the Grand will never let you down.
  3. Awesome report and nice pics, looks like you guys did really good even in bad weather.
  4. Great report and welcome aboard.
  5. Nicely done kevin and nice looking bass in those pics thanks for sharing.
  6. Hey fishmaster you gonna be in Bowmanville "Port Darlington" this weekend for the salmon tourney? I will be team Hot Reels spotter, I think i saw your Boat at the St Catherines Scotty tourney, good luck if your gonna head out.
  7. Thats one serious boat, You gonna get some downriggers on that bad boy for some salmon and laker hunting?
  8. Awesome report 007 its a good thing you got a pic of the pike.
  9. Good stuff Tbay, I sent you that p.m the day before your trip and told you there is some big musky in that Lake I guess there was no need to bring up more gear.
  10. Nice fish Terry, Those eyes look yummy.
  11. So off i went in search of some Cooks Bay pike thinking i just mite be able to crack my PB "NOT!" fishing was hard lots of wind and rain but i didn't give up i went 3 hours with out a pike and decided to target panfish and they are everywhere in the bay and they are some crazy fish species they ganged up on my Perch X-rap and everytime i casted they followed it right back to the boat, I lost count of how many pan fish i caught but i managed a couple of pics of some of the bigger ones; The first perch of the day: The rock bass that shocked me: Nice Perch: Not to bad for some Pan fish at least there wasn't a skunk for the day but i got a story behind it all, i left Gilford shortly after 6p.m i got on the 400 south and ended up running into this between 89 and 88: A massive 4 car accident one car flipped over another squashed in the guard rail and one went threw the guard rail into northbound traffic hitting a vehicle head on i dunno how it happened but it was horrible and i hope and prayed that nobody died in this accident. Picture of the northbound lane: I was stuck on the 400 for 3 hours before they opened on lane, during my 3 hours of waiting i fell asleep in my car to wake up to moving traffic so i got up and adjusted my seat and bang the adjustment handle broke off and my seat is basically free swinging on me all the way home .
  12. Last weekend while i was fishing for pike i accidentally snagged a carp and you guys are right they fight and take drag out but the carp population is getting really high and is interfering with spawning fish "pike,bass" what i am getting at is this die off can be a good thing to regulate the population of carp and help the growth and population of other species.
  13. That was awesome thanks for posting it.
  14. Next time Give me a fair times notice i wouldn't mind going even if you need some help in regards to fixing up your cottage the fishing looks like it would be worth it.
  15. Note to self: 1/ Next time i am at the gas bar paying for my gas i should be aware of who is behind the counter and i wont try to piss him off. 2/ No more asking if they can please turn on the air pump cause i bought gas just pay the damn quarter for air. 3/ Stay extremely far away from transport trucks shipping gas around on the highways an in the cities.
  16. ITS A LIE! another excuse to raise up prices "jk" Its a never ending loop and theres always some excuse tornadoes, hurricanes, terrorists, its the same Bull.
  17. Yea it sure was a fun day, Here was the first pike i got not as big as tbays but a fighter indeed he did some air assaults on the way in. The overcast made it a awesome day for pike fishing as for the carp theres so many as i was walking back to the spot where i left my pliers i came across a couple fishing for carp in a spot that had produced no fish i gladly showed them where i seen a bunch in spawn mode and they thanked me for showing them a hot spot i just hoped they would take as much as they can home for dinner .
  18. Looks like lots of fun, thanks for sharing your experience and pics.
  19. Thats a nice couple of toothy critters you guys got, good job and thanks for sharing the pics.
  20. Do you guys eat the eyes on them also?
  21. I found this to be very interesting: http://www.eatmyshorts.net/movie/1523/.html
  22. OMG! this is becoming the monthly topic.
  23. You guys remember Wanderlei Silva Jackson got a beating that i think was his worst: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJsn4HYsBuo...ted&search=
  24. My condolences to you and your family Lew.
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