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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. http://www.gagnonsports.com/summersale.html Some decent deals guys and gals.
  2. Come on, Dan...he's a cute little "fella".
  3. Thanks for the report Terry! Some decent walleyes mixed in with some adventure. As long as you had a good time, it's all good.
  4. Great to see you getting out, Jacques! Some nice smallies, love the night fishing! Thanks for the report!
  5. Better have a first aid kit handy if you do
  6. Have fun up at Grundy. Been there four times, and, always enjoyed it. If you haven't fished it before try Gurd lake, tons of small pike, as well as some decent bass. As for the combos, stick with the names you mentioned. For the type and amount of fishing you are talking about, you'll be fine. One thing with some of the cheaper combos, if they come with line...replace it with something decent. Good luck, and, have a great time!!
  7. Happy B-Day!!!!
  8. Great smiles on their faces say it all. Family and fishing, doesn't get any better than that!!! Cool snake shots too! The last paragraph is sad news, fortunately crap like that doesn't happen as much as in the past. They will be the first ones complaining when there are no fish left in the lake.
  9. Congrats on the PB, that is one long, skinny bow!!
  10. Simon, I truly envy you. You're up in "God's country" for sure. Fantastic as always!
  11. Great report!! Love the gators, and, that one walter is a beauty!!
  12. Great report my friend!!! Glad you finally got Bren out too! By the way, Juli loves the photos of hers that you used at the beginning of the post. That sunrise was pretty amazing! Look forward to getting out with you soon! PS-Now you have to get Steph out there for a morning of fun!!!
  13. Good stuff, Vince! Have some pics of you in your boat, that Juli took. I'll e-mail them when I have some time...been digging again today.
  14. Congrats G-Man!!! Had fun yesterday, too bad that darn wind kicked up so strong! We'll see you soon.
  15. Wicked stuff Ryan!! Congrats to Averie on kicking your butt as usual!
  16. Love the references to Opa, in the video and text...brings back memories of fishing with my Opa and dad. What a magical spot!
  17. I've been waiting for this one, and, as usual.... Still have to watch most of the videos, but, Juli and I just went through your "write-up" and photos. Absolutely spectacular, Mike!! If I wasn't itching to get up north with the family in four weeks like you wouldn't believe already...now I'm literally chomping at the bit, lol!!! I don't expect fishing near that great at Happy Day, but, I'm sure the family moments will be special. You're a great dad, Mike!!!!
  18. I was looking at that pic, thinking kind of the same thing. Would be neat to get all the fishing pics with my dad (and mom), friends, onto the computer. Not that I am anywhere near as...how should I put this....WISE as you Roy
  19. Okay that's two days in a row that I almost spewed liquid out of my nose reading replies
  20. Love Bill's choice! But, I hate to say it, I agree with Geoff If it is mostly being used strictly for perch, no need to shell out too much money.
  21. Welcome aboard!! Love the old wooden boats, the better half's dad is about 80% of the way through his labour love, restoring an old 18 ft Giesler. Look forward to your input!
  22. I'll second that! Not sure how good the new ones are, but, my 21 year old 4000 has landed so many bows and salmon off Lake Huron piers I've lost count long ago. It has NEVER missed a beat, and, is by far the most reliable reel I have ever owned. Thanks for the heads up Garry!
  23. Try searching this forum http://forum2.quintefishing.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=12102 Just DON'T ask for GPS spots.
  24. Must be one of those weeks...solar flares? Full moon? Welcome to the board Nitro.
  25. Almost spewed a bit of coffee on that one
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