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Status Updates posted by spincast

  1. Lake O, here we go. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BillM


      I think I am going to give the southern shore of Lake O another 3 weeks before wasting anymore gas :)

    3. misfish


      Just say when Rick. Are there browns swimming around or just kings cohos and bows?

    4. spincast


      Lots of browns to be had in the spring, even from the shore. Kings, coho and bows are around too. And of course Lakers, but not as many as later in the year. Hoping the new boat comes home next weekend. Then we're back out again


  2. WOOOO HOOOOO first day out, only had a couple hours, but boated the first fish of the season. A sweet little brown. Back tomorrow for some serious time on the water

    1. zamboniwaterboy
    2. Freshtrax


      Me too, unfortunately I only washed.Lures today.

  3. looks like 2 foot - itis won. The Starfire is up for sale.

    1. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Congrats I'm sure it will sell quick. What did you buy?

    2. spincast


      176 Starfish, 115 main, 20 hp kicker, plus matching set up. Just needed something little bigger and deeper for the Lady O outings.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Congrats!,nice choice!

  4. Lookin' like the Starfire may be going up for sale in a couple weeks.

    1. spincast


      and then, maybe not :(

  5. Nipigon V.2.0 trip booked - esox, wallys and specks, can't wait.

    1. misfish


      I didn't know esox season was open in January?

    2. BillM


      I don't he's ice fishing Nipigon, lol


    3. spincast


      Who, me Ice fishing.... at -31? No thanks, I'll wait till July


  6. Merry Christmas to all

    1. Joey


      Merry Christmas to you and your family too!!

  7. Anyone else find IE 11 makes adding links and photos become an exercise in frustration? Chrome dome time for OFC

    1. GBW


      Yes, any time I need to quote or add a link I have to hit F12 and change it to an older version of IE

    2. aplumma


      IE is not friendly here we have IPS working on patches as we speak.


    3. irishfield


      I'm still on 7 pro and refuse to let my computer do the update. Can't quote, but you can cheat by using the HTML icon for links using or [url} tags

  8. I see winternet is in overdrive.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spincast


      LOL :) Trying to avoid freezing temps and waiting for my mail delivery?. My fingers and toes don't do cold too well; kinda like Terry's comment below. But thanks for the offer!

    3. grizzlybri


      I know I'm looking forward to being up there on the 22

    4. Christopheraaron
  9. Another icon passes; RIP Lou Reed.

  10. Day off+nice weather+ boat= :)

    1. spincast


      Day 1: sunburned skunk on St Clair; hopefully day 2 on LPB is more productive

    2. misfish


      How do you get skunked on LSC? Theres so many bass. LOL

    3. spincast


      After labour day I bet I could get skunked in a trout pond. First time trying for Muskie. Guess I still got a lot to learn

  11. Lake St Clair sunday .... perhaps finally the weather will cooperate?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      Thanks Bri - just need mother nature to cooperate. Enjoy the vid - got anything to do with Cadillac? That'll warm ya up

    3. misfish
    4. Crooked Rapids

      Crooked Rapids

      yes Spincast...perch

  12. Aaaaannnnd, the winds quash yet another outing in 2013..........

    1. misfish


      South winds have ben howling all day here Rick. Simcoe will be a right off in the main lake. Thank goodness for creeks and riv,s.

  13. looks like my plans for St Clair for tomorrow just got blown out. phft

  14. FIL just passed aaway after brief fight with the big C. Only 1 GP left for G and his sister. A sad day in our house.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zamboniwaterboy


      Thinking of you and your family at this time. If there is anything we can do let us know. Condolences.

    3. mercman


      deeply sorry for your loss Rick. Give G a big hug for me.

    4. irishfield


      Condolences for your wife and family Rick. God Speed to your FIL.

  15. callin for east winds tomorrow ..... Pfffffffffthhhttt!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spincast


      gee, that's tempting Wayne; too bad my poison ivy is stopping me from doing such rewarding tasks. Good luck!


    3. Pikeslayer


      Update...Forecast for East winds have subsided Rick. Can you haul your boat to the NS for Sunday?? Gonna be a banner day :) !!!!!

    4. spincast


      south shore today - lots of hooks more ijots than water and nothing in the boat. Forecast for tomoro - maybe Erie?


  16. Poison Ivy - snuck up on me. A week of the itchy and scatchy show show. :(

    1. Twocoda


      you should be fully exfoliated over the next week...


    2. wildeye rainbow

      wildeye rainbow

      I hear your pain. I can't fish a particular trout stream because pi is along the banks & I break out no matter how careful I am

    3. Christopheraaron


      what if you wore waders?

  17. Back from Nipigon. I beleive I have entered a long distance relationship... what a beauty and what gems she holds inside.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zamboniwaterboy
    3. Terry


      nice, always wanted to go there

    4. spincast


      go west young man. you wont be sorry - especially with that new ride

  18. I need a bigger boat. I hour trolling two lakers in the boat with 15 minutes. Blown off the lake :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. fishnsled
    3. spincast


      That's not such a far flung idea Frank ---Do I hear an opening bid?

    4. asdve23rveavwa


      Let me know when you are ready to sell, bud. One thing for sure, I know I'd be getting a boat that was well taken care of!

  19. lake O in the am for a few hours. Finally

  20. C'mon, been away from the lake for two weeks, slow them winds down about 5, 10k would ya?

  21. sammie hunting in the am

    1. Christopheraaron


      Good luck! Be sure to bring back a report :)

    2. BillM



  22. well, looks like its gonna blow on O tomoro, so thats a no go. Hatch a plan for the grand I guess

  23. I need a new fish, a brand new fish, one that gives me a fight, one that dont keep me up all night, .....

  24. woohoo.long weekend - let the games begin

    1. asdve23rveavwa


      Have fun buddy!!


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