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Everything posted by ccmtcanada

  1. Agreed...Fisherman...all is well. I also PM'd Lew as well, and I believe we are all good. Never tried ice fishing....I think I'll have to try it out this year....at least once anyways!!
  2. Gotta love ppl who look out for others...good on him/her for shoveling and salting the ramp!!!
  3. It was a pretty bad article with very little detail, but it looks like there will be a video of the new record released tomorrow sometime. The text below is from http://anglingtimes.blogspot.com/2006/12/w...eo-live-on.html ================================================================= Tuesday, December 5 World record carp video - live on wednesday The video showing the capture of the world-record 87 lb 2 oz carp is now in the hands of Angling Times reporters. We are in the process of editing the video and will have it live on this website by 5 pm Wednesday afternoon. We apologise for the delay in bringing you this footage.
  4. Please accept my apologies. Everyone has points to make here. I'm sorry if I ruffled feathers on the board. Cliff
  5. WOW!!! Awesome report and pics!!!! Thanks for sharing the story....Great job!
  6. Yeah...reports are hard to come by now. If someone hooked a minnow on the end of a hook and posted the pic, I'd probably get all excited!!!!
  7. Yes...that had to have been a heart stopping moment that's for sure!!!! Keep safe!!!
  8. Wow...cant say things are boring in your neck of the woods!!!! Hope you stay awake at work today!!!!
  9. Awwww....great puppy!!! She's gonna love being out on the water with you!!!
  10. You posted the same thought twice in this thread....once was probably enough. Who said he was driving at breakneck speed recklessly? He was speeding yes, but was he weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, hitting mailboxes on the side of the road? I dont know...and the only one who does is Gerritt. A more sympathetic cop may have even given him an escort. Give the guy a break, the point is that he didn't cause an accident, he didn't hurt anyone else. He was concerned and probably freaking out and not thinking straight...I know I would be if I had previously lost a child. I personally would do EVERYTHING in my power to help my own child....absolutely! I cant even imagine what he was thinking and feeling at the time. He posted on this board to get some advice...he knows he broke the law and was speeding...let's not tear a strip off the poor guy....
  11. Blyght and I are working on a season ending report....be sure to look out for it soon!!! Been too busy with Christmas to get to posting it. You wont regret reading it.....haha
  12. WOW!!! Fantastic place!!! I could handle waking up each morning, and looking at that view. I'm imagining it now....coffee in hand....getting the fishing gear ready....heading down to the water..... WAKE UP!!!! Jeez, I looked out my window here and all I see is the dusting of snow from last night....
  13. Lucky you!!! Cuba is hard to take that time of year....jeez...I'm envious!
  14. We've only had a few flurries here on the east end of the GTA. Nothing like the snow you have there!!!! Spring will be here soon right???
  15. I dont see a reason why he cant post here as well...just because he has another board. Besides, anyone named Cliff is ok in my books... Cliff
  16. Damn...the fish will be resting so they can shovel it all once it stops...no fishing tonite....
  17. Open up your sound control in windows. Make sure that the "wave" setting is up for playing mp3s and stuff on your puter. Make sure that "CD" setting is up for playing CDs.....give that a try...it's easy sometimes to forget that...also make sure that none of them are muted and that the play control is up. You shouldn't need a driver....the laptop is basically a pre-amp to your stereo...the stereo should be amplifying the sound. Good luck!
  18. The trial thing doesn't always work. I was told by a cop who pulled me over to do that....as he said he never shows up in court. So I did that, and guess what? He showed up.
  19. Ok...fishing regs for Div 8 are strange... Lake Ontario is division 8 as you already know. The exceptions are noted in the regs and they read.... For the Year Round Open Season Division 6 tribs: Regional Municipality of Durham - between the southerly limit of the C.N.R. right-of-way and Lake Ontario. Make sure you read up on what species and size limits. For Division 4: Bronte Creek - Town of Oakville from Hwy. 2 to Lake Ontario. Credit River and tributaries - City of Mississauga from the south side of the Queen Elizabeth Way bridge downstream to Lake Ontario and from the north side of the Hwy. 5 (Dundas St.) bridge upstream to the south side of the Hwy. 403 bridge. Fifteen Mile Creek - City of St. Catharines and town of Lincoln between the Queen Elizabeth Way and Lake Ontario. Grindstone Creek - City of Burlington from Hwy. 2 (Plains Road) to Hamilton Harbour of Lake Ontario - Regional Municipalities of Hamilton-Wentworth and Halton. Humber River - City of Toronto between Eglinton Ave. and Lake Ontario. Oakville Creek (Sixteen Mile Creek) - Town of Oakville from Hwy. 2 to Lake Ontario. Sixteen Mile Creek - Town of Lincoln between the Queen Elizabeth Way and Lake Ontario. Spencer Creek - City of Hamilton from Hwy. 102 (Cootes Dr.) to Lake Ontario. Regional Municipality of Niagara - all waters lying downstream of the Queen Elizabeth Way Regional Municipalities of Hamilton-Wentworth (including Hamilton Harbour), Halton, Peel and City of Toronto - all waters lying downstream of the Queen Elizabeth Way or Gardiner Expressway to Lake Ontario, excluding Highland Creek and the Rouge River Highland Creek - City of Toronto - downstream from the south side of the C.N.R. bridge to Lake Ontario Rouge River - City of Toronto - downstream from the south side of the C.N.R. bridge to Lake Ontario This is not all of them. Be sure to read the guide, cause it depends on what species you are fishing for. The link for Div 4 stuff is http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/fishing/...ap_A_fr2005.pdf The link for Div 6 stuff is http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/fishing/...ap_B_fr2005.pdf
  20. Thanks for the report. With the weather the way it's been lately, reports are hard to come by!! I'm done for the year, so I gotta live vicariously thru other ppls posts!!!!
  21. Good thing I registered when I did....I got this discount keyboard from a guy selling them on a table down at the market for $2.99....when I got it home, I found I was missing the number "7". It's ok though....I never seem to need that one.
  22. Yeh...I love that first shot. My only question is where in that car did you mount the downriggers???
  23. I think the perch were washed up on her front lawn...so LOTS of perch!!!!
  24. Hey!!! I went to Sobey's after seeing this post and they got all pissed off when I threw a line in their Trout display. Jeez...I showed them the pic posted in this thread and they told me his must have been a division 8 fish and apparently, their fish came from division 6. To make matters worse, a CO was shopping and I was charged, lost my fishing license and now cant fish or shop in Sobeys for a year. I'll be trying the A&P across town later today, but I'll bring my 4 year daughter to distract shoppers and employees....I'm wanna catch my first trout by the new year!!! I know it's bad to ask about locations, but which Sobeys were you fishing at? PM me if you wish.
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