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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. Leechman...lol..i knew you'd be an ice fishing freak like me...dunno why...just sensed it....lol...look forward to seeing your posts and swapping ideas etc...etc..
  2. sorry for your loss bucktail.
  3. Very sad news, tragic. My condolences to his family and all his friends.
  4. Yeah Reefrunner....i am gonna have to have a go at some Musky for the first time this autumn. I cant believe i had to leave South Haven Michigan 2 weeks ago...just before it becomes possible to catch salmon from the Pier there(according to a guy who was unenthusiastically throwing out a red and white Williams from there explaining it was way too early....lol....he needs to get a boat me thinks....)
  5. i need a licence??!!!!
  6. Ok...every year , no matter what part of the world i find myself in, there is always 'that' morning when you go outside and notice a distinct chill to the air....this morning was that morning. I know that it can be chlly any morning.....but the feel to the air is different somehow...anybody else notice that too? Anyways....wont be long before i'm standing on the ice starin hopefully down an 8" hole (last year i was on the ice by December 1st...so only a few months now)...i know its a ways off but my mind is wandering off on an icy tangent this morning....and was just wondering who of the regulars on here are avid icefishers?
  7. Great report, thats a really nice 'eye!!!
  8. Great report HH, sounds like fun and lots of fish too. Thanks for taking the time to put that together...will check back to see pics if ya get them on.
  9. that salmon is definitely calorifically challenged(fat)!
  10. Great report, fishing sounds a bit tough but fun none the less, thanks for sharing.
  11. great report GCD....love the fishfinder shots.....and love how you use those Sabikis.
  12. Great report Johny, seems like the fish were pretty active for ya....supper thrown in a bonus for sure!!! Losing a nice fish sucks...but 3!!!???!!! sorry bout that. Nice to see a musky following...i still have to catch one...but its fun trying!!!
  13. Cheers TipUP.......had to laugh...your as bad as me ....already dusting off your icefishing gear and inviting all on the 'other' forum....lol....only about 9 weeks before i should be powering up the Jiffy out the front here
  14. Thats just AWESOME!...thanks for sharing. I love fishing everyday too!
  15. No wonder that tree is dead with all the cormorant p@#p all over it.......great report, cant help with the camera question but would love to se the results if ya figure it out!
  16. more chance of catching it with 2 mouths...no need for a stinger hook...lol....but seriously..if thats not a hoax its pretty disturbing.
  17. Well i was exaggerating a bit Solo, but Wabigoon is mostly clay, hence its colour, which is like a double double from Timmies. Lots of clay banks wearing away all over the place...but like you said whether or not its clay in the deeper sections is difficult to tell, however my fishfinder tends to show rock as dark orange and red and softer clay as black or blue, so i would say there are a lot of clay flats out there. I will probably get out tomorrow evening as usual and if i get the chance i'll try your tip and let ya know what i find.
  18. LOL...the whole of Wabigoon is a clay flat of about 17'-25' apart from the afore mentioned humps and reefs.
  19. Hi Y'all....lol...me again. I was reading a post by Goodtimer asking for advice on fishing spots in Northwestern Ontario, and one of the replies by Eye-tracker ,who has just finished the PWT here in Dryden, advises that all he islands, rock points and mid-water reefs on Wabigoon hold fish(walleye). Anyway.....i headed out this evening on Wabigoon for a couple of hours, after spending all day cleaning the truck which was a complete wreck after our trip at the weekend to Tallman Lake. It was pretty windy and i found myself heading out from our dock with no pre-planned destination....for some reason that post i just mentioned popped into my head. I decided i would try some midwater reefs....but the ones close by i had tried recently were not really producing...yeah the odd fish or ten...but no real action or size to any of the fish. As fate would have it i found myself near the Goverment Dock end of the lake as i had to travel up the Wabigoon river to get more minnows from the store near the dock downtown cuz mine had all miraculously escaped from the minnow bucket tied to my swimming patform...dunno how the little Houdinis managed that!.....so with midwater reefs in mind i decided i would try the ones just of the North point of Anderson Island straight across the bay from where the river comes out to he main lake. I have seen people fishing there before but always avoided that spot on my way to other places. To be honest i am still pretty new (only had my boat just over a year) to boating and so tend to avoid reefy marks unless someone else has shown me before hand...but...my confidence is growing...so decided to slow troll up to the reefs...some slightly visible...and some not so ...but high enough to cause damage still. I decided to use my hammered gold walleye