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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Nice report! Great pictures! Where's the pictures you took from the zip line?
  2. Try this site and you can find the fuel pump assembly you have and look at the diagram. http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Merc/parts.html
  3. Yet ANOTHER great report coming from a day fishing with Simon. I wouldnt want to be the person who got to do the laundry that day.
  4. Way to go Lew. Great report. Now Daniel and I are getting excited about going up there on the long weekend in 2 weeks.
  5. easiest way to do oil mixture. multiply the liters by 1000, then divide that by your mixture. EG: 4.7L x 1000 = 4700, then divide by what ever your mixture is. 4700 divided by 50= 94 ml 32 to 1 would be 146.9 ml
  6. Way to go Mercman!! Is the heart still pumping?
  7. Happy Birthday !!!!! Did ya take the day off to go fishing? Or is the wife giving you dinner followed by a body massage?
  8. Looks like no one else is picking up on it Dana.
  9. Why do they have to launch the boat for you? Is the launch in bad shape or something? They are very busy at that launch, and they dont want someone there taking an hour to launch. Think of it as a "valet service". They will tell you where to park and unhook from the boat trailer.When you do this, put every thing you will need in the boat so you are ready to go. Then they come over with there tractor, hook onto the trailer and 10 seconds later they bring the trailer back up for you to hook back up to and go park in there parking lot.
  10. Happy (belated)Birthday Dana !! Nice fish. Am I the only one that noticed something funny with the action picture? Lets see if anyone else can spot it.
  11. It has a fuse built in , but these are two headphone jacks, and the 2 jacks were still in the box, ready to hook something up to them?
  12. Seriously, I did. It has 2 outlets on the front that I cant figure out what they are for. They are the same as headphone cord plugs.
  13. Wow, I didnt realize they were that expensive. I found one sitting beside the dumpster in march. Tested it and it works perfectly. It is now sitting in my boat with my battery in it, guess I better lock it down.
  14. Where's the peace sign , so we know the pics are real Paul? Where's your OFC sign ? BTW: Those little screw drivers that Paul hands out are really handy!
  15. Good posting Grampa!
  16. LOL He's not dead, he's just out smarted you. He knows that if you think he is dead you will take him into your house, to examine him. He also knows that you have the A/C on, and lots of water and food.
  17. Are you kidding me? I would have worn a pink one with rose's on it today, It helped block the heat from the grills.
  18. Your darn toot'n it was hot ! We were cooking steak,chicken,pulled pork,plainten(fried banana)on the 2 big grills. Behind us was 3 of the propane burners with big pots of rice,vegetables,and spanish beans. Kelly was serving the customers and Anthony( young guy at the far right in the pic) and myself were doing the cooking.
  19. Paul, I have a pair of berkley's I bought at walmart 3 years ago. There are amber lens, polarized,AND they have 2X magnafication bifocals on the bottom. Makes it easy to see the line when your tying on a new lure!!!!! They come in 1X 2X and 3x I believe, and cost me $24.99
  20. How about taking the tires off it and you can unbolt the coupler off the tongue.
  21. Happy Birthday Roy. Hugs and kisses from Miss Kelly. Since Canada is metric take your age and divide it by 2.2 That puts you around 31 years old! I'm just trying to figure out how you will get 31 candles on a cup cake? PS: Dont invite Randy over to the party, he will fall onto the cup cake, set himself on fire, then trash the house trying to put out the flames.....
  22. I will reserve my comment until mercman does his post WITH pictures. BTW mercman, make sure you do a peace sign in all the pictures so we know they are real.
  23. I too was having the same problems as you Lew. I just loaded google chrome and it fixed the pm problem, that I have had for months. Now im trying to figure out how to get a tool bar up with spell check,auto fill and a couple other things on it.
  24. Yes the big ones are still there. I have seen tons of them this year, in chemong lake.
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