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Roe Bag

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Everything posted by Roe Bag

  1. Your 94 25 hp. 2 stroke weighs about 112 lbs. A new 25/30 hp. 4 stroke weighs 157 to 167 lbs. Depending on electric start/power trim amd tilt/long or short shaft etc. If you have a 15" transom (short shaft engine) the added weigth could be a serious problem. Quick stops and you'll have water sloshing in over the transom and into the boat I recently went from a 25 Yamaha 2 stroke to a 20 Yamaha 4 stroke. Identical weights. 114 lbs. The four stroke takes longer to get up on plane. However the top speeds are identical. 22 mph two guys and our gear. Three guys and it falls off to about 17 or 18 mph. 14' deep v that weighs 315 lbs empty. Hope this helps.
  2. There's an elderly gentleman that fishes the Saugeen regularly. He's been using a baitcaster for as long as I can remember. Almost always outfishes those around him. His casting distance and the water he can cover is the key. Darryl Chronzey and Lorne Green (LG Cusom and G. Loomis Canada) hooked up and did a show together many years ago using baitcasters on 11 1/2' IMX blanks built especially for baitcast reels. Probably early 90's. Darryl also did several magazine articles (Ontario Fisherman) close to twenty five years ago now using this method.
  3. Roe Bag

    Fall Colours

    Went on a little camera safari last week. Just bought a new outfit. Nikon D7000 and a 16-85 lens. Still have to carry the manual everywhere I go. More than pleased with the results. Straight out of the box. Thanks for looking.
  4. It's all about the size of your hands. At one time Angling Outfitters in Woodstock had a machinist that was making a spacer that went between the reel foot and the backing plate. I think they were primarily for Islander reels. Many complained that their hands were cramping up while fishing. On the other hand an offset like the Spahr or Ang Spec can go too far the other way. For many, they too are very uncomfortable.
  5. 15" short 20" long 25" extra long http://www.smalloutboards.com/shaft.htm
  6. Centerpin Angling has it in green. Shipping is reasonable. A whole lot cheaper than running around looking for it. http://www.centerpinangling.com/main-line.html Shipping is $8.95 for one spool or two. Order two and for about $30 you can have them sent to your door.
  7. G. Loomis NRX and GL2 fall into the "Wild Card " Category. First time breakage. Free over the counter replacement. When you present the "Wild Card". No questions asked. You must register and a wild card will be sent out to you. After that, details are sketchy. As in, "what happens if the second rods fails"? No mention of that anywhere in their warraanty. Some St. Croix Dealers are charging as much as $35. Supposedly for shipping your broken rod back to the manufacturer. In reality, they stock pile many broken rods. Ship them in bulk and get their credit. I'm quite sure it isn't costing them $35 for each and every broken rod. Best bang for your buck in a high end is Shimano Crucial or Cumara. Lifetime over the counter. Only broke a couple. Neither of which was any fault of Shimano. Took them back to the dealer and they were replaced on the spot. No strings.
  8. Perhaps! But how many gas stations do you think they want to see sitting idle because people are avoiding them???????
  9. It's not about one day. It's about boycotting the three mentioned. In my neck of the woods, Sunoco has been rebranded Husky. If everyone avoids them. Buys from a competitor. It has to have an impact somewhere in the system. Suppose Ramp X is gouging. Eveyone starts driving down the road to Ramp Y. Do you not think Ramp X might have to change his tune?
  10. Copied and pasted from an email I just received. GAS WAR STARTS MAY 1st 2012 THIS IS NOT THE 'DON'T BUY' GAS FOR ONE DAY, BUT IT WILL SHOW YOU HOW WE CAN GET GAS BACK DOWN TO $1.00 PER LITRE. This was sent by a retired Coca Cola executive. It came from one of his engineer buddies who retired from Haliburton. If you are tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this summer, take time to read this please. Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea. This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day" campaign that was going around last April or May! It's worth your consideration. Join the resistance!!!! I hear we are going to hit close to $ 1.50 a litre by this summer and it might go higher!! Want gasoline prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action. The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves by refusing to buy gas ... It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can Really work. Please read on and join with us! By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $.99 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently $1.28 at SUNOCO and ESSO for regular unleaded in Hamilton and Ottawa and climbing every week. Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $.87 to .99, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace..not sellers. With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price war. Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now are one), SUNOCO(PETRO CANADA) and ESSO. If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of SUNOCO(PETRO CANADA ) and ESSO gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!! I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) ... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers . If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!! Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all! How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days! Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on. I suggest that we not buy from SUNOCO, PETRO CANADA and ESSO UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO THE $.99 RANGE AND KEEP THEM DOWN. THIS CAN REALLY WORK. REMEMBER – STARTING MAY 1st NO GAS FROM ESSO / PETROCAN / SUNOCO! Who knows? Could be worth a shot.
