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pike n' whities

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Everything posted by pike n' whities

  1. hmmmm, maybe i'll go for whities tomorrow... lord knows i need the exercise! lol.... built up a little belly from being stocked away for the winter. was a little cold out there for me this morning. hopefully no damn rain tomorrow though! oh yea nice fish by the way TDunn!
  2. I dont know much about carwin so im gunna say mir is winning that one. For the main i would deffinately go for GSP! going to the gym and sparring with your buddies is actually a great stress relief though! work your way into some MMA (not like full on knee flying stuff though haha!!!) who knows, maybe i'll need the skills one day? i think its the next best thing to fishing. which of course is the top stress reliever. just wear a mouth guard..... chipped teeth aren't fun.
  3. well, i've been looking on how to make my own dehydrator and the way some people explain things, is just too complex for me..... i might use the oven method just to see how it turns out. what cut(s) of meat do you prefer to make your jerky with Cudz?
  4. thanks for the help guys. i think i'll have to make some venison jerky when i finally get my hands on some. my buddy will be out for them next season he owes me some after i let him have the rest of my moose stash
  5. Hey, new here. the names ted. as you can see im into pike n' whitfish. sleds, 4 wheelers, dirtbikes, pretty much anything motorized is another interest area. fishing of course. starting to get into hunting. alot o' good ol' stuff out there to get your hands on. the trouble is finding it haha. Anyhow onto my original question. is there anyone here who knows how to make beef jerky? kind of a silly question but its been one for a long time. i'd like to make my own to avoid gettin sucked into buying a bag every once in a while. its just more conveniant having my own supply. you guys should know what im talking about. Ted.
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