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Everything posted by ccmtcanada

  1. Ok....I couldn't resist....had our daughter do this one....LOL
  2. I believe that is what he's talking about. edit: Oh sure fishfinder...edit your post so I look like an idiot....
  3. Awww....I was hoping to see some monster eyes in this post....sniff sniff....this is depressing...
  4. Thanks fishindevil. The pleasure of meeting you and fishergirl72 was all ours. We'll get together again soon....maybe even over the holidays to trade more fishing stories! Thanks again for takin me under your wing on your new boat....I learned TONS that day. Cliff
  5. Yep....poor fella!!! He sure was a biggun!!!!
  6. Never tried trib fishing before, but there are lots around me. I'd love to hook into one of those awesome looking steelies!!!!
  7. ACK!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN!!! My retinas are still recovering from the last time I saw that pic!!!!! If you do...lemme get my sunglasses..... .....ahhh..thats better.....
  8. Oh no...now are gonna see Pete wearing toques while riding a toboggan??? LOL
  9. Wow...we know what you mean....we recently went through some scary moments with our little guy. Glad to hear he's gonna make it, even though he has a way to go before full recovery. Best of luck!
  10. This was taken on fishindevil's new Lund!!! Thanks buddy!
  11. Cool....that thread was started by my wife...blyght on this board. We found some that we pretty good, but not as good as your example!!! Thanks for the tip! We'll be looking for those for sure!
  12. Wow...scary to think of what could have been!!!! Glad you're getting it all fixed up.
  13. LOL...no, I wasn't in jail. Life just got in the way....university, marriage, kids, career etc.... We are very happy that we have found our way back though. It's a great thing that my whole family loves to do....and it's great time I can spend with my wife. Don't worry about me....no new boats!!!! We have no hidden reports....unless we go ice fishing, that'll be it until the spring! Wow...thanks for your kind words yo!!!! I'm glad to see that our post prompted you to write your first post on this board. Hope to hear more from you now that you have! Will we be seeing an intro from you soon? Cliff
  14. Blyght and I picked up 2 $40 rod and reel combos from Canadian Tire. The only thing we've upgraded was some good quality mono line...1o pound test. Scary that we have been using those to land our Walleye this fall!!! We need to upgrade for next year, so this is a a great thread!
  15. Born in Scarborough, now I live in Durham Region....so I haven't gone too far from the hospital....
  16. Not working for me either (Rogers customer). But I'm going to swap out the Game Show Channel for it....
  17. I completely agree with Roy! I know that I learned a lot from reports just like yours. Knowing when and why you didn't catch much helps new guys like me decide when to go out and how to change our strategy based on conditions. Thanks for taking the time to write it...it's much appreciated.
  18. I figure Christmas comes once a year...I can live with some holiday cheer on here....my wife went crazy with about 4000 lights in the house anyways...what's a few hundred more on this site??
  19. Well, Carole (blyght) and I have concluded our fall Walleye fishing for this year. It's just too cold for us now to get out there. We have been saving our pics for the past few weeks and will post them here. Before we get into the pictures, we'd just like to thank everyone on this board. Everyone has been very supportive and has commented on our previous posts. We are newbies to fishing again this year....we took about a 20 year break. Since joining this board, we've heard words of encouragement, advice and a had lots of laughs!!! Since our big 5 Walleye night a few weeks ago, we've been out a few more times and had success! You'll see from the pics. The scary thing is that there were some that we lost....or we'd have even more pics to share. They are in size order...and yes...blyght KICKED MY BUTT!!!! Carole got this 8 pounder Carole, again....another 8 pounder Here's my 9 pound fishy Carole....yet again!!! 12 pounds! And....get this....her new personal best....and a huge 15 pound Walleye!!!! So, in our first real season back to the sport, we've caught lots of big Eyes....my personal best was 12.5 pounds and Carole's was that monster you just saw!! We've prided ourselves on releasing all of our fish. Unfortunately, the 15 pounder took the bait deep in her mouth and ended up embedded into her gills. There was lots of blood. Carole tried in vain for well over a half hour to release the poor fish. Picture if you will...a cold November night, she's wearing hiking boots, and she's KNEE deep in the lake trying to get this fish to swim away. She finally gave up after she started to lose the feeling in her legs. Well, needless to say, we didn't leave the fish there. It's now laying flat in our freezer...waiting to be mounted! We cant wait until spring 2007...something tells me this winter will be the longest ever!!!!
  20. Wow! Unbelieveable pictures!!! Thanks for posting...just goes to show you the messed up weather we've been experiencing lately!
  21. Awesome report!!!!! But jeez....no pics of the launch???
  22. Hmmmm....sounds like an ecological disaster!!! This has something to do with global warming or pollution!!! I just know it!!!
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