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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Bailing bucket, noise making device, 15M throw rope, oars OR an anchor, PFD for each passenger, waterproof flashlight (with batteries in it and it works) don't work fine applies! Vessel licence is also required for anything over 9.9 and you have to be able to show it. Fine's are ass backwards. $300 or more for not producing a vessel licence $250 or more for not having a boater operators card $200 for not having a PFD for each person.
  2. Beauty report FnF! A great outing with your father..can't beat that!
  3. Yep....No cabin fever here....I have a full spring/summer of outings planned and to round it out a nice 4 days of hunting Muskie with Thorpe in October!
  4. For what they cost why wouldn't you have one anyhow? Tinny...in your pocket/tackle box in case the fog rolls in. Console...on the dash... Just another hole I drilled in the bugger to make me feel better.....
  5. Great report and another beauty sunset to complete it.
  6. Man Cliff...they just keep gettin uglier and uglier !
  7. Them Hydro boys (helicopter) need a meal now and again as well... Thanks for the report. Great way to start a life together!
  8. Good to hear your RAM wasn't full Cliff ! LOL
  9. I do as well... Not a possibility anymore for the younger lads/lasses, as you can't plastic laminate them anymore. Thus good for nothing but drawer/safe storage.
  10. Give'm hell Brian ! We'll expect a FULL picture filled report by Monday noon !
  11. He runs them just fine Steve....just has some issues tying them up is all.....
  12. Yep...only one thing is more expensive than airplanes and that's watercraft. Just drop by any marina on the Georgian Bay waterfront to find out just how expensive. Robert...I get all my hitches done at the local windshield replacement/truck "dress up" center (Huronia Auto Glass). About as cheap as it gets up here in Midland.
  13. I was just scanning the 2007 Midland boat launch sticker last night..... Do I need to start making many different ones....
  14. Hope you had a great time Lew. I'll be gone by the time you get back most likely. See you Tuesday at Lakair...I'll have the boat running!
  15. Even with the sensitivity turned down on my LCX112C it's showing way toooo many fish that aren't there. Mind you the built in water temp sensor on my 50/200Hz transducer Lund installed doesn't work on it either and the transducer is being replaced with a new one next week to fix that (or it damn well better)...so hopefully the unit itself has some issues. If I turn fish ID on...there's at least 100 fish on the screen at all times.
  16. I just wish I could find a unit that doesn't show fish when they aren't really there....
  17. When I went to school, in TO, it was the 7' 6" Native that stood across from the Eaton's Center and would mumble "how" at you to panhandle for money. About 10 years later I saw a piece on him on 20/20 or 60 minutes and he lived in a Penthouse unit at Bloor and Young. The kids doing the off ramps are making good money. Kid in North Bay was doing it at #11 and the Sears mall. He was making $15/hr and it all tax free as it's a "gift". If he was washing your windows it's taxable as he's providing a service.... But you're right Peter...get a job and support our tax system..LOL
  18. Dang...where's douG when we need 'em ?
  19. Yah....why just the warning for females...Sheesh. Heck...take Johnnybass with ya next time and bubba too ! Good to see you out on the water Verno...but I saw tooooo much . LOL
  20. Well send Amy up Gary...she's healthy ! Sorry to hear you can't make it, but in all honesty you know you're making the right decision. Guess we'll have to arrange something else on that Sealine reel I promised I'd buy off you when you arrived. NO big deal...I surely don't need it to get thru the season and I don't wanna bother you with it now...just concentrate on getting healthy!
  21. Told they're already diving for the depths of 80 Feet on Temagami and it's still COLD (like 56F surface). But we did catch ours three weeks back in 10 FOW on points and another in 44 FOW trolling a TD-11 Taildancer that was ticking stuff I went over at about 19 feet (so I know they really don't go 30 now). Like Doug says you'd better have a sinking line if you want to get to them on the fly rod.
  22. But they don't work worth crap on power pro....
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