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Everything posted by oldphart

  1. Just 2 dazes away, I'll be there gawking at all the gear I thunk I need and don't, most likely buy a sweater, I would wear
  2. ~~~~I've ben a thunken that to stop all the uninvited guest from come across the Border we as Cancuks should band together and plant a nice Shrubbery bush the length of the border, and like the Hwys, with their adopted a Hwy signs we could do the same with the Shrubbery, and if anyone makes it through and were caught, they would have to spend at least 2 hrs. weeding and trimming. Who's with me, Give me a Hell Ya Sorry bored at work
  3. ~~~~Wow 107 didn't know you had that many digits to use to count that high, this thung call work gets in my way from phishen during the week
  4. ~~~My key is to slow down, I like to attach the drift sock to the bow, bring my speed down to 1.8
  5. ~~~Was out there on Monday in Tim's hut, met your 2 friend from Costa Rica
  6. ~~~just a thunken with the safe ice going fast may take up shore phishen. was over to Newcastle Port a few weeks ago, and noticed a few die hards phishen from the tip of the Pier, and along the shore to the east. for Browns saw one landed. Now I don't have and long shore rods, so it seems like a good reason to buy more tackle. Now I'm a just a thunken of course, should the wife phind out I'll be a sleepen in my garage, which is okay too, being that where my boat is
  7. ~~~Out with a group on Simcoe out of Tim's Hales Huts, we were set up in 36' of water, and marking phish on the bottom, after 1st perch, out of the hole, 3" dinks, phishen was so slow naptime came early for some. Dropping dead minnows down, only to watch the Herring swim up and grab them, so brought up our lines, and drop down some more dead bait, and sure enough the Herring came up and took the floaters and left our bait alone ~~~Harrumph But it was nice and bright Sunny Day out there ~~~Harrumph
  8. ~~~Not really, off Bewdley about 300Yds most guys are set up, over at Serpent Mound there are a few huts, and Golden Beach Resort they have a few huts, checked over at Gore Landing looks good but nobody there
  9. ~~~this weekend is Family Day, and to give my family a break I'm going phishen, but where. May be up to the Halliburton area lakes Hmmmm 2 hr drive, maybe back to Lake Stucco, Hmmmm been there, how about renting a hut on Simcoe $$$$ there's always Rice only 40 min. I'll have to get back to you all
  10. ~~~Was trying to find that 30' range, where I've do okay in the past, but the knees are getting older
  11. ~~~~Well after a 2 hr. drive up from Ajax stopping at Gerry's Bait Shop in Lakefield for Minnows to catch only 2 5" Perch and losing a nice eye at the hole, may have to hit the phish market
  12. ~~~~Very sad news to all of us, she will be missed
  13. ~~~~This swap meet gets bigger and bigger every year, and it's a blast seeing old friends and putting faces to name you met on line
  14. ~~~Big Cliff only guy we know that can be sitten down and still be taller then everyone else
  15. ~~~Yep that me red coat green hoodie, great day it was, then the ice cracked and we took off leaving the little kid in the grey coat stand there. Same kid caught a Muskie that broke his rod, and still landed it.
  16. ~~~~OOOO I know it\s been a while since I've posted on this site Sorry Mods, and members, but I'm heading up to Jack Lake on Saturday 11th, asking if anyone has been out there this season. Looking to get into some Crappies, and some eyes
  17. ~~~~Got out with 3 of my buddies with Tim Hale's huts we were in depending which end you sat in the hut 33', or 29', great little drop off. Buddy Cuong hooked into a very nice 13' Perch. then I caught it sister, but I had a very light action rod with no back bone, so the Perch was in charged, and it wrapped up all the lines, and just as I was doing my best Pro Bass lift out the line snapped, and I heard of small voice saying I'm Free I'm Free, and she was gone. finished the day with a nice dinner haul each. Ice was 8' and looken to head back up again but will check with Tims first on the ice
  18. ~~~We will be out on Sat. need Sunday with my old back to recuperate after spend all day looken down the hole
  19. ~~~~Just to be sure checked his web site, and yes he is dead, after so many reports in the past that he was I had to be sure.
  20. ~~~Been checking reports from Tim's Page, seeing some great hauls coming in so I have booked a hut for this weekend and next
  21. ~~~Great post, don't you just hate it when your bud drinks all the good stuff,
  22. ~~~~Fantastic video, I'm a little to heavy to be out there, so thanks for sharing~~~~dam I got to lose some weight
  23. ~~~~Thanks for the report, there is a lot of great info, that some idiots will disregard totally
  24. ~~~~Saw on Tim Hales page he is putting out huts on the Perch grounds, I bet he'll be booked up by Tomorrow
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