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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. I have a 9.9 evinrude that does the same thing. if it does it again shut the engine off. pull the spark plugs out to see if there is a piece of carbon in the gap of the plug. mine is always in the top plug.
  2. LOL, it's RED eye i thought it would be BROWN eye
  3. Let me see if i got this right: Tommy and Joe have a poacher after their catch. 1-U.S. 2-right to protect what is yours 3-right to bare arms. 4-swamp waters where the body wont be found. this could be an interesting show
  4. http://www.sledshot.com/video_gallery.php?id=11
  5. Yes , and running good! wouldnt that catch on the bed of the trailer while loading and unloading?
  6. Terry, you are 100% right about peter and his fishing board. If you mention innsfil bait & tackle , he will remove your post .
  7. Hoppy, the phone number has been changed. INNISFIL LIVE BAIT & TACKLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5460 yonge st. @ hwy 89 gilford, ont 705-790-7309 healthy scoop of minnows $5 leeches worms tackle rods& reels open 6 am/7 days a week they have a great selection at great prices. Im still on the fence as to whether or not i will be going this year!
  8. Lots of bare ice, minimal snow drifts. get a set of ice scratchers and put them on your sled.
  9. Nobody mentioned the price of the OIL changes! I use synthetic and its $47.99 I agree with 97% of the replies posted. And Lew is dead on about the scarbrough vs peterborough store!
  10. Gee thanks for the good news... Guess i will find out tomorrow morning if mine is still good.
  11. ok, im off to see what all the fuss is about at the show. if ya spot me , say hello. i will be in a winter denim jacket at kelly will be in her purple jacket, daniel will be there wearing his sea cadet jacket. i will have to leave by 1 pm to take my son to the airport, he is flying out to BC for 9 days training. hope to see some OFNers out there.
  12. MINNOWS!!!!!!!!!!! Take the minnows with you to the fishing show..... Dump them into the fish tank, and watch how many vendors get pissed cause there new go to lures wont even get a look from the fish!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. i heard were getting a deep freeze this year that will last until november!
  14. No more off shore drilling for oil either! No more Swamp People shows?
  15. check and make sure it has a trailer hitch! and check the wiring harness with a test light.
  16. Great Report!!!!! and a great day to boot! people helping drill the holes, catching fish, pulling the hut back for you, and your sled is ready. funny cause i just picked mine up today from the mechanics too sunday is simcoe day for me now.
  17. When he stepped on your foot, that in the eyes of the law is considered assault. You then had the right to defend yourself! like what has already been said: file a formal complaint. document every thing with times as-well assault X 1 harassment X 3
  18. I sure hope someone has those black plastic rattling reels for sale there. i need 2 of them.
  19. Ya what he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  20. Billy Bob
  21. What, no video or pictures? They just tolerate it cause they know they are safe when they are around you!!
  22. You maybe getting use to Lew time, but i bet the deer are getting pissed off by him waking them up every morning!
  23. Thanks for posting this Terry. Its nice to hear the good news! In answer to your question, YES he is a Hero
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