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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. I posted a link for episode 2 last week.. not to sure if it still works or not Im trying to find episode 3 right now Rogers sucks
  2. Thanks everyone.. the info is greatly appreciated!
  3. Yes I too thought that. He was one hell of a spokesmen for the team at the all-star break in Ottawa last year. Even with all the Alfie lovers booing him.
  4. I thought Clarkson was going to step into that role Steve..So far he is a dud...Go Leafs Go!
  5. I positively guarantee you without a doubt that if Dion signs for 7 years 7 million (witch is a done deal except for the NTC according to last-nights HBO 24/7) No other 20 to 30 minute players , epically D-men will sign for less..As for trading Dion its a contract year and he currently has a NTC he cant be traded guys..Our 2 choices are simple.. Let him walk or sign him. Right now Nunas doesn't want to offer Dion another NTC and if he has to, he will want a list of teams Dion is willing to be sent to, Dion wants one for protection. So he may just walk yet. As for tonight's game I say its another leafs win..4-3 Dion nets the game winner just to spite all the nay sayers.
  6. not to sure of bounties..Not why we want to hunt them.. its just fun. I suppose a bounty would be an added bonus
  7. dont matter that show was on the decline anyway.. One more season and its over IMO
  8. We have recently got into coyote hunting and enjoy it.. Does anyone have any problem coyotes they would like removed? willing to travel from st Williams to Marmara areas and anywhere in between.. Thanks guys n Gals
  9. Welcome to the newly structured CBA and the new NHL. Im sorry to say but IMHO I think your wrong.. its the way ALL contracts are going to go from here on in im afraid..I don't agree with it and I dont think the cap should go up to 70 mill either.. I honestly thought Dion was gonna push for a 1 year extension so he could go for the 8 to 10 mill next year cause that's what they will be looking for
  10. I hear ya there however after today every dman in the 20 minute plus range will be well over 7 mill..You wont EVER see another 20 min dman go for less then 7 again..Today is the day
  11. I think its a bargoon..Look at his #'s.. I dont think he should be captain, but who replaces him? Dion leads the team in +- and minutes per game..When the cap goes up the next 2 years 7 mill is going to look like a sweet deal... On another note I seriously worry about other teams when the cap goes up..Look at the Sens for example how are they ever going to compete with a higher cap space when they cant fill their own house on a nightly basis..Wont be long before its a 2 tear league again..
  12. Big game tonight..Ranger remains in the lineup.. I cant help but wonder what he has in his back pocket on coach Randy. The guy sucks, Liles has played well every game he has been in and is a plus player. Why we keep trying the Ranger experiment is way beyond me...I had a ittle birdie tell me that Bolland was skating over the holiday break..Thank frig. he will be welcomed back
  13. This is awesome..Merry Christmas to you sir! Its folks like this that maintain my faith in humanity! Good Karma is going to be your friend!
  14. Actually I drive it like its stolen..lol I have no shortage of NOS parts.. Here is a pic of my wife's spitfire also fully restored
  15. That was very nice..Cool story WTG Crappy tire!
  16. Here is my ride..A fully restored John Deere Sportfire 440.. Tough reliable sleds.. Here she is a Deere get together..
  17. oops wrong link..My bad here is last-nights episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZF0Gtp9Ycs
  18. Here is lastnights episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZF0Gtp9Ycs
  19. As Bill pointed out above the boys are not playing all that well, however its all tied up and Dion and Lupes have scored to put us right back in it..Now we get to play our style of hockey..20 minutes a game......
  20. no he is waiting to see how things shake up in Toronto before he comments..Leafs win silence, leafs loose,well we all know whats comming.....
  21. Merry Christmas to you too.. Welcome to the forurm!
  22. Notawa looses again....Anyone in the OFC pool interested in Bobby Ryan? I have him and am willing to trade..Make an offer As fo rtonights game..I call a leafs win..4-3 in regulation..Kessel gets 2 on the monster. Raymond is gonna have another big night.
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