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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Of course your Dad only had one bite...he was toooo busy taking pictures of your Mug !! lol Nice report Justin !
  2. Great stuff ehg. We learned lots about Moon sets, minors and majors last week. I always thought it was Bull...but never again. Great to see you stick it out in the weather and have great success. Why I always chuckle with the guys that post...."it's gonna rain tomorrow...should I bother going fishing"
  3. Yep...had to have it yesterday so it didn't go bad and so we can get the daughter back to Ottawa Roy!
  4. Cisco's got his head around it pretty good Maureen. Patent's these days aren't worth much more than the paper they are written on in many cases. Thomas and Betts ripped off, ie copied, my patented "Enviroseal" plastic electrical box designs.... after we were just making headway on sales. They are so big we couldn't even start to afford to do legal battle with them....so you see their cheap blue electrical boxes being sold in places like CTC and installed in every subdivision going...instead of my better grey ones, complete with the vapour barrier snap ring. As for a plastic injection moulder...well you do know someone that still has ties to one of them thar places my dear! And I know absolutely, positively, that they never ripped off a customers thoughts/ideas in the 22 years they've been at it!
  5. You'd have to send him a PM, Zib, and ask.
  6. Thanks Roger. I took my own rods/reels for casting.... as I prefer to reel left handed. Spiels custom Loomis 7'7" rod/Cabo 31 combo brought all the casting fish in, except for the one I had on with Roy's homemade bait and that was my 6'9 St Croix and TE401 combo. Most of those "virgin" baits you saw have scratches in them now..... and the ones that don't will be getting a good work out in the next few weeks on GBay.
  7. Next time move your big fat hands so we can see the fish Mike ! Your kid at least knows what he's doin !
  8. Thanks everyone, we did have a riot during our time in Montreal. Marc is a class act to fish with and keeps a close eye on things. I'm not sure how many times he said "wait...your hooks are hung up" as both of us were casting. Not many would pay attention like that and he NEVER picked up a rod, to fish, even though we told him to fish with us. Here's a nice head shot of my 50 incher.
  9. Our power was out for 2 hours. Just back on. All of Midland/Penetang area was out.....as Leah was out in search of a Timmies with the lights on..with no success ! LOL
  10. You better not go releasing that 52" Muskie we left chained to the channel can on the Larry !
  11. Post is up ! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11911
  12. Ship going by carrying a wind turbine, or two. We got blown off the water early on Wednesday afternoon and made some quick arrangements with Roy for supper at his house. Once again I'd really like to thank Roy and his lovely partner J for having us for supper and some good laughs. J, Marc, Dan and Roy Roy also was kind enough to pass on some of his creations to Dan and I. We tank tested them as soon as we got back to the apartment! I fished with the green with spots one and on the 5th cast had a 40"r on Thursday morning…but unfortunately lost it boat side before it was ready for a net. One of God's creations that also came to visit us on Thursday. Once again casting, I nailed this 50"r for my new PB! Dan waiting for that rod to go off just one last time! All in all we had over 30 fish, 25 over 40"s, show themselves to us. We lost at least 6 or 7 fish that outsmarted us, or we didn't hook set well enough. One had shoulders at least 8 inches wide that I had right beside the boat staring at my bait. We boated either 10 or 11 fish. A few smaller ones, but the ones to note were 44", 46", 48", a 50"r each and Dan's monster at 52"s. I really want to thank Marc Thorpe for giving us the charter of a lifetime. We talked about it on the boat and believe it was just Good Karma all around that lead us to this trip of a lifetime. We didn't have to wear the Gortex once and were fishing in tee shirts in October. We saw/caught more fish than most do in a lifetime, and that's going to be hard to repeat..but we'll be trying again next year without a doubt! Our trip almost ended tragically. 10 miles short of Ottawa we almost killed a guy walking on the side of the road. He was walking in a black shirt, black pants...carrying a 2.5 gallon gas can and he was walking ON the pavement. I saw him from 20 feet away and almost rolled the truck swerving to miss him. We damn near turned around and ran him down just for being a dumb ass. Picked my daughter up and headed down the 416/401 for home...to find the collectors closed and no access to the 400. Fog thick as pea soup we could only read signs as we went under them...but got up 409/427/27 to hand Dano off to Fern at 27/9. From there it took my daughter and I 2 1/2 hours to get home in the fog. We could see 2 passing line ticks at a time.