spinner set up, as i also read on OFC that its a good way to locate fish, covering lots of water area. After a few passes to the left of a barely visible large reef in about 9' of water i get a hit, did not set the hook, but glanced at the fishfinder and there were a few nice arches there, right under the boat...so i flung my marker bouy over the transom and prepared to come about. On the very next pass i get a hit again...felt solid, started to reel and thought...oh yeah ...Jackfish. To my surprise it was a really nice 24or 25" walleye...considering my PB is 30" not a bad fish! for me. I wanted a pic of course for the report, and nearly gave up trying to get one as the fish kept flipping at the exact time i clicked the button...lol....and the whole time the boat was drifting into all the rocky reefs, but i managed to get a clear snap just before i became the Titanic. I caught about 5 other fish...all around 16 or 17" but gave up trying to take pics with all the wind and rocks about, but did manage some nice sunset shots on the short one mile boat trip home in less treacherous waters. So...thanks due to OFC(ers) for handy tips and venue idea.....cuz it was a very pleasant hour or so in the boat this evening. THE FISH KEPT FLIPPING........... .......AND JUMPING .......... ...........FINALLY GOT A STILL PIC A FEW NICE SUNSET PICS FROM THIS EVENING OUT ON WABIGOON
  20. I live on Lake Wabigoon...'TIS TRUE WHAT SHELDON SAYS!!!! but there are some better little lakes around which i'm slowly starting to explore...Tallman Lake, Grassy Bay(Lac Seul), Anaway Lake, Basket Lake, Route Lake all are better for walleye IMHO...and like i said i fish the Goon (wabigoon) almost daily! There are bass on Wabigoon chain...but they can be difficult to get into.....but if you do try Wabigoon for Bass go into Butler Lake and Mile and Trap Lakes......they are connected to the main lakes. There are also lots of Musky on Wabigoon apparently.....i have caught a few tiger musky...small...but the local camps cater for musky fishermen...try Indian Point Camp (visible from my house) or perhaps Bonny Bay camp. If you have specific questions i could more than likely tap into my friends' local knowledge for ya...might take a day or 2 to track them down though...they will probably be out fishing....lol.
  21. Hey goodtimer, I live n Dryden, but i'm fairly new here...1 1/2 years.....i actually dont know what the lodges etc are like cuz i have no need for them, i think all the lakes are good round here, the ones that are limited access are good.....i feel as though i should be able to help more...lol...considering i'm right here....but hey feel free to pm me if ya need anything. PS....I was meant to be in a Bass tournament with the local tackle shop owner and his son...unfortunately i had other things going on....but when i spoke to Kevin about it later(they came 3rd) he said that the amount of bass in this lake was ridiculous.....his buddy took a little click counter wth him on one day and after reaching the 200 count gave up clicking!!!! Kevins a pretty decent guy and i fish often with his son so dont think he would Bull me. Anyway that Lake is called Little Vermillion and apart from Bass is renowned for Musky and Lake Trout too, i'm not sure about walleye but its all part of the Lac Seul chain and the walleye fishing here is fantastic...i catch 25" walleye for fun on the lake at work in Sioux Lookout, in spring anyway, but we have fished lac seul recently and there is some good fishing....
  22. Went out yesterday for a few hours with my wife for bass and pike. This is usually non-stop action on topwaters and mepps spinners but was relatively slow yesteday. We caught some fish , but the usual fish a cast was not on yesterday. It has been getting colder here in the mornings, and despite the high temperatures in the afternoons it was definitely chilly on the way out at 11am....should only be about 8 weeks before first safe ice for fishing is here ...anyway...here's some pics and vid from yesterdays outing. FIRST CAST, FIRST PIKE.....HAD TO APOLOGISE FOR ALMOST HITTING MY WIFE WITH THE ROD WHEN SETTING THE HOOK.....OOOOPS! <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_1800.flv"> I MANAGED TO CAST A LITTLE TOO CLOSE TO SHORE AND SPENT 10 MINUTES ON SHORE RETRIEVING THE LURE COULD NOT HELP HAVING A RUMMAGE AROUND WHILE I WAS THERE, AND FOUND THIS LITTLE CRAYFISH AFTER OUR SHORE DETOUR MY WIFE HOOKED INTO THE BEST SMB OF THE DAY <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_1809.flv"> WE HAD A FEW MORE 1 AND 2 POUNDERS AND SOME PIKE.........ALL MEDIUM TO SMALL SIZE AND SOME VERY SMALL AND A BLUE/SILVER PIKE All in all an enjoyable few hours on the water , but the fishing was slow....i did get a couple small walleye on the way home, but they went back as we've been eating a lot of fish recently.
  23. great report, great pics and congrats on the finish.
  24. great report, nice trout there.
  25. great report Justin, the weather here is also changing quickly, still very hot in the afternoons , but a wintery chill until 1pm can be felt, lake will be ice in 8 weeks!!!!....better get my jiffy cleaned up. thanks for sharing.
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