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pike n' whities

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Everything posted by pike n' whities

  1. hmmmm, well apparently my original post is gone sooooo...... nice lookin' day and a couple fish
  2. i just thought of this.... observe to see when the beaver leaves. make sure theres no other beavers in the house then BAM smash it up..... but who knows, that idea doesnt sound too logical either hahaha. good luck bud!
  3. nice lookin' day and a couple fish
  4. thats a weimaraner eh? beautiful dog! my brother has a couple of 'em.
  5. hmmm, now that seems like a good idea for tonight, and i even have all the stuff to make it!
  6. im gettin pretty excited for opener. great job bud!
  7. you make girlling sound like gymnastics..... or some kinda art form
  8. haha! thats actually the EXACT recipe i was thinkin for the taters!.... well i got potatoes fryin in the pan with random spices and some onion and fresh bacon. the steak i just basted with some hp sauce a few times. i'd take a picture, but i still havent picked any batteries up for the dang thing.
  9. craaaaap i totally forgot about that deal! would be nice to finally get a new set up. the cork on my 3 year old quantum is pretty well done, lol. im pretty hard on rods. im surprised that one lasted as long as it did. im still fishin with it too. gotta also get some braid for my caster. still havent used that thing.
  10. well, im out of ideas for dinner i know i want steak and potatoes BUT the trouble is i cant come up with anything new. anyone got any recipes for marinade and somethin to do with the potatoes? or instead of marinade something else to do with the steaks? thanks guys!
  11. if i was still living down there i would be in the group for sure! but up here its a little hard to make a group like that cause theres so many natives up here its kinda hard to tell who is who. unlees you got bonocs or eagle vision haha. but yea even if the MNR hit up the st.mary's right downtown of sault ste. marie in the rapids they would catch ALOT of people angling illegally! snaggin... you name it, they do it. there's actually a video of a guy fishing in the rapids on youtube and he sees a seagull flying along so he casts and as the seagull runs into his line he pulls his rod back like he setting the hook.. he untangles it though. i think it flew away. anyhow if you wanna go check it out it should be there.
  12. take a look at this boys. i was trolling around ALL DAY last summer. motor speed down as low as she could go and i started with a full tank at about 8:30am and im pretty sure i never went far past 3/4 of a tank when we got off the water at about 7:40pm, and that was with a few wide open runs too across the top end of the lake. that little 9.9 johnson is a purdy speedy little thang for bein' a 197? haha. for bigger motors i would go 4 stroke but for the smaller deals it'd be 2 stroke for me bud.... those of you who wanna contradict me, go for it. remember to be half civilized now.
  13. nerds? jeez, i guess you havent really seen half of us then eh? what are these "OLD people" you speak of? ............................................................................................................................... -people like to argue. -southerners like to take cracks at the northern folk and vice versa. -uhhhh.... how to actually catch a friggin salmon in a none illegal way -....... that chewing tobacco is for "sissy's" lol.
  14. oh, uh sorry it took so long for me to respond. kinda forgot about the site lol. anyhow im a student at Korah C&VS.
  15. yup, tig is pretty hard on the eyes. depends on the shade you got over them. uhh, i cant tell you much about that course. i've never looked into it at al but i am in the specialist high skills major manufacturing program at my school. i've got whmis, fall arrest and a flat in both smaw and gmaw so far this semester. soon to come is gtaw in the flat postion and boom lifts and what not. all free of charge. might as well take advantage of it while i can right? cause next year i'll be outta that program and into an automotive co-op for a whole semester. though fabrication isn't my specialty.
  16. thanks joey, i feel real manly now! lol. and you got that right irish. cancer is cancer. to tell you the truth i've gotten off pretty lucky, being raised with second hand smoke and all. hopefully it holds off for the rest of my years!
  17. ........... nope.
  18. yea, turns out i got ALOT of questions. today i decided to screw around after i was done fishing and came across a raccoon skull and lower jaw bones. well im assuming its a coon anyway... so has anyone ever preserved bones before? any preffered methods out there? how about cleaning them? about the cleaning question: i found them without any flesh or skin left. was some older remains. maybe 2 years. they just look dirty. what ways SHOULD i use to get them nice n' white? do i seal the bone with some sorta shalak or whatever? and what sorta glue should i use to stick the teeth back in there? thought i would spare you guys from openning another thread and just post my question here. who smokes? anyone chew tobacco? im startin to quit. moved to chew. anyone wanna tell me their fav. chewin' tobacco since i cant seem to find some decent stuff? thanks!
  19. thanks for the help so far guys. looks like power pro is the most popular. i'll give it a go. i don't think im gunna go with mono first though. i went for whities today... nothing! i got a bite early this morning around 9:00 when i let my rod go still for about a minute. was just a tear drop tipped with a grain of rice, cause i forgot my wax worms.... and camera. they just dont seem to be too active right now. anyhow as i was picking up my rod i let the line go slack for a split second, that turned out to be an extremely stupid choice. brought the rod up slowly and the fish was gone with my rice! so i re-baited and got nothin after that. so i packed up around 12:30 and went on home. after some lookin through the bush and finding a coon skull and jaw bones.
  20. well, i personally would move just a tad more north of sault ste. marie. maybe up near wawa or further. i havent really put much thought into this sorta thing but some place that i would have access to salmon, trout, whities, pike and walleye, perch and bass. oh by the way, imma goin out to git me some whities tomorrow morning.... well now today at 8:00 lol (12:02 right now). so you can be sure i'll post my first whities of the season as well as some scenic shots! well.... not so scenic with the steel plant in the way haha.
  21. hey guys, i've never fished braid..... never fished with a bait caster... i've got the down low about how to prevent line crossing, birds nests, whatever you call em. i've been looking around for the "perfect braid". i've been told about power pro but i seen the thread from MTBF a while ago about how his was breaking inconveniantly. so i dont really know a good line to go with. looking for some guidence to the good stuff. if you got any opinions or suggestions about braid then i would be happy to hear them! oh and which pound line is recommended? tell me if im missing any lines? and which of them can be found at CT/walmart? thanks guys!
  22. i heard cats are good for musky.... so maybe it applies to bluegills? i never really tried making dough. i've used berkley power dough for trout.... was useless. maybe i fished it wrong. who knows. one word... worms..... the fish oil idea sounds like a good one too.
  23. good, i live in the sault.
  24. your my hero dude! pm me a general location... i'll pin point the spot! lol.
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