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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Not if your grandfathered to an existing contract..20 years is 20 years when I went to school, but as far as new contracts go good luck..I wouldnt do it if there was an "opt out clause"
  2. Yes sir you would be 100% correct...Oh man......Crpaitols just knotted it up.....
  3. What a game so far..This team right here is my team. Tough bunch of SOBs hitting fighting does it get any better, yes a win will do...GO LEAFS GO!
  4. The University of Alaska's Geophysical Institute predicts much of Canada and the northern fringes of the U.S. should be able to see the northern lights. Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, Seattle and Des Moines might see the shimmering colours low on the horizon.
  5. The universe is sending us a belated Christmas gift, or maybe it's a reward for enduring the polar vortex weather: The northern lights will be visible across most of Canada tonight. Seriously! The sun has emitted a strong solar flare that's pushing the light show south, so expect to see shimmering colours in the night sky. Here are the details: http://on-msn.com/1diBDGu
  6. As long as the system is still workable I would welcome that problem..New inverter and a bank of batteries and your laughing..
  7. Awesome, this happened to me at LPB a few years ago.. go it to the hole then cya! gone....
  8. Further to my earlier post..The FIT systems (as far as I know) are not switchable and you can not feed into your batteries. What they did here was install a green boot on the transformer that feeds the house. That way the hydro workers know there is a system running at that transformer. I have asked the company about having the panels power my house in case of power outage I was told no, sorry. So in order for me to do it id have to come out of pocket myself and run risk being sued for breach of contract. Its a long story but I don't recomend that company..They did my system and messed things up bad.. I sent you a PM with my cell # please by all means give me a call.
  9. Cliff, I have a Miro FIT system on my roof. 3kw system. It wouldnt run my whole house if I wanted it to. As for the system itself its paid for in full from a company that rents my roof. After the 20 year contract I own the system, well whats left of it by then. There are many things to consider. The biggest factor to keep in mind is the winter. When we get all this ice and snow the panels wont generate any electricity... Secondly is the damn squirrels. They just love the solar panels they are constantly building nests under them and chewing the wires..This summer we had a hardware wire cloth installed around the entire solar array, they still found a way under and chewed a hole thru the shingles and were part way thru the sheeting and heading strait for the attic. According to the technician that was here, the squirrels are the #1 problem they didn't see coming..Its a major issue and be sure no matter who you decide to go with make sure they gaurentee any and all squirrel damages. . What a nightmare. Also your roof trusses may have to be reenforced. The company has to have a structural engineer inspect your truss system to be sure its strong enough to sustain the weight of the system and major snow load. If you have any further questions please dont hesitate to ask.. Im more then willing to answer what I can
  10. Said it before and I suppose Ill have to say it again..Back away from the Crack pipe Matt.. There are many leafs in the Olympics...You may want to do some research there bud..Maybe its the bong water your drinking, but wow
  11. Yes Dion tipped it..At the blue line..Bernie had all kinds of time to stop that..Weak..All but one goal tonight was weak. Man Coach Randy is ticking me off big time..I dont like his choices at all...
  12. I dont get it..Why after such a HUGE stinker on Sat night did Bernier get the nod yet again..Reims must have pissed off coach Randy something bad. Orr is a one man hitting machine out there tonight...Wow
  13. Ha ha ha I have to agree with Matt to some extent..Its far too expense but disgrace.. nah.... That game against the Fins was a disgrace, The Refs called very lousy penalties to favor the Fins and in turn cost us 2 early goals. I clearly seen the boys in Red and White gave up, I honestly dont blame them..How the heck do you play a system that's all about diving and dirty play.. we cant compete with that and thank god were Canadians and refuse.. I honestly think its time for a coaching change and new management as well.. Till next year Go Canada Go!
  14. I have nothing good to say, so im just gonna go puke...Way to play boys...Someone should have told us we were playing the refs and the fins today....
  15. Im sorry this is the worst officiated game I have seen in years..Since when cant a goalie save a shot on goal in the blue ice? And the head shot penalty the diving Fin went down when he seen the hit coming..Brutal calls..Typical European hockey..Slash and dive you way to a loss..Man i really hope we stomp them a new one now..Go Canada Go!
  16. Ya wow.. im not complaining but id love to hear why they thought it wasn't suspend-able seeing as he s a repeat offender.. Dont get me wrong im laughing about this but yikes...Sure doesn't follow the president set by Shanny and the league
  17. Just read on FB that LPB has 5 to 7 inches of ice..Time to wet some lines folks! Jimmy Riggin has huts and ice taxi services available! We didnt get out once last year..This is great news! Just wanted to share
  18. What cracked me up was Burkes comments after the fact..Way to go Brian...lol Some things never change
  19. EH OH GO CANADA GO..... In other news I see Bobby dang Ryan is taking the news well....Ha ha ha Burkie once a Leaf always a Leaf..He doesn't pick Ryan for the Olympic team cause he is a stinking Sen....But seriously he didnt pick him because he doesn't play with enough intensity ..So what does he do? He insults USA hockey brass by calling them gutless...LOL way to seal the deal Bobby..He has now most likely shot himself in the foot if any roster spots open up due to injuries in the next month.. Here's what hockey USA had to say Team USA's selection committee wasn't sold on Ottawa winger Bobby Ryan. Advice: One member of the committee was quoted saying, "I think he's sleepy. I think he skates sleepy." GM David Poile asked: "Are guys nervous about Bobby Ryan?" A flurry of hands went up and Poile said, "That's a lot of guys." It also sounds like the committee wasn't sure what role to give Ryan because they didn't see him as a top-six forward. However, it's still very surprising to us that a player of his talent level didn't make the cut.
  20. I couldnt agree more.. I have been saying this all year..It seems real bad this year doesnt it...
  21. Meh its time to clean out your crack pipe Matt.. and its Kessel btw..Id wonder how you would respond to a crosscheck to the ribcage but I know better...Great game Go Leafs Go!
  22. Was watching the USA team announcement and suddenly it ended..What about the half of the team guys? lol Oh Bobby Ryan left out of team USA I suppose his horrible - record means much more then stats to the USA hockey brass
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