  13. Dano got his pics to me quicker than I thought...guess Fern's done with him for now....so here's our post. Dano will add his comments here as well. Suckered me with the photo editing job...bugger he is that Dano! lol .... As many of you know, about a year and a half ago the Comeau Family lost their entire home in Sturgeon Falls and many here on OFC donated items for an auction to raise funds for them. Marc Thorpe was one of the many donators, with a heart of gold, and I was the high bidder on a 4 day Charter with Marc. This good karma was passed on to us with 5 days of beautiful weather, 4 of them on the water with cooperative fish. Who would think you’d be out on the Larry in October in a tee shirt. Also thanks to OFC, and previous G2G’rs that I’ve been to, I’ve found a good fishing partner in Dano and called him in after being stood up by a bidder for the “2nd seat” on this trip. We had a BLAST ! The heck with welcome too….I’m leavin ! Then got delayed by 20 minutes or so while they loaded Saturday night carnage on a flat bed. Meet these two at BPS, before opening so we didn’t get stuck in the store, and I got stuck with the ugly one in the truck for the 6 or so hour drive to Montreal. Dumb ass forgot his passport…so we had to sneak by the Quebec border entrance.. lol We arrived in Terrabone and moved our stuff into Marc’s up stairs apartment. What a great set up, with no lost time staying in a motel/hotel and needing to hook up. He just walks up stairs and says “LETS GO !” Heading out Monday, somewhere on the Ottawa. Note Dano is already shedding clothes at 8am! Marc getting spooled by Dano My very first Muskie, from the Ottawa River while trolling A nice church on the Ottawa, and believe it or not I did catch my fish in front of a church…just not this one. More of that Karma me thinks! Monday nights meal ! Marc stocks the fridge…you cook it yourself. Or in our case…I made Dan do all the cooking ! A nice leisurely pace to start the mornings! That didn’t last long, as Marc worked our butts off. We trolled a bit, but most was casting… with 70% of our fish being caught casting. If you add fish on but lost and netted..that goes up to 82% casting ! My second Muskie was caught casting and was a 48” fish. It puffed some blood and we didn’t want to over do it, so I passed on the photo op, and chose to just let it go with a release shot. It wasn’t bleeding when released, so may have just been a lost tooth…but didn’t want to stress it anymore than necessary, hoping I caught another one for the “glory” shot. Dano’s first ever Muskie! What a way to start…with a 44”r trolling. We were out there minding our own business, somewhere on the Larry, when my new fishing boat went by. Gonna trade in my Lund next week, and what’s the chance of the name on the boat. Can’t read it in my low res…but it says Believe on the side of her! Darn thing did throw a 6 or 7 foot wake though. The.biggest we had to deal with out there from any ships. I picked up a high 30 – low 40 or so casting. We didn’t measure I’m just guessing. Dano sure knows how to get into this species. Here’s his second fish, caught casting. 50” and a bit ! Sunset on Tuesday evening. Dan with another 40 something, again caught casting. Marc got a couple shots of us in action. Me Dan I got a 46”r trolling on Wednesday. Dano fighting another smaller fish and him and Marc posing with it. Later on Wednesday Dano yelled out a few words I can’t type here and as Marc and I turned this 52”r shot out of the water like a ballistic missle. Straight up…cleared the water by over 2 feet. Wife couldn’t have bought the “submarine” for my camera at a better time. Still Dan’s 52. This shot really shows how big it is, in comparison to Marc’s hand. Nice healthy release of the 52
  14. Get in your truck Joe, there's room at the table. But you better hurry ! We have to have it tomorrow so the kids can do there thing and get back to Universities!
  15. Ordered a mess of baits from them back on Friday at 8PM...received when I was away on Tuesday. Included in the box 4 free baits, including a new colour of Cisco and a HUGE Cisco King that isn't even listed on their website. This was on top of the great pricing as their site is in US dollars. Also emails to say my order was shipped by Walter himself and correspondence between us tonight as well at 7PM. Top Notch all the way !
  16. If Lew can find the humour in that one...what else can I say !
  17. Last year it was first come first served..and if you were the last guy off the water you had to pull your boat. I guess because of guys like me stating that this "system" wasn't really fair to the cottages that had brought one boat vs cottages that brought three....they have gone with the reserved spot policy which makes a LOT more sense...and it's my understanding that they have one dock spot for each of their rental units. Based on that they probably should just put the cabin # on each dock, each cabin gets one spot and any extras pull their boats. Not my place...but the way I'd do it.
  18. Last year I was told I could have six people in our 2 bedroom cottage without addition charge.
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