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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Thanks Andy and Skeeter. Andy/anyone...do you know what the regs are on insurance on an Argo.. Do I need it..does it need to be plated for lake use? I'd get a scoot before I went hovercraft. But they freeze in as well when you park them!
  2. So I know I need a bigger sled for the lake... after last years slush fiasco and luckily having Ron to pull me around 1/2 the lake. Got to thinking about it and thinking maybe an Argo with tracks would be the better way to go and safer way to go to explore "new" untracked ice. How fast will these things go with tracks on them? If you do go in thru the ice....will they pull themselves out...or is it as I expect and I need to get an anchor into ice and use the winch...that's mounted on the wrong end usually ! What should I be looking for in say a 10 year old machine in way of worn out items? Way too much money new...even expensive used and don't want to get burned. Thanks for any input in advance! Wayne
  3. Norm ! And many places would be glad to take that tact as well. Alberta and BC have that exact thing in place..where people introduced Bass without permission.
  4. Does that mean we won't be able to use them as bait for chummin for Muskie anymore?
  5. yah see that slim patch on the back carpet...it's still fri ggin there! No more of them Drum'eye's in my boat Terry! You're only allowed to boat Picker'eyes from now on bud!
  6. All depends what your transom can take for weight. I had a look...only used one at TMarine is a 2004 Yamaha 115HP 4 Stroke power tilt/trim. Asking is $6500 and I can get it for less, I'm sure, if you are interested in going Yamaha. A new 115 Everrude Etec is $10,700
  7. DANG...what are they trying to do..raise the price of Carrots...just like they did with Corn?
  8. Beauty fish !!! I love how they look like bronze statues when the light is just right!
  9. Hey Terry...don't be pickin on my great great grandfather! LOL Even Mother Nature seems to know that netted open water fish farms are a bad thing Glen. Send them Jelly fish into GBay would ya to clean ours up as well.
  10. There was still LOTS of fish there...they just had lockjaw. Bet the fishing next week is top notch. It was the worst week of the year for moon cycles etc during our G2G'r and I'm startin to believe that was part of it.
  11. Well come up here Cliff...I just finished the oil line installation! Thankfully I put boards over the trench last night as we have 5 inches and growing! (that doesn't sound right somehow!)
  12. A couple hours ! LOL Seriously! I dug the first 12 feet or so in the sand backfill from the house and did the stone wall, drilled the holes etc. I then let the "crew" take over in the undisturbed stuff. My back is toast today and no way I would have got it done myself with a screwed L4 and L5. Worst thing is...I found the old original line was indeed put in a plastic pipe...I could have just had him hook it back up and he would have had to sign off my conformance.
  13. LOL MIke ! Snowing here now...not good as I have a 30 foot trench dug in the yard and we're installing pipe at 8am so I can meet this $(%@$)% comprehensive oil inspection Bull before my tanks go dry.
  14. LOL Glen.. but the ramp did cost me two Goodyear Marathon Radials to double my weekend costs PDQ!
  15. Thanks Drew...that should help me get supper down....
  16. That's not fair Connie.... I'm nots as olds as you! That said.. I haven't smoked a CIGARETTE in 45 years & 8 Months....as of tomorrow! lol
  17. Anytime Joe! You're always welcome in my boat. And for a guy that can't stand asparagas... I could have eaten another dozen of those babies.
  18. You also lose half a day moving venues Joey and that ain't right when you're on a short fishin trip. As for the "Chocolate sprinkles"...I did advise the maintenance man that the cleaning staff may need to look a tad harder next time. There was no delay between guests to cause this mouse mess...we had to wait to move in (which was fine as we arrived at noon) as our cottage still needed cleaning for us, so we went out fishing and moved in when we came back. Nothing worse than having a nice steak dinner all cooked up and then reach in the drawer for utensils to find them covered in s... ! All in all Kevin... it's a great spot to fish the BOQ from. I think the biggest issue that caused nerves to frazzle was reserved dockage. We only had one boat for our cottage, but no way I was going to get caught having to pull it out like last year... so I asked for a reserved spot. Not right that one cottage may have 4 boats and the cottage with only one boat has to pull at the end of a day in the dark! Our group had spots reserved/paid for only to come back and find your other (non-OFC) guests had taken them and knew nothing about reserved spots. Nor did your parents or your maintenance staff for that matter (we don't do that was the response). As matter of fact they thought it was a joke that we wanted to have them advise Jennifer that we'd switched spots for my 2150 baron as no way it was going in 6" of water in the dock closest to shore. "Who cares..just put it somewhere". The tempers really flared on Saturday night when your guest with the 2025 blew a gasket when Tracker tried to put his Starcraft in his (Trackers reserved) spot..and tied to the 2025 temporarily until he could find the guy and straighten it out. In this mess Gerritt's boat got moved by someone else. Nobody should be powering up and moving another guests boat.. period. I'd never totally rule out a return to Merland Park. I've lived thru the in-laws having a campground and all the work that entailed for me...and know very well it's always a work in progress. Step one for you on the next sunny day...get some non-slip tape on those docks...or throw a bucket of paint and a pail of sand right afterwards! Next...gets some stones and fill in that "trough" beside the cement ramp...where my tires went..... cutting the inner side walls. BTW...did you ever figure out what happened to the Princecraft's windshield? Weird that the BOQ is so low...when the VHF radio is reporting Lake O above datum !
  19. Not sure of any that will get you out on that short of notice. Where do you want to go...that will help people point you in the right direction. Single days outing....approx $400 to $500
  20. Good deal Bud! And also great to hear we won't be gettin any snow in Hamilton this year...since yuz is prepared and all !
  21. You never did tell me Brian....did Ralph take that collect call or what !
  22. Awfully small yearlings... The hwy 64 hatcheries releases last year were bigger than those after a few months from hatch.
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