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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. Well after 4.5 years, I finally popped the question and Andrea said Yes
  2. Awesome fish!!
  3. Dude, whatever you get her, you'll have to get 1 better for your girlfriend... so... go cheap now and you'll save money in the long run... no flowers either... only when they're dying or giving birth... also the only 2x they're not lying about being in pain buy her a DVD, something ghey like "the notebook" or some crap like that...
  4. i rented a clam 2000 once and would never rent 1 again... not enough room for 2 people (it was me and the GF - I'm huge, she's tiny) need chairs for a clam... it's a pain to pull with all the gear on top of it... ok on glare ice, but anything else and you'll be picking gear up constantly i've got a clam fish trap pro and a 4 man eastman ice cube... the cube is awesome... comes with a back pack sack, very comfortable... you'll still need a sled for your gear though... you can see the hut on my back here... it's comfortable enough to fish with it or scout with it without taking it off only drawback is getting the anchors in, easily fixed with a cordless drill though...
  5. $400 will get you an entry level setup...
  6. the fasteners are expensive... it almost costs the same when you work out the cost of the UHMV plastic and stainless screws, washers and nuts... plus drive to 1 place and get the plastic, then drive elsewhere for the screws... I just went out and bought the clam runner kit... also big difference in walking and towing behind a skidoo/atv a hut interms of wear on the runners...
  7. Congrats
  8. you can use dive bombs also... they're made by Michigan Stinger Company
  9. $900 doesn't seem bad... figure at $10/launch that's only 90 boats... i'm sure they do way more than that on the launch...
  10. Like Gerritt Says, get the S-10's (double clamp)
  11. With a Magic Marker put a big S on the shampoo and a big C on the conditioner...
  12. My cabelas order come in 6-10 days thats without paying for the quicker shipping...
  13. explain icefishing then... 12 feet of water & 2000 Watts of Marcum Power
  14. Just an FYI... I made 2 doubles and the back 2 wouldn't spin... Bottom spinner, only the front 2 would spin
  15. Don't go on a Marathon Trip... 8+ hours to a guy is awesome... 1-2hours for a girl is ok...(and pushing the limit, especially if not catching) Take her Panfish fishing ( Quantity over Quality) Keep her interested buy her a rod/reel/tackle bag - Pink in Color for all 3... load tackle bag up with bright lures (pinks, neon Yellows, any colors you wouldn't get, etc...) the reel a spincast would be easiest for her... a spinning reels is nice, but it'll take her a while to learn to cast (when to release the line)don't even think about a baitcaster Last but not least... Careful what you wish for... if she really gets into it, you'll have no more "alone time"
  16. Fuente Fuente Opus X not from Cuba, but great cigars...
  17. we're talking about my plug on the vehicle correct?
  18. I'm blowing Fuses on My trailer lights? I unhook the wiring harness before i back the boat in i've blown them 3X only one of them... Left Tail i believe any ideas?
  19. Looks like a perch was raped by a bass.... That's the offspring
  20. I did my boat right Wayne... I sent it out and the guy had at her... no leaks now... much better then what i originally had planned...
  21. J & J marine in hagersville re-riveted my bow... It doesn't leak anymore and it didn't cost me much either... http://www.jandjmarine.com/
  22. in all honesty, i doubt you'll get many/any replies... if there are fish running, no one is/should be dumb enough to post it on a public board... there is enough fishing pressure with out having it blasted all over the internet... we all know there are lurkers viewing these forums, there is no need to cause added fishing pressure... only way you're going to honestly find out is making your way down and seeing for yourself... you should then keep that info to yourself...
  23. my thoughts exactly... you have a disgruntled neighbor... when we first built our shop neighbors tried everything they could... Building is too high... 1" it actually was (on 30ft) wanted a privacy fence (ended up neighbor was claiming more property was hers then actually was).... she lost on that... finally they nailed us... Barking Dog/malnourished/mistreated - no word of a lie, SPCA was here 3+ times a week he understood the harasment, but in the end i got a letter of $5000 fine or jailtime (me not the dog) if he continues to Bark, he explained he had to issue the order since complaints kept coming... Neighbors can be your best friends or worst enemies...
  24. When i did my cousins Evinrude, we had to unscrew the shifter linkage... had to pull the starter to do this... it was a PITA on my merc, you remove 4 screws and down she comes... leave it in gear also Mike, that'll help with realignment
  25. Sorry for the Loss Wayne my condolences... it's been a hard year for your Family
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