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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Funny stuff guys! I thought you would get a kick out of the beer..As for the coors light thats what was in Mama's hand at that time...lol. We had a great weekend and thanks for the positive comments!
  2. lol Obama held off long enough to do that to Mr. Trump.. you know what they say bout paybacks
  3. We went to open the trailer this weekend. Well we were greeted to unusually high and fast waters. We did manage to get the boat launched. When fishing our usual crappie spot, we caught many crappie (kept 6)We did get some OOS fish that were all released they were bass and a Huge Walleye in the same spot as the crappies. After a great day of mixed species I decided to use the old tried tested and true method of large sucker minnows and a bobber..Had a good day with lots of smaller pike. On the last minnow I managed get a big one to hit! I must admit I'm new to Pike fishing so this was my PB pike. Had a great weekend! Lots of fish and a huge crappie feast! Does life get any better? Thanks for looking folks!
  4. By the sound of it he was killed by the CIA outside of islamabad. Although it is death its good news in this case!
  5. I have a PS3 and I must admit that I'm peeved with Sony right now. These hackers have all my information including even my security question and answer. For the Xbox owners don't be so fast to laugh at this one..They run very much the same security system. The only difference you have to pay for everything you do online unlike the PS3. It sickens me to no end. It should be interesting to see how many lawsuits come of this breech of information. Privacy laws exist for a reason..My advice to any user is to use prepaid gamer cards. Brutal....
  6. here I thought this was another hockey thread...Nice all kidding aside..
  7. Id go with the minnow suckers and a bobber. They seem to work best for me in the early spring..I hope to test that theroy this weekend!!
  8. tb4me


    Awesome game boys!! GO NUCKS GO!!!
  9. anyway im heading to the trent, to put the dock in the water next weekend. I wouldnt mind fishing the point again this year. We use large bobbers and large sucker minnows, all while sitting in lawnchairs consuming ice cold beer! Does life get any better?so if you know where to find large minnows or any other tricks you would like to share please by all means, share!! Oh just for the record my place is north of campbellford, so ideally a place local would be nice. Thanks, Ron
  10. Too bad your so far away from me. Id do it for ya. Perhaps if waleye were open or bass but.......
  11. Try Coles point resort north of campbellford..its on the trent river. Great eye fishing, nothing big but lots of good fishing in general.. www.colespoint.ca Good luck no matter where you end up!
  12. Awesome eh!!! You usually loose me at Lesbian, but 5 mill sounds Wayyy better... All kidding aside Congrats to him!!
  13. Its realy cool to watch..Dad does all the hunting and feeding of the eaglets..while this happens mom gets to strech her wings for about 5 or so minutes..The 3rd hatchling should be along any day now.. looking forward to that!
  14. I just watched for 10 min after dinner. the male added a crow and a fish to the already rabbit in the nest....Yummy!
  15. Chicks hatched sat aft.. This is too awesome to not share.Enjoy folks..If you watch long enough you will see her babies under there!!!
  16. Nice video! Thanks Brandon I will use this on the trent..Funny I have been drifting jigs for years and you guys are 100% right. I work more snags then fish..Thanks for the tips!
  17. Awesome..That one is fine as a Photoless report..Kinda like "here hold my beer and watch this" Interesting
  18. fish lift, eh? How does it work? Can you actually net them and move them upstream? This I would like to see....
  19. Ryan you have to talk them into a Brantford or Hamilton show...Please!
  20. I wasnt all that impressed with his show. It was almost like he was trying to copy mercer a little with the humor. I wont watch another unless he changes it up a tad.. I will however watch any show that involves him fishing. That man can fish with me ANY time..
  21. Oh My. Didnanyone see that beaut by Kadri? lol made me a very happy man!!!!
  22. Well it seems as thou its working so here's yet another video..Just as sweet as the others!! <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qoNWhooukK8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  23. I didnt read all the posts on here. I noticed when I order a large it costs $1.52 then I order 2 large one would think it would come to $3.04 right? No they charge $3.05 Why?
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