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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Thanks man! Ice is going fast here, lost over a foot in a week, half of that has gone in the last 2 days. The weather is warming up fast, and its been windy and rainy, half the 2' of ice is honeycomb on our lake….not long now, regular beginning week of May Ice Out………….maybe sooner.
  2. Hi All, Got out in front of the house on Friday for an hour and a bit as the sun was going down. WENT DOWN AND DRILLED A FEW NEW HOLES JACK CAME DOWN AFTER SUPPER AND HELPED OPEN UP SOME OLD HOLES TOO WE HUNG OUT WAITING FOR THE FISH TO BITE JACK RETURNED TO THE HOUSE….BEDTIME! ROLOFF AND ME STAYED ON AND CAUGHT A FEW VIDEO Great little session, good to get a bite in front of the house again, saves on gas! Fish were in 9' FOW, 1/8 oz fire tiger jigs and small minnows. They hit the set line and when jigging. Perch was clear of worms which was nice.
  3. Hi all, Woke up just before dawn this morning and decided to walk down to the lake to fish with a coffee. As I stepped out the thunder started to roll and the rain began diluting my coffee. I decided against standing out on the lake in a thunder storm, put my fishing gear back in the house and headed out to take a few pics to show the wife and kid who were still sound asleep. Did not get to fish but watching the sun come up more than compensated.
  4. Hi all, Never knew my auger had a reverse gear or that Roloff could 'moonwalk'.
  5. Quite a bit of it too…….
  6. Hi all, Went fishing for an hour in front of the house tonight and the weirdest thing happened. I was slowly lifting and lowering my transducer down the side of the hole to establish ice thickness, kind of like a jigging motion when something grabbed hold of it and started to swim off!! The pull lasted only a matter of seconds, but it was definitely a fish….CRAZY! Got the transducer back, no obvious teeth marks that I could notice, but that certainly has never happened to me before. Anyone else ever have this happen?
  7. " I can't stand this indecision, married with a lack of vision........."

    1. 206


      Everybody wants to rule the world


      lol it's sad I know this song.


    2. limeyangler
  8. lol...spirit rock!
  9. Its all good here Brian…you know me….I get on my soap box and there is no stopping me….lol
  10. Well I'm 50 years old and pink is not a color that any of the gay people I know associate with their identity, it was ascribed to them. The Gay community I know is as diverse as it can get and does not define itself in terms of a color and I find it offensive when people feel they have a right to define other peoples identities based on whatever.
  11. "I will be the first to admit,ya it was gay, but it seems todays generation knows how to make that, pink a positive." It sounds like you are saying being gay is a negative thing....no wonder then people get bullied for being gay. Suggesting a color is representative of a persons sexuality only perpetuates the stereotypes which people base and justify their bigoted, discriminatory and bullying behaviour. To go further with my rant lets talk about gender stereotypes and the whole pink camo/fishergirl thing...or maybe not.....
  12. Hi all, I'm going through my videos at the moment (all 542 of them) sorting them out etc...etc... and its just amazing watching some of the ones where Jack was younger. Was watching this one this evening and my heart nearly exploded out of my chest...I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! He is just an awesomely kind, polite, considerate and compasionate little dood who is smart as hell! VERY PROUD OF HIM. Had to share this one again from 2012....the conversations we had in the boat were great...cant wait to get out in the boat again.
  13. Great stuff Bruce, sounds like a lot of fun, the crappie have exploded here on Wabigoon Lake, looking forward to ice out too myself!
  14. "All around me are familiar faces........"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Funny face, I love you,funny face,I need you.

    3. Joey


      Bright and early early are the daily races


    4. Terry


      Went to school and I was very nervous

      No one knew me....


  15. Thats not fair!
  16. made me smile too.
  17. Very cool shots Brian!
  18. LOL. Too true! Gonna post that one on my wall and share it with my wife….who is sitting 3 meters away!
  19. Lol SirCranksAlot, I think that would be an awesome afternoon out, a couple of red bulls and have at it! I really like Facebook. The whole reason it is called 'social' media is because it is just that, it is just another way to be involved with other people (be social). And being involved socially has it highs and lows, drama…yes, people that annoy you yes….but also can be a great way to connect with old friends, keep in contact with relatives…..a long way away in my case and have fun…yup…believe it or not it can be fun….hell people even get laid by using Facebook (so i've heard). Is there a need for people to post their every waking moment on Facebook, probably not, but the technology exists to do so, so its gonna happen. Has it made people less social? it would be easy for me to say yes as a person who did not grow up with all this stuff….but has it? Well it certainly has enabled (empowered even?) people to be social in a totally different way to what was possible when I was a kid. I post a lot on Facebook, sometimes I love it, sometimes it infuriates me….A LOT LIKE THIS FORUM…..so whats the difference? Heck…I am in contact with members here and on Facebook. Like all new technologies there are pros and cons. You can't escape the fact we live in a time of instant connectivity, different from when I was growing up for sure,
  20. "still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"

    1. bigugli


      In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade....

    2. misfish
    3. misfish


      I was born one gray morning with music in my ears

  21. Now that's more like it!
  22. WOW…sounds like hell! Reminds me a bit of the pier fishing I used to do….people everywhere…nightmare!
  23. They are spreading like wild fire here Joey. They are showing up in lakes that are not connected to any other waterbodies, official line on that is that pelicans are bringing them in, could be true, I am seeing way more pelicans up here too nowadays. You have some awesome crappie fishing right by you too Rick….we also never did get to Sawbill….AGAIN! LOL…I can't find them on the same lake in summer, I slaughter them in spring, have just learned one of their winter hangouts, but as soon as the spring spawn is done its like they never even existed! Wall to wall inflatables?
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