So off i went in search of some Cooks Bay pike thinking i just mite be able to crack my PB "NOT!" fishing was hard lots of wind and rain but i didn't
give up i went 3 hours with out a pike and decided to target panfish and they are everywhere in the bay and they are some crazy fish species they ganged up on my Perch
X-rap and everytime i casted they followed it right back to the boat, I lost count of how many pan fish i caught but i managed a couple of pics of some of the bigger ones;
The first perch of the day:
The rock bass that shocked me:
Nice Perch:
Not to bad for some Pan fish at least there wasn't a skunk for the day but i got a story behind it all, i left Gilford shortly
after 6p.m i got on the 400 south and ended up running into this between 89 and 88:
A massive 4 car accident one car flipped over another squashed in the guard rail and one went threw the guard rail into northbound traffic hitting a vehicle head on i dunno how it happened but it was horrible and i hope and prayed that nobody died in this accident.
Picture of the northbound lane:
I was stuck on the 400 for 3 hours before they opened on lane, during my 3 hours of waiting i fell asleep in my car to wake up to moving traffic so i got up and adjusted my seat and bang the adjustment handle broke off and my seat is basically free swinging on me all the way home .