  11. It gets worse. There are many wealthy people in the US doing exactly the same thing. Water is being touted as the "new oil". They are buying huge parcels of land that contain large natural aquifers. Then they pump off the water and ship it world wide. It's probably already happening here somewhere in Canada as well. Money truly is, the root of all evil!
  12. We always called my grandfather Pop. He always wanted a boat but he was an alcoholic. Always held down a job but couldn't leave the stuff alone. He was a mechanic and a good one too. He rebuilt an old 2 horse Johnson back in the fifties. Looked like something you'd see in a museum today. (1940 something) He'd rent a boat at Jordan Harbour and take me fishing. I was like five years old. He always wanted his own boat. Never happened. All of my boats have worn the same name: POP'S DREAM Trouble is, now I'm so old, everybody thinks I'm Pop.
  13. Me too! You don't have to look hard and you will soon see that they are a Lund clone. Apparently the Chief Designer at Lund walked out the door one day and formed his own company. Very sturdy and stable boat. Mine is a 2001 model. Bought new in 2001 and still doesn't leak a drop. Nice high, dry, soft ride. I remeber being at a show before I purchased it and there was Lund dealer touting their boats. He went on on about "softer, higher dryer ride" and I was like "ya right. It's just a utility. How much difference can there be?" Over the years I have come to learn that there are big differences in even the simple tinnies. I've been operating them since I was about 7 years old. (55 years) A couple were my dads and I've owned five different ones. Thornes, Viking, Starcraft, Mirro Craft and Misty River. All have been 14' or 16' utilities. I've spent time in Lunds, Sylvans, Princecrafts and most recently the G3 by Yamaha. Mine is wide, deep, and stable. In rough water, she cuts through the waves like a knife. Got me out of a few hairy situations over the years. I wouldn't trade her for any of the others. Walk through with a floor, storage and livewell would be nice, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sadly in 2004 Misty River was bought out by another company. (Odyssea) Couldn't find much more than this on Google: InterNautic Marine Group has been guided by more than 25 years of expertise and is devoted to continuous product improvement. In March of 2004 two boating companies, Misty River Marine Ltd. and Odyssea Marine Ltd were merged and re-branded as InterNautic. Our Alloy and Misty River brands consist of aluminum fishing boats from 12 to 20 ft. in length. We also manufacture fiberglass runabouts from 16 to 19 ft. in length under the Silverline and Fluid brands. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, the company is committed to innovations in design and Lean Manufacturing. Our boats are shipped worldwide from Winnipeg to France , Spain , Cypress and most recently Australia. Every boat built at the InterNautic Marine Group is designed to perform and withstand the most rugged conditions. Apparently Internautic went on to merge with Alumarine. Internautic Marine Group Merges Operations with Alumarine The Internautic Marine Group (Division of AROW Global Inc), producers of Misty River, Alloy and Silverline, has signed an agreement with Winnipeg-based Alumarine Ltd. to merge their manufacturing operations into the new, state-of-the-art Internautic Marine facility. Alumarine offers a wide range of aluminum boats, primarily for sale to camps and lodge operators. Headquartered in Winnipeg, Alumarine has been a dominant player in Manitoba, fabricating and selling boats since 1965. Alumarine distribution covers most of North America. Alumarine owners Ken & Anne Frank will continue to be involved with the management group along with a few key operating managers. On being questioned about the merger, AROW Global President Eric Laflamme explained The addition of Alumarine to our product offering is a major step for the Internautic Marine Group as it provides our Marine Division with another commercial boat brand for camp and lodge owners.
  14. Link wouldn't work so I had to copy and paste: Rapala to Acquire Luhr-Jensen Rapala has finalized the acquisition of lures and other fishing tackle business of Luhr Jensen & Sons, Inc. ("Luhr Jensen"), a Hood River, Oregon based manufacturer of fishing lures and accessories. The consideration of the deal comprises of cash and newly issued shares of Rapala. It is expected that this acquisition will be accretive to Rapala shareholders. Founded in 1932, Luhr Jensen manufactures a wide range of lures for freshwater and saltwater species, including the Kwikfish, Krocodile, J-Plug and Hot Shot. Luhr Jensen is one of the five largest lure companies in the USA and is the market leader in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska and in British Columbia, Canada. The brand is particularly well known in market segments, which target species such as salmon, trout and steelhead. The company also sells a line of cooking products, which are not included in the acquisition. Luhr Jensen employs more than 250 people in Hood River and Mexico. The net sales of its lure and fishing tackle business were in excess of $9 million in the financial year ended in June 30, 2005. "Luhr Jensen is an ideal fit for the Rapala family of brands," said Jorma Kasslin, CEO of the Rapala VMC Group. "Their products have a great reputation with anglers and are widely known for their quality craftsmanship. We intend to take this quality brand to the global marketplace via our network of group distribution companies. In addition, with Rapala and Luhr Jensen combined, we are definitely the world’s largest manufacturer of metal fishing lures." "It was a difficult decision to sell the company that was founded by my father more than 70 years ago," said Phil Jensen, President of Luhr Jensen. "But the decision was made easier knowing that the Luhr Jensen traditions of dedication, quality and service will continue under Rapala’s leadership." Phil Jensen will continue as a consultant to the Rapala Group and board member of Normark USA, the Group’s wholly owned US distribution company. Luhr Jensen will join Rapala, Storm, Blue Fox, VMC and Williamson in the Rapala family of brands. Future plans include transferring production of Luhr Jensen products to the Rapala factories. This acquisition is part of Rapala’s strategy for profitable growth. It contributes to the Group’s brand strategy and portfolio while it leverages Rapala’s unique manufacturing and distribution platforms. Much has changed. Not necessarily for the good.
  15. My itch just got itchier. I was planning on some crappie fishing with my grandson this weekend. If the winds are favorable, maybe he'd rather pull some plugs for one of those beauties. Pretty fish. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Kudos Mr. Ritchie. Couldn't be better said. Thank you.
  17. I was there day one, square one. Friday March 9 at 10:00 am. All the quality rods were picked bare then and you couldn't get near the reel counter. I only had a small list. Couldn't fill half of it. Ended up leaving with three items totalling less than $25. Factor in the travel time and the gas and I got beat big time! If you're gonna have a sale, at least have some product on the shelves!
  18. I drive across the Caledonia bridge at least twice a day and you are absolutely right sir, when you say, "It's only really become fishable in the last two weeks". This statement too is the absolute truth: "No way does the condition of the river prior to March 1st jive with a couple of the pic's he posted." In the fourth picture if he were to turn around, stand on the edge of the wall and drop his line right at his feet, he would still be within the 22.9m/75 foot restriction. Besides, it's not where you stand. Your bait or lure musn't be within 22.9m/75' of a dam, fishway, obstruction etc.etc. I think if it were up to a jury they wouldn't be out very long!
  19. Sad part is there is a bait shop right across the street selling these guys whatever they want. They can look out their front door and see what's going on. But do you think they'll say a word. As long as their making a buck, anything goes.
  20. I have a 14' Misty River. It weighs 315 lbs. Wide and deep and rated for up to 30 hp. When I bought it new I went with a 15 hp four stroke. Two guys, battery, electric trolling motor, all safety eqipment and our gear and it ran out at 20 mph. Just me and my gear, 23 mph. Three guys and gear and the top speed dropped down to around 15 mph. I put a 25 four stoke on it last year and with three in the boat it runs out a 25 mph. Me alone and it's up to 28 mph. With two it barely falls off at all. 20 inch transom is the way to go. Fast stops with a 15" and you'll have water sloshing in over the back of the boat. Especially when you are alone because all the weight is in the back end. A splash well is a plus. Maxing out the horsepower will get you to shore a lot quicker if there's a storm brewin. My last boat was a Mirrocraft Deep Fisherman with a 25 Johnson on it. In any kind of rough water, the poor slob running the motor (me) got drenched because there was no splash rail to deflect the water away from the sides of the boat. Hull design that incorporates a slash rail is a must for me. My buddy has a Lund 14' with a 25 on it and it's a real nice soft dry ride. Another buddy has a Sylvan. He's always wet in rough water and that thing just pounds going through the waves. He gets mad when I tell him it's like putting an outboard on an old bath tub. It doesn't cut the water at all. It plows. Hard to imagine there could be so much difference in a 14' tinny but believe me there is. Good luck.
  21. Yum yum. Made me drool all over my keyboard.
  22. Not sure about Italo but I know he did a couple of shows with Pete Bowman from Fishing Canada. One on Lake Erie for smallies and another for steelhead on the lower Niagara.
  23. Try Paul Castellano at Cast Adventures. Highly recommended by many. http://www.castadventures.ca/ Hope this helps.
  24. I was going to see what kind of deals were around at either the Bass Pro Fishing Classic or the Sportsmens Show but I think I'll borrow a couple and see how things shake out. I think I would prefer working the rod with my dominant hand. That's the way I work my jerk baits and any jigging (spinning) so I'm thinking left hand retrieve but I want to be sure before I fork out the coin. Appreciate your thoughts guys. Thanks for the help.
  25. "the only flavour they came in"> I think that was the case when I used spincast outfits. There were a few that were ambidextrous but most were right hand retrieve. I had a Johnson Century that could be swapped over but by the time I happened on one of them I was comfortable with the "switch". I think I'll heed the advice here and borrow a couple and take them out for a test drive before I commit. Thanks guys.
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