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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. It's slow pickings around Bronte the last little while... you might want to try around Port D
  2. I've got lots of my old size 15 boots lying around if you need... they stink (i didn't put smell, cause smell can imply a nice arouma - believe me this is not nice...) so it'll add to the deterant...
  3. I've got a 50lb bowmount on my 16.5 aluminum and with 3 guys i get 2mph with it...
  4. Insure it and who cares... your boat/trailer/equipment will always be insured for more then what you paid for it... so let them take it... works out better for you... it is a bummer, but that's why you pay for insurance
  5. break out the oil... she's getting fried!! Those that have the opportunity to fish frequently would probably let it go... others not so much...
  6. I've got walker electrics and they are great, if i had to do it over again though, it would be scotty electrics... much more user friendly and a few more features...
  7. you'll pay tax on the remainding value of your purchase... Ex $23K of which $1k was trailer = $22K for Value of boat... Govt. get's there cut either way unless you lie...
  8. looks like a fish to me...
  9. I can tell... luckily the fish you "catch" don't weigh a lot...
  10. you'll have some fun... FYI: pleasure craft boats are licenced, not registered... basically since you don't have the pleasurecraft licence paper you'll have to get an affadavit from a lawyer ($50+) since your boat doesn't have a pleasure craft licence # already, i'm not sure what the procedure is there... call them up and ask will be your best bet... when i bought my boat, i had bill of sale and that was it... got an affadavit that boat wasn't stollen to the best of my knowledge and then took that to the local licencing office, they looked up the licence # and issued me a new one in my name... paid tax on the boat and it was now officially in my name...
  11. he probably called in sick to work... and doesn't want to get busted... LOL
  12. Acme Battery/GNB Battery on Parkdale in Hamilton Paul best prices around
  13. Little rubber ducky...
  14. fixed base John, Emil and I were stranded out on Erie due to motor problems... couldn't reach guys making their run in with my little handheld... make sure you get your ROC card, they are cracking down on it now...
  15. She's a beauty alright... one of the nicer things that comes from Hammer... LOL Like the rest say, the roar of the engine always put a smile on your face
  16. 1. like hometownhandyman said... boat leans to 1 side due to weight distribution 2. Boat and Motor price and trailer price seperate on the reciept... licencing, make sure to get the current pleasurecraft licence, if he doesn't have it, it'll be about $50 extra need to get an affadavit from lawyers office you'll pay tax on the boat switching the licence in your name, you'll pay tax on the trailer getting it in your name and plates... make sure he signs the ownership (green paper) of trailer and plates(if applicable) insurance - not required, but you should get it due to liability/theft....
  17. I've driven a bunch of the Jetta TDI's and they're gutless... good luck and watch how long your drivetrain/suspension will last...
  18. I've got a bunch of humminbirds Matrix 17, MAtrix 67 and a 767 they all use the same flat bottom transducer and i track bottom at 30mph... If you aren't reading bottom, it's an installation issue... I've heard of more then a few Lowrance transducers bite the dust this year... Lowrance is nice but $$ humminbird is a nice balance between $$ and quality Garmin, never owned one, but i'd stay away from them...
  19. and they say affordable... LOL
  20. I agree with the Rest New World Carp... you can't go wrong, Stephen is a great guy, you wont be dissappointed
  21. you're $1000 lowrance doesn't do much for you either...
  22. email humminbird... not sure the proper procedure... but you press a few keys while powering it on... and it resets it... i've have 3 humminbird sonars and no problems with any of them...
  23. what model fishfinder? might want to try a hard reset...
  24. he'll most likely have a boat... Thanks for the info!
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