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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. You really can't argue "Gretz's" numbers. Personally my favorite players would be Bobby Orr (he changed the game for D-men), Darryl Sittler (skills, class and heart!!!!!!!!!!!!), Lanny McDonald (trading him was quite possibly the biggest of all Leafs screw ups, and there have been many!), and, Mike Bossy-he didn't score as many goals as Gretz or a few others, but, there weren't too many, if any, more "natural" goal scorers. Ooops, left out Cam Neely...power forward "extraordinaire"
  2. Right back at you, Vince!!! We had some good, and funny, adventures, you, Rick (spincast) and I. Looking forward to a bunch of trips in 2011 with you guys
  3. Great shot, Jacques...not quirky or funny, but, just a great smile on your daughter with a really nice perch
  4. See if I can remember them all----fishhunter, daking307 (something like that) Nestor, stoty, vinnimon, spincast, slowpoke, steve rowbotham, urbanfisherman, Rich, Dan Bouck and everyone at the Fish-a-thon for Cancer...probably forgot somebody. Hoping to fish with a bunch more OFNers. Glad to also say that I've made some great friends through the board, and, our fishing trips! Edit----forgot GBW, and a few of the Scugog guys that are on here...didn't fish in the same boats, but, we fished the lake together as part of a private derby.
  5. Hey, Geoff, maybe we can get a quantity discount on that Garmin that Terry and Doc mentioned, lol!!!!? I'm trying to be cheap too, but, that is a great unit for under $275!
  6. Ah, man...why'd you have to show me that, Terry!!! How, can I sneak that purchase by the "little lady"...
  7. Welcome to the OFC!!! Gotta love lakers through the ice, they were made for ice fishing. Very entertaining video, by the way.
  8. Just so happens I'll be on the water that day, hopefully catching an entry or two
  9. Very nice fish!!!! Hoping to get there in two weeks, pretty much the anniversary of my 10 lber through the ice last year...she was 29 X 19". Hopefully I catch her again this year
  10. Funny, but, oxygen has been mentioned to me a few times, the woman at the dealership I take my vehicle to has a husband who suffers from them...same thing, oxygen...like a miracle cure she said. They have eased off the last few days, so I think this series might be ending quickly. I know what you mean about the pain, though, I have had some pretty painful experiences, but, that last severe headache last Thursday night, literally had tears coming out of my eyes for close to an hour. Thanks, for the input!!
  11. What a beauty pike Rich!!!!! Might have to pack a can of sardines for this weekend
  12. I totally agree. Much as I love to support the local guys, and Canada in general. I like to support my "bottom line" just as much. I too have made some purchases online in the last few years, after never having done so. If I can get the same product for X amount of dollars cheaper, that is where I'm going to buy. Had I been in that store and saw Rapalas for that price, your darn right I'd be snapping up a few.
  13. Nice Vince...those along with the 400 series, and, the DAM Quick reels were my first fishing reels, hand me downs from my old man.
  14. Have fun Dan! Give him a good body check, see if he'll hit back...something he doesn't seem to do anymore...
  15. Nicely done...good to see that Simcoe is starting to produce this year!!
  16. Tony B mentioned this on another forum...totally ridiculous.
  17. Thanks, again, guys. Lots of good info on things to try. I find that the facial steamer, definitely helps ease the headache once I have one. As far as triggers, I find if I lean back, watching TV, or lie on my back...be it in bed or at the dentist's chair this past week, almost a guaranteed headache. So I try to avoid doing these things, IF I catch it in time, and, lean forward or move around I sometimes can "nip it in the bud." As for affecting fishing, Wallyboss, yeah that's when it really sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Thanks for the replies, guys. Also welcome to the board PTF. Unfortunately I don't have a family doctor, but, might be able to get either of these treatments through a clinic. Sounds like your wife gets them in the same spot as me, Lew. I used to get them more on the right side of my head, but, these are all in and around my left eye...literally feels like someone is driving an ice pick into it. Like you said, for the most part they don't last for too long...the worst part is they will almost always come about an hour to an hour and a half after going to sleep. Needless to say, the lack of sleep is really catching up with me. When she gets a severe one, does her eye water like crazy??
  19. I've suffered from these things on and off over the years. Been alot better since I quit smoking almost 2 1/2 years ago, but, they have come back big time the last two weeks. In fact for about a two hour period last night, I had what might have been the worst one I've ever had in my life. I did a google search, and, one product I found was Sinusol...an all natural nasal spray, non-addictive. They have a headache specific formula, but, couldn't find it. I bought the sinus/allergy one, seems to help a bit, along with using a facial steamer. Any of you guys or gals, get these "ice pick in the eye" headaches? If so, what the heck do you use to get rid of them? Thanks, Frank
  20. Words of wisdom. I totally agree...anything over $150 for a spinning reel is serious overkill...but that's just my opinion.
  21. We'd never get to read anything from Lloyd, though
  22. Not sure who the top group is. Michael Anthony, bass player for Van Halen...ROCK ON!!!!!
  23. I have a 2007 Pontiac Torrent, very similiar to the Equinox...buy the Ford Escape. I don't call mine the "Torment" for nothing.
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