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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Beautifully put...truly poetic.......but even put so well....does beg the question...guess we are slighty 'touched in the head'
  2. Hi Y'all, I am in the process of looking to buy a second hand sled, prefeably a 2-up. I have never owned a sled, coming from a country that shuts down with even a light dusting of snow...lol...i saw this ad locally and the seller is asking for a 'best offer'. Any of you good folks familiar with this sled...i think its a 2 -up touring model...is that right....here's the ads details.....what would be a fair price forthis sled...thanks in advance for any advice Item: 2006 Panther Details: 2006 Artic Cat Panther 660 four stroke, low miles, mint condition MUST GO!!! Asking price: B.O.
  3. tough luck on the wee musky...i have not even had one on my line yet!
  4. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....that looks yummy.
  5. Nice fish...every time i see musky i get a little more jealous, still to catch one.
  6. Great report Rich......that pic of the waves tells the tale perfectly. I'm still chucklin' about crackhead bass....nice one.
  7. by the sounds of it GCD has been eating some of that cactus already...lol...hearing Led Zep from a tiller....trippy man
  8. WTG springbok....you're getting a lot of those in the past few days, great to see the pics.
  9. I know what ya mean GBay....i put more walleye back than i keep...especially on the smaller lakes, put it this way...i like eating fish....but if someone said i could not take fish home to eat...I WOULD STILL GO FISHING! and before anyone starts...lol...thats just me...if ya wanna keep 'em thats good too
  10. lol wild...yeah..i used to do that...just felt guilty reeling the fish across the lawn
  11. not a problem .....as it happens...ITS SNOWING NOW!!!! a real blizzard in fact.
  12. Thanks for sharing....hope you dont mind...but i'm stealing that pic of the water and trees...its spectacular!
  13. Hey GRT1, nice to hear from ya again...i've not been up to red lake since the fall classic tourney...RED LAKE IS AWESOME FISHING! your a lucky man living up there. I really appreciate your reply, it helps me feel that its not necessarily anything we were doing wrong...lol. I live on Lake Wabigoon...the locals call it the Dead Sea too....and thats all year round....lol.
  14. Hi Y'all, after a brief discussion about an hour ago via Leechman's 'Weather ' thread....he decided i should go fishing down the end of the yard, bso i decided to see what i could get in 1 hour. OK...OK...I'M GOING! <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_2092.flv"> I WALKED THE WHOLE 100 YRDS......ITS A REAL CHORE! <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_2094.flv"> I STARTED OFF JUST TOSSING OUT A JIG AND MINNOW FOR WALLEYE....BUT THE WEEDS WERE A PROBLEM AFTER HALF AN HOUR AND !)LBS OF WEED.....I GOT THIS LITTL GUY ON THE JIG AFTER ANOTHER 5LB OF WEEDS DRAGGED TO SHORE I CHANGED UP TO A FLOATING GLOW JIG AND SINKER AFTER 15 MINUTES THIS TINY PIKE KNOCKED THE ROD CLEAN OFF MY LOG ROD REST <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_2097.flv"> THE WIND STARTED TO PICK UP AND RAIN STARTED TOO....MY HOUR WAS UP ANY WAY <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_2102.flv"> OH WELL>>>>WILL JUST HAVE TO WATCH THE SECOND HALF OF ARSENAL V WEST HAM TYPICALLY....AS I'M WRITTING THIS THE SUN HAS COME OUT....BUT STILL RATHER BE IN HERE AS THE WIND IS REALLY HOWLING NOW Cold...wet and very windy....but avoided the skunk!
  15. i'll be watching for a hard water report too....your a lucky man Drifter...wow..icefishing in October...how excellent...i love fishing for lakers too....whitefish being my second favourite target species.
  16. ok....i'll just get outta my PJs and head down...see what if anything i can catch in an hour...will do a mini report in 60minutes time....lol.
  17. Awesome darsky....awesome....glad you got into the fish....makes the weather an irrelevance....we got rained on too on Friday...but we never really got into the fish.....sounds like great fun. I never had any luck with those cheap wet skins, they always rip...but i got a good jacket(cheap) and a pair of cheaper black waterproof skin trouers, with plenty of give....and i spray them with that waterproofing sparay...the water just beads of it.
  18. its a constant struggle Leechman...lol.....the water....it speaks to me.......calls me.
  19. I could go on a rant...but i wont...i think its great they are goin to ban cell phones in cars...been like that in England for years. Dunno about GPS though, one problem that did arise in England with the use of GPS was that big semi trucks would get stuck in tiny villages with no suitable roads for them...lol...
  20. at the moment its rain and wind...wind due to get upto 35kms today...so much for my fishing plans...lol...i might brave it though. LIVE WEATHER SHOT FROM MY COMPUTER DESK WINDOW...GREY, WET AND WINDY...WOW...JUST LIKE ENGLAND AGAIN!!!!....LOL
  21. welcome aboard Bluegill, from one 'foreigner' to another
  22. Certainly does look a bit 'breezy' out there...good job the rain held off. Too bad the fish got off. Cliff...that picture of the blackbirds in the tree with the rushes in the foreground is stunning!!!! congrats on that pic.
  23. i have 2 walmart $39 6'6" spinning combos (mitchell), and one softer action $30 combo from a small tackle shop in Sioux Lookout. I use a 10' ugly stick light with a Shimano aero GTE-B Baitrunner reel for downrigging. I would like some better gear...lol...all donations greatfully accepted. I would love to upgrade to the Fenwick/G Loomis rods...have held a few of those babies at tackle stores in Winnipeg.....TO DIE FOR!!! but i am prone to lose rods in the same way as JohnyB's ....i shut them in car doors, etc...etc...etc...I have have broken 4 rods this year alone!!! such a clutz. will one day upgrade my reels...its just the ones i like are from England...and i dont have a credit card so ordering them is a bit of a pain. Thy are Shimano reels but the products in England are slightly different. I love rear drag reels...especially ones with the 'fightingdrag' adjustment too...You can get them over hear...its just that the one i have seen which is similar always have that really annoying bail arm trigger thing...WHY DO THEY PUT THAT THING THERE...??? is it just me or is that the most redundant piece of !@#$@ ever??!! Anyway ...would love one ...actually 4 of these...2 of the 2500 size for walleye and spinning, and 2 smaller 1500's for my icefishing rods. What i want for Xmas
  24. Wow.....thats perseverance....congrats on a beauty walleye...certainly was beat up good. My buddy and me had a similar day on Friday...rain, rain and more rain...and like you the camera remained packed away because of it. Those cheap rain suits suck...lol...had 2 explode on me, you go to sit down...and...rrrrrip!
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