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Everything posted by steve_paul

  1. It is interesting, this was brought up awhile back on the local board and the concensus was "it is your right, keep your limit". There was no talk on the selective harvest - keep the smaller, throw back the prime spawners. It is all our right to keep a fish for the table, it is too bad though as others have mentioned, too many of the wrong fish seem to make their way to the fryers.
  2. Congrats Bill, good to see you break in the new set up like that.
  3. I think Stoty is away fishing this week up near Kingston with his buddy.
  4. Great job Corey, congrats on the great week. Some nice looking fish there. Thanks for the report.
  5. UF Put up a notice on the Long Point board - maybe someone there has seen your buddy in his travels. http://www.longpoint.on.ca/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=2 Hope he is back home soon.
  6. I would rather hold my mother in law in a nekkid oily embrace than grab those things.
  7. John, this is primarily why I fish. Nothing beats the peace and solitude of quietly fishing up north, surrounded by the beauty of nature away from the noise and commotion of the daily routine. Catching fish is another bonus that adds to the experience. I will also add that I fish as there are not many better activities that I can share with my kids. I love being out in the boat with them (when they are not fighting of course), just spending time together. They both routinely outfish me but it is the time we spend doing it that means the most to me.
  8. Mike, use the "MultiQ+" button to quote multiple people then hit Add Reply. Amazing report, great times with the family. You have a beautiful spot there. Thanks for the report.
  9. Nice job guys. As JB says, the beauty alone makes it a great trip - those nice fish are bonus. Thanks for the report and congrats on the fish.
  10. Great report Brian, good job guys. Hope the head cold is feeling better and the poop smell is gone. Thanks for the report.
  11. Great report Mike, thanks. Congrats to your son on the great weekend too.
  12. Great report, looks like you had a super week. Thanks for the report.
  13. yup, its a 1974. Hope you get lots of enjoyment out of her
  14. Thanks John but I think the Manly Piece compliments belong on "Big Cliff's Balls" thread Thanks everyone for the input, going to do a little more "discussing" tonight at the trailer about it with Cindy and see what we can come up with.
  15. Good idea Brian, I was thinking collect the first 3 years with the initial purchase price and you have a nice buffer in the account and revisit everyones position after the 2nd year / prior to the 3rd year.
  16. Deer Flys and mosquitos up north mostly
  17. Cliff, will Big Cliff's balls make the remix release of the OFC Anthem??
  18. Thanks Cliff, that clears it up. Was afraid it meant something more along these lines
  19. John, what is a shotgun buyout??
  20. Done incorrectly or with the wrong people you are right, could be a disaster. Just something we are throwing around, and that thought as well as mentioned by others was the first thing that crossed our minds. Annual fees / lease would be $2400 per year so $600 per partner which is still less than / equal to a cabin rental for one week per year.
  21. Great input everyone, thanks. I will look into the cottage life forums Nemo, thanks. With respect to non payment, I was hoping to work it so the initial investment would include the purchase price, a couple years of tax / fee payments and a buffer for maintenance / repairs. Set up the account as suggested with 4 signings required, formal bookkeeping, etc. If there is a buffer in the account of at least one - two years, then a minor financial hiccup by one partner could be weathered short term. If it was a long term problem, a provision in the agreement could call for a forfeiture of share bought back by the other partners at original cost or something. I don't want to buy and rent - too much work back and forth every time someone new is coming in. Also, the cleaning, etc would have to be on an honour system basis and hope that everyone is a responsible adult in the group (sometimes that is more than you can hope for) Glen that is very philosophical. Not sure if you can own time but you can own "things" that make the "time" you have much more enjoyable. That and don't whiz into the wind are my tidbits of philosophy today.
  22. I have found a small cottage for sale that is of interest to me. Problem is that until I retire it is quite a distance to enjoy on a regular basis. What I am wondering is, does anyone have any experience with group ownership / time sharing of a recreational property? Talking to my wife last night, we thought maybe a 4 person ownership group would work, each group buying an equal share of the cottage which would entitle them to 5 weeks per year during the summer (20 weeks from Victoria Day weekend until October 4). Weeks could be divided up at the start of the summer with each person taking turns picking the weeks they want and each partner getting at least one long weekend per year. Each year prior to May 1st each partner puts in an equal amount to the group operating bank account which would be used for annual taxes, dues, etc as well as fix up and maintenance (Don't pay your annual fees - you don't use the cottage until paid in full). You cannot use the cottage as collateral on any other personal loan. If one person wanted out, the other 3 partners would have first right to buy their share at the market / appraised rate at the time. Does anyone have experience with this type of setup? Any drawbacks you can see? Any one interested in exploring this option? (cottage is on the Lower French River, initial purchase investment would be in the $10,000 to $15,000 range for your ownership, group would own the cottage itself with land leased (non native land)) Any input appreciated.
  23. Holy crap. Good video Cliff, glad they both survived.
  24. Geez, there are muskie in the French Tres bein gentlemen
  25. Nice job LBH, thanks for the report. When we were on the French in May my son snagged one of those leeches while trolling. Nasty looking things, yuck.
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