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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Giant Hogweed now spotted out Renfrew way. A forestry official confirmed two new findings of giant hogweed last week in Renfrew County, west of Ottawa. It has previously been spotted in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec, southwestern Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. About 50 plants were spotted in Toronto’s Don Valley two weeks ago. Contact with the weed’s clear, watery sap can be very dangerous, Jeff Muzzi, Renfrew County’s forestry manager and weed inspector. “What it does to you is pretty ugly,” said Mr. Muzzi. “It causes blisters. Large blisters and permanent scarring. What’s left over looks like a scar from a chemical burn or fire.” Even a tiny trace of sap applied to the eye can singe the cornea, causing temporary or permanent blindness, he added. The chemicals in the sap, furocoumarins, are carcinogenic and teratogenic, meaning they can cause cancer and birth defects. http://www.nationalpost.com/m/wp/blog.html?b=news.nationalpost.com%2F%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fgiant-weed-that-burns-and-blinds-spreads-across-canada
  2. thanks Chad - its on the whip antenna, works great on the flat water. Did one once in a chop, the playback was somewhat unsettling? I did notice it make the boat look like it is going a lot faster than it really was though - Hey OI - We talked about keeping one, especially mine with how nice and gold the colour was, but survey results were C&R day. Pm on the way. Agreed .... I'll pick up where I left off next time - be nice if Lake O sets the scene, with a screaming King or dancing Bow perhaps Eminently prefer warm fronts as a rule - although that 1 hour before the cold front hits does has eminently satisfying fishing that it was, thanks for noticing Yes, I know, Dave. I suspect the teenage stage that looks at early morning awakening to hit the water as uncool is not to too far down the road...... just following your lead there BB.... don't want to be left behind. Had the Go pro for over a year now and still VERY much 101 stage.
  3. cool shots (and tunes) . Just need a catfish boogie-ing to the blues...
  4. nice - you got a lifer there for sure he gave his life that others might smile
  5. sweet deal! That's one of those "it -was - just - meant - to - be" moments
  6. Another crazy spring on the big water. temps all over the place ( frost at dawn, mid to high 20's by afternoon) winds pushing water around,....... we decided to take a day and see what felt like hitting worm harnesses on the light tackle. G nailed about 5 sheepies and then found his first channel cat - this one hit as he was setting up. We both ended up with a couple of feisty fanged scrappers before the sun got too high nothing spectacular, just a good day to b together on the water Love the rod action and G's effort
  7. spincast


    My daughter was at a synchro competition this weekend, and her Mum has figured out the camera pretty darn good. Before My daughter got into this, I didn't really consider it a sport. Try this on any given day. this shot is amazing! She is not diving into the pool - she was thrown in the air by her team and is doing a full flip
  8. Willie P was a fantastic lyricist. The group Blackie and The Rodeo Kings took their name from one of his songs. If you can find it, the CD Collectibles is awesome. If I remember correctly, he was from Peterborough.
  9. Aother one of Ontario's own, passed away few years ago, sadly
  10. article today indicates that not all VINs have been added to the list of cars yet...... It may take several weeks for all cars and trucks in the expanded recall to be entered into the database. http://www.thestar.com/business/2015/05/21/us-safety-regulator-to-take-over-takata-airbags-recall-to-speed-up-fix.html hard to tell based on the comments in here how immediate the risk is - sounds like a degradation of the product overtime is causing / contributing to the situation? So the older your vehicle, the bigger your risk.?
  11. glad to hear your dog wasn't badly injured. Badgers is some nasty fellers. this one will make you go "whaaaaa?' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachshund The dachshund (UK /ˈdæksənd/ or US /ˈdɑːkshʊnt/ dahks-huunt or US /ˈdɑːksənt/;[2]) is a short-legged, long-bodied dog breedbelonging to the hound family. The standard size dachshund was bred to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals
  12. The risk,based on the currently available information may appear low, but consider a) statistics - significantly lower number of vehicles on the CDN roadways than the US, so it only makes sense that not only would the defect be discovered and identified in the US first, but the number of instances would be significantly higher; and this wasn't really identified as a situation to look for in accidents in Canada till now, so who knows how often it has happened and the facial lacerations were put down to other factors? Then consider that the pressure from an exploding airbag that is not over charged will, by design have enough force to break a wrist if the hands are at the top of the wheel when they explode. These ones are exploding with such force they are splintering the metal container that holds them and turning it into shrapnel. Also, consider that an airbag will deploy at slow speed as well as high. So you driving to the store and have a fender bender at 40, and the passenger bag goes off and sends shrapnel into your passenger,blinding them or worse. Who is that most frequently in your car? The car company / takata are paying for the repairs IMO - let e'm and the sooner the better
  13. sweet Erie report - looking forward to getting out there soon. Bummer about the trip down south! I had a similar experience last year when I went fishing the flats.
  14. Just a public service notice - the attached article gives details on an airbag recall affecting almost 34 million cars. In the article is a link to the manufacturer's website for both CDN and US registered vehicles. The logistics and costs of this recall are mind boggling. I suspect it is going to take years to complete, and I can't help but wonder if Takata will be able to support that level of replacement requirements from either an operational or financial position. If I had one of the vehicles affected by this, I would be getting my spot in line as soon as possible. Don't wait for the recall card in the mail article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/takata-now-has-biggest-recall-in-history-33-8-million-vehicles-1.3079490 CDN link:http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/motorvehiclesafety/safevehicles-defectinvestigations-1412.html US Link: http://www.safercar.gov/rs/takata/index.html
  15. "so I snuck down the front lawn at daybreak and cast for a couple hors before work" There are words to describe how I feel about this post Simon - but the spell check keeps changing them sweet report. Love the shots, that first one is perfect!
  16. love it when the esox are on the feed. thanks for sharing
  17. sweet. nothing like a double digit day of bulldogs and peelers. I have to start working on my Ojo soon
  18. I'd take that over my day in the office - any time. Good start to the long weekend.
  19. trips like that are what we live for - enjoy every minute! Sounds like some awesome water. At least this year you didn't have to worry about a main route bridge being out!
  20. BB was an amazing artist, mentor and all around gentleman to so many who played the blues. His list achievements is staggering. If you happen to have Sirius radio, BB Kings Bluesville has been recognizing his music and achievements all day. In the several hours I have listened , not one song repeated. I came to appreciate his talent far too late, but perhaps that only served to heighten my appreciation. BB King may be dead, but his music will live forever, and continue to inspire generations.
  21. Hoping for some West winds in the 10 k range all weekend.



      just give me some sunshine for poop sake!

    2. misfish


      I hope we get a bit of a breeze Rick. Just to keep the bugs at bay.

  22. http://news.yahoo.com/king-blues-blues-legend-b-b-king-dead-054620960.html Gonna be missed, man
  23. well, your ratio is improving 650 views now and including this 8 replies, but then one is yours ... I think I know that spot (now). Looks like the second trip to the bull-rushes produces the prize. Nice outing
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