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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. now that you mention it... i think you're right, it is FinS evolution...
  2. i use a "similar"coated line on my carp rigs... Pline evolution... it feels gross it feels like plastic... but it does last... i don't think i'll be respooling it though... i've had it on for 3 years, so it does last... not sure if this helps anyhow???
  3. i saw the rabbit finally
  4. DaBluz... depth curves for 18lb leadcore and 27lb leadcore are relatively close within 2 or 3 feet... this is taken from the trolling bible at 2mph... 18lb core 5 colors 36 feet down 10 colors 58 feet down 27lb core 5 colors 33 feet down 10 colors 59 feet down it honestly makes no difference and if your salmon fishing, i'd definitely go with the 27lb...
  5. ask anyone who owns a vexilar... LOL one Vex owner told me that my 2000W Marcum will fry a fishes brain... LOL buy the additional wattage and don't regret it...
  6. in all honesty... it's not a great reel for leadcore... the gear ratio is too slow... the reel itself is bulletproof though...
  7. Wire Dipsy definitely needs a snubber... Braid Dipsy should get one aswell or , splice on a piece of mono to act as a shock absorber... if using a mono dipsy, then make sure you check your release tension... you don't want to be reeling in a loaded dipsy with 300feet of line... Note: Don't pump the rod when walleye fishing, it aint a salmon, and you'll pull the hook out...
  8. I'm a tool and die maker and found it hard to spend $200 for my pin... thought about making 1, then looked at cost of materials/bearings/time... and in the end... i said screw it and bought 1... $600 is a lot, but it'll last if taken care of... same can be said for big boats with big motors/expensive fishfinders... do we need them? no, but they're nice...
  9. all this from cabelas shipped to my door for $300 CDN after taxes/duty/brokerage etc... this was also when our dollar wasn't at par... As for Rodholders... go with Saltys for using with dipsys...
  10. what depth were you fishing? Sounds like you weren't deep enough also... Fish are around 65 feet +/- depth... if you've never fished erie, that's a long run away from shore... dipsys, jet divers and leadcore are popular on erie, riggers also, but you'll want a stealth approach and so the first 3 will work better.... the walker twist rods are a nice quality and cheap rod... dual purpose also, you can use it as a rigger rod and a dipsy...
  11. Here's a pic...
  12. if you can afford it buy 2 seperate units... bigger, easier to read... less menu buttons to go through for specific tasks... I'm gonna run 2 if ever manage to get the boat in the water...
  13. most times it's other things that go... wheel bearings, tie rods, brakes etc... and that's not covered i had it for a year, and everytime what ever went wrong wasn't covered... it's great if you blow a motor or tranny though...
  14. that's a great attitude!! you think in China/Japan that they are buying North American cars? Sadly not... they unlike us support their own... even here, i'm not profiling, but it's rare to see an oriental driving an American full size pick up/suv but that's ok, lets support offshore sourcing, and drive our economy into crisis sooner or later it will catch up, if you think the economy is in the crapper because of gas prices, think again... As for cars and durability/reliability... every car brakes down... American / Japanese / European... don't fool yourself thinking there is 1 car that doesn't need repair... Like Glen said... buy it for safety and what it's intended for... you can use a sledge hammer to crush an ant, but you can only use a ballpeen to break concrete for so long Is a car made to tow? No, is a minivan made to tow? No, is a compact SUV made to tow? No Will they tow? Yes, but it'll decrease drivetrain life and other parts...
  15. Ended up getting the cover made by Cuvers... www.cuvers.ca The Cuver came in yesterday, and it exceeded our expectations!! very friendly people, great service, quick turn around time and great price!! if you need a cuver made, definitely try these guys out I'll post a pic of it soon
  16. I've started using it the last year or 2, does it make a difference? honestly i don't know, but it can't hurt, that's my logic you spend all this money on rods/reels/fishing gear/lures/boat/ downriggers why not spend the little extra and buy flourocarbon
  17. Dunville is a hard fish... don't knock yourself up about it... as for lake 0, launch out of bronte, and follow the pack of boats!! they have been in shallow the last little while get a dipsy to help your spread, run spoons and spin doctors and flies good luck
  18. Wicked Report and amazing Pics!!
  19. New or Used? as for Nada guide... if only used prices were like that... we'd all be using 4 strokes....
  20. nice... Love the paws... he ain't getting stuck in the snow, that's for sure!!
  21. at binbrook... pink micro tubes on a slipfloat... fish close to the "Dam", it won't be tanks, but you'll get them...
  22. careful with aiming your rod down towards the rod in the pod... if you get a good hit/run, you could loose it... great job!!
  23. try regular salt... or Chalk powder
  24. erie eyeys/bows you don't need snubbers, as for what lineweight... 30lb, only cause that's what the trolling guide has specs for... 30lb mono/braid/wire... snubbers aren't required... if you use mono then test your release pressure... you don't want to be reeling in a loaded dipsey...
  25. interested in all suggestions... bbq aint going outside till we get a cover for it
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