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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Now you're talking my language Mike...much as I love getting chrome on the drift, feeling that strike on hardware is hard to beat. Nice looking lures!!
  2. Couple of years ago, I went into the Sears here in Kitchener on November 1st and they were already playing Christmas tunes!!! Almost made me run for the doors, Ryan!! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Christmas holidays, but, man, wait until late November at least. As for songs, most of the classics are always good...I'm not a religious person but I do love O Holy Night. My all time favorite, David Bowie and Bing Crosby's Little Drummer Boy.
  3. Some really nice shots, Ryan!! Another couple of years and Averie will be ready for a show of her own!! Look out, Dave!!!!!!!!!
  4. I hear you, man, I hear you!!!!!!!!!
  5. In an eight team league, unfortunately.....
  6. Nice look'n fishy perfect eating size Thanks, guys...love that fall chrome, and, if you are going to keep one or two, this is the time of year to do it. That dark orange flesh is amazing.
  7. Hit my favorite rivermouth this morning, and, came up with this chrome beauty (belly full of smelt!!) Beauty orange meat, going to be one yummy supper!!
  8. Don't forget Macho Minnows!!!
  9. Nice, I'll drop mine off anyday now, lol!!!!! Seriously, some very good tips, Wayne. Good luck with those muskies!!
  10. Sending you much good karma, Mike!!!!!!! Beautiful chromers in the first part of the report, but, that second part definitely makes you stop and think. Best of luck on the diagnosis!
  11. The Ugly Stick description makes me laugh. When they first came out the picture in the ads was a guy bending it over backwards at the tip. My friend and I were in a Collegiate (think that was the name) Sports in Kitchener, way back then. I picked one up and attempted to do this, the rod snapped in my hands!!! I looked over at my buddy, said "oh, no! I have to pay for this!!" We looked around, saw nobody and hightailed it out of the store! Good times
  12. Too funny!!!!! I like your idea better TJ!
  13. You say you want a revolution...well you know
  14. We are definitely becoming the "land of perpetual taxation!"
  15. Sounds like a great time, and, I'm glad I'm eating lunch right now...that dinner sounds amazing!! Congrats on the 40"er, really nice markings! I've never done the drive to Quebec, sounds interesting. Is Montreal worse than TO?
  16. Ah, Vince...just as you almost had her going properly. Mine isn't in storage yet, but, more than likely next week. Was hoping to get her out one more time, but, not holding my breath.
  17. THAT is too funny!!!!
  18. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family, Wayne! Sounds like Jennifer is a strong young woman, and with that strength and determination, she will beat this!!!
  19. All set for another three years!! Darn (and I don't mean darn) thing gets more expensive all the time! Now lets see if I get it within 20 days...
  20. Spectacular work! That will look awesome wherever it is put!
  21. Thanks, Terry!! I'll be getting my three year renewal soon...got to have it for ice fishing!!
  22. Abso-friggin-lutely STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Totally agree, Mike!! Ah, the life of a Leaf fan. For the Sens fans out there, I wouldn't be too proud of that effort either.
  24. Message for the Leafs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUslGSoEH8I
  25. BONJOUR!!!!!!
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