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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Damn, I knew I was doing something wrong. If I say , I'm going out to catch some fish, will I do better?
  2. Ya, we want pictures!!!! The stove and the boots.
  3. Hey Hey Hey. Those are reading glasses not sunglasses. :tease:
  4. What a good looking dog Simon!! A friend for a very long time. Now all you need to do is make him a pair of boots with cleats on the bottom for ice fishing.
  5. Nothing better then sitting in a hut and watching a great big head move slowly into view of the hole.
  6. As usual, always there to help out.
  7. Your kids will remember it for a long time Dan. Go have fun.
  8. I just use a 2 burner stove from walmart. It's not a coleman but similar and it's stainless steel. Also use it to cook breakfast,lunch& dinner,and the coffe is always fresh and hot. I also run a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector so I dont have to worry about waking up in the morning.
  9. Sorry to hear this very sad news. Time will take the pain away. The memories will last forever.
  10. I buy the 3 year for both my wife and myself. As said before, LESS headaches including the one that a lot of people are going threw with this fiasco of the new format that they are implementing now..
  11. Right on ! All 3 are the perfect eater size. Good report.
  12. Gives a whole new meaning to " chicken plucker"
  13. When I had my 100LB's re-valved casey's was the cheapest. They were even cheaper then costco to re fill them. As for bulk, I don't know. It's only a phone call to find out. Casey's Propane 835 Hwy 7, Peterborough, ON K9J 6X9 (705) 742-9198 ‎ Just east of the 115.
  14. Seriously thou that's nuts. I wonder what they are fishing for?? Doesn't matter. If it comes up out of the hole then it's going in the blender for fish patties.
  15. Rutt row shaggy !! Holy snapping bungee's batman.
  16. Ya gotta love good times with family and friends ! Now for the other side, damn you Cliff now Im hungry! Wait till I tell the wife what she's making for dinner tonight.
  17. Good question Bob. The grease in bearings is like the oil in an engine. The hair on a mans head. The 32" waistline. The money you had hidden to buy new tackle. The chocolate bar hidden in the back of the fridge. :dunno:
  18. My wife's license expires 2012. Mine expires 2013. So you guy's get all the bugs worked out so we can have a hassle free renewal.
  19. Lets hope they remove them soon. There are a lot of people that use that ramp to take their hut out.
  20. Another great Limey video! Love the puck. Sooner or later Jack is going to realize that the puck is not in any more of the video. Then you will pay the price.
  21. You could look up their phone number and call them.
  22. :rofl2: I caught that one.
  23. Happy New Year Paul !!! And to everyone else. I went out last night to our second oldest's spanish nite club that she works at. I was once again DD and had a great time. Being a DD does have it's draw backs though, like a really sore neck.
  24. Happy New Year to you to skipper D!!!!
  25. I have over 50. I need them to match my fishing rods. As for shoes/boots. I have a few of those but I like my pointed cowboy boots. They are great for kicking someone in the that is deserving!